I want to begin with Singer's announced retirement as a professional VP (something he never was) in 2009. That is the year Kane/Nestor got busted. Mickey frequently points to this timing as evidence of something, asking was it a co-incidence? My answer: Yes I think it was. I think it had absolutely nothing to do with anything. In 2009, Singer was approaching 60 years old. His credibility with his Singer VP system was shot. It had not lead to the financial rewards in books sales that he thought and hoped. Isn't that also about the time his "gig" at Gambling Today came to a crashing halt? Maybe he was just ready to move on a bit. It appears he owned an RV, although no where near the fantasy claims of 1.5 million, so maybe he was entering a travel in your 60's phase and just winding down. I don't know. Let me repeat I don't know why he announced that then. But I see no indication it had anything to do with the timing of the Kane/Nestor story that he would eventually steal for his own claim.

So news of the Kane/Nestor arrests broke in 2009 if I am not mistaken. Pretty vague though. Not a lot of details as to exactly what they had done. More a fairly frequent, casino cheaters busted type story.

In 2011, the story begins to make the news again. That is when the Wired story ran that is so often quoted. This story began to get into details, although some people that would know, claim the sequence published was intentionally published wrong. That is beyond my knowledge. The story remained in the news as the legal maneuverings occurred took place over the next couple years. Wired even updated it's story to include coverage of the legal proceedings and maneuvering.

Now during this time Singer was still a very active member of VCT, and when discussion of this story made its way to VCT, Singer even chimed in that it was nothing more than a story of cheaters, opining what they did was illegal. He would later say that was to throw people off the track? Who was on his track? Members of this forum were on his track? Ridiculous!

So after the case was eventually dismissed with whatever agreements were made (I think one guy got probation and there was some sort of agreement that neither would profit off the story) the story kind of faded away for a few years, even in the gambling community and forums.

So about 2 years ago the story resurfaced. I want to say it was the Cigar Magazine online website that basically re-ran the original Wired Story, with any updates. THIS is the time Singer desperate for a new attention seeking claim, became interested and stole the story. First he tried it out on Alan. And then he broke his claim on this forum about 16 months ago.

Now prior to breaking the story on this forum, Singer knew he would need someone credible in the community to at least semi back him up. To at least say it was possible. So he contacted both Mickeycrimm and Axelwolf, making "nice" to both, even some sort of arrangement to bury the hatchet with Mickey at which Mickey jumped.

Now to his credit, Singer had some information about this play that is viewed as not commonly known at that time. Or at least that was the perception last year. Axel now concedes this information was more widely known that he originally thought. I mean I am not exactly sure what we are talking about. Maybe the correct sequence? Something along those lines. I have frequently said Singer could have come into any such information after the fact by any number of ways.

One such way and a strong possibility is he figured it out on machines from that era that he had access to. So he could have come up with the sequence or whatever other info it was thought to be not widely known, but it would have been long after the fact. Not playing the play for 5 years for 2.8 million dollars! And there are even other ways that he could have come up with such info. Info, that as my interpretation of what Axelwolf now says, gave Singer some credibility but still left many holes in his story.

So as you would expect, Singers new claim wasn't all that well received. I mean this is a guy that had made all sorts of claims that just couldn't be for years, even decades. So people rightfully asked for something to back up this claim. Singer had no proof to offer, but always had excuses. He got rid of tax and casino information because he wasn't required to keep that. And we have been at that stand still for the last year basically, until Alan brought this back to life and to his credit offered a way that Singer could provide some supporting evidence. Show documentation of what he did with the money! Not sure why others didn't think of it. Maybe they did, but it always got buried under Singer's deflections.

This presents a problem for Singer, because financial records publicly available don't match what he has previously stated he did with the money, purchased real estate in family members names. He also is unwilling to provide any documentation of the purchase of a 1.5 million dollar EV, which he claims was purchased with the Double up bug winnings. Never proof, but always an excuse!

Now lets get into the question about looking up this publicly available information. Is that wrong? Well maybe. Sort of. I don't feel great about my part in looking up such info. But Singer continues on with these claims. I guess everyone will have to decide for themselves if using this public info to prove his claims are BS is fair. In my defense, I have only shared a recap of information that directly disputes his claims. There are plenty of things in Singers publicly available information, that is not every flattering that have absolutely nothing to do with these claims that I have not brought up. Only publicly info disputing this claim.

One of the widely controversial things that I did mention was the food stamp penalty reference. And this item is no longer there. I don't know how or why it was removed. I really don't know how that works. It may just be as simple as the 5 year period expired and that is not the kind of thing that remains permanently. Again I don't know. And because it is now gone, everyone will have to decide for themselves about that. But let me tell you why this is relevant. Like I said, I only brought up things that are in direct dispute to this claim. And if he was on food stamps at the which would have been during or after he accumulated 2.8 million dollars playing the double up.....it just doesn't square, so that was relevant and my mention of it fair. I make absolutely no judgements of anyone on food stamps or any other program. But it just doesn't square with the 2.8 million dollar claim.

This is my take of where we are. But anyone feeling I misrepresented them or something they said, feel free to chime in.