Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
So Heather did a great job and got all the bugs worked out of the video-conferencing software. Mike decided to do the interview today as soon as he saw everything was working fine on both ends. I wasn't prepared for that as I just came in from a motorcycle ride but we did it anyway. It's about a half hour in length.

I expect there'll be the usual drama and criticism whenever I show up: my nose is big, I look stupid, I sound dumb, etc. etc. But we both agree it was a fantastic interview.

Bring on the hurt!

Rob. I know you'll be reading. Mike actually invited me to be there while he interviewed you.
I didn't think there was enough investigation done prior to this interview.

Mike played softball with you, I would have never allowed that, I probably would have pulled the microphone away from Mike.

One of many questions would have been.... if you lied about all that other stuff in the past keeping up that ruse for years, why should anyone believe anything you say now?

You point blank said on the other Forum (not an exact quote) What Nestor and Kane did was illegal and I believe you said something about how they should have went to jail. Why would you say something like that in the first place? Something like that could have certainly been used against you in a court of law, basically you admitted you thought it was illegal, or at least that it could be illegal. You talk about trying to throw people off the trail, the best way to throw people off the trail is to just to keep quiet, be normal, and talk about normal things. Yet, you went out of your way to be deceptive and cantankerous to everyone on the forums for like 9 years in order to throw us off the trail, vent your anxiety, cover your ass or however you want to put it. Yes, I know Rob can't respond here, I will copy and paste it to another forum.
axel: First, as I told Mike today, the reason I released this info to you was because after 15+ years of being totally silent on something of this magnitude, I HAD to let it out. I was a professional video poker player...it was necessary to tell someone--even a top critic. Secondary is whether anyone would believe me or not. The cover-up lying for all the years gave me an untrusting reputation, yes. But it all worked. Maybe not the best approach. But again, being believed or not on the DU bug has no effect on what we're doing tomorrow.

I also see where Alan and all his AndrewG wisdom is still hung up on the RV. Fact is, if we cashed out everything we have in retirement funds I could buy two of those stupid things, with money from our careers. He couldn't see that of course because he pours all his into alimony payments and the poker machines.

Regarding why I said what Kane/Nestor did was illegal: first, silence is not golden in every scenario. These guys clearly did something I still believe was illegal--using other people's pre-existing vp winners to collect many of their jackpots on. I never did and would never do that. THAT'S the main reason for what I said on this forum.

PS: go back and read the Wired article. I just told Mike one of the few things they got right is how the bug flowed freely in at least 99 released versions of IGT GameKings between 2002-mid 2009. If I recall, it said the bug was like a cockroach, infecting every version of software released until caught. That should help.
but the double up feature that you describe that's always on with the arrows pointing down came out way before 2002. I'm not a hundred percent sure when the don't ask me again version came out but I never saw that version until after 2009 as a matter of fact I want to say I didn't even notice it until about 2012.