Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
Originally Posted by monet View Post

Interesting Points.

1. Minorities in Florida and Texas seem to favor Trump but Arizona hates him now?

2. Biden flips Georgia???

3. Biden overtakes Trump in Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota?

4. Trump loses a 500k vote lead in PA??

5. Glitches and Overnight Ballot Dumps??
This back page story should be front page, but it never will be. Matt Braynard (top GOP data analyst) had set up a Gofund me page to get at the heart of the voter fraud, but Gofundme cut it off so he had to go to a different site (Give-Send-Go.com) to continue to get funding for the voter fraud investigation. Big tech is really trying to impede the investigation, just like Twitter and Facebook are trying to squelch anybody who questions the deep state:

And CNN is telling their viewers there isn’t any evidence of fraud.

Not true, they are still saying 2016 was a fraud.