On Friday afternoon I'm driving up to Las Vegas to spend one night -- maybe two -- to have a business meeting and to claim a rather "healthy" casino promotion which are gift cards to the one department store we regularly shop at -- Macy's.

The promotion is worth... well, it's worth a lot of money.

My wife isn't going and her concern...worry... fear is that I'm going to lose more than the promotion is worth.

And I said to her "don't worry, it ain't gonna happen."

I know it's not going to happen, because I have a plan: I'm going to play a couple of the low cost poker tournaments, plus go to my business meetings, and then do my best to get back as soon as possible, and perhaps even Saturday night.

My wife says: "impossible!"

Well, I think it is. And I thought back to the time when the two of us got in the car and drove up to LV about a year ago to attend a friend's birthday party. And that's all we did. We drove up -- went to the banquet room where the party was held -- enjoyed the party and then back to the valet and drove right back to LA. It was about 10 hours in the car, three hours in Vegas for a party, and not a bet was made.

Have you ever visited a Vegas casino -- even stayed overnight -- and didn't make a bet? Not one?

Ever make a trip to a casino, grabbed a gift promotion, and bolted without making a bet?

How did you do it???