Originally Posted by Deech View Post
I had a response typed up a few hours ago and now I have to update it. I agree with all three comments from Sling, Rob, and LMR

Sling - The President's behavior is abhorrent. He is an individual that rarely, if ever, admits mistakes. Lost too many cabinet members. Resents and sometimes takes revenge on fellow Republicans that disagree with him. Goes off script and makes unique comments that make no sense. If I was an employee, I would have a difficult time working for him. If I was in business, I would have a difficult time selling to him (bankruptcies). Do you want your daughter marrying an individual similar to him (excluding the money)? I believe COVID, economy, unemployment, and the polls have sent his personality to a new extreme.

Rob - Like Rob, for the most part I live off my 401K. The President's job is to perform and not be soft. The market has done well. He has forced other countries to pay their fair share in various organizations (United Nations, etc.). He tried to work with China and North Korea. He is forcing US companies to bring back their foreign manufacturing business back home. He tried to implement tariffs on unequal trade relations. Both Boz and Keystone have agreed that you have to get past the personality. If not for COVID, Trump might have had a slight lead in the polls. Four years ago, America wanted change. Those who are older and were fortunate to put money aside, have been rewarded.

LMR - Does a President, as an individual or member of a certain party have influence on the stock market? Some believe that Republicans are more fiscally response and more friendly to big business which relates well to Wall Street. If Biden becomes President will the recent market surge stop? Is it because he is a Democrat and/or because he will likely raise taxes on higher income individuals? Six months ago I addressed comments made here about how much better Trump has done influencing the market than Obama. Granted Obama came in after a horrible 2008. COVID has impacted 2020. If you take the first 36 months of Obama 1, Obama 2, and Trump (purposely stopping at January 31st to keep COVID out of the equation) the Dow Jones collective increase was 53%, 14.5%, and 33.5%. The S&P 500 numbers were 51%, 24%, and 33%. If you add February, March, April, and May 2020 Obama 1 numbers stay the same but Obama 2 numbers increase tremendously and Trumps' fall behind Obama 2. It is not fair for any President to experience a pandemic, but these numbers do support much of what LMR states.
If I may reply one last time since you hit the crux of the matter. Trump has taken EVERYTHING America stands for and what I voted for to hide behind to secure his nomination. Tear gassing a crowd so he could pose with a Bible in front of a church was the ultimate of hypocrisy and exposure of his true intentions. Over and out.