I looked up "Who Is Patient Zero of The Coronavirus?" On Google yesterday and there was a video that stated that The Coronavirus actually didn't start in China and actually started in a Tropical Country IIRC(Think Fiji and Tahiti) and actually started around early October 2019, not late December 2019 as most Sources claimed. In fact, the video claimed that multiple people around the world admitted that they felt unusually physically crummy even way before China confirmed their first Coronavirus Case. The video surmised that the Doctors felt that the people who reported feeling "Unusually physically crummy," before China came forward with their first Coronavirus Case," just had the Common Flu as the Common Flu was also already becoming rampant around that time. In fact, news Reports were pointing out as early as October that this Flu Season seemed particularly nasty. If the video is correct, this was actually The Flu Season mixed with early Coronavirus.