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Thread: song reco

  1. #441
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Song Reco?
    Movie Reco?
    I'm pretty sure that WKRP in Cincinnati was based off this flick.

    I completely agree. This one falls smack dab in the middle of the Yacht Rock era. Fantastic songs throughout the movie. Rest in Peace Martin Mull (Johnny Fever from WKRP in Cincinati was a carbon copy of Mull's FM character DJ Eric Swan). Linda Rondstadt and Jimmy Buffet playing live in concert.
    Thanks again for the reco.

  2. #442
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    What, Me Worry?

  3. #443

  4. #444

  5. #445
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Ah, the bucolic, carefree life of the Slavic peasant....

    What, Me Worry?

  6. #446
    I had a hard time believing this song was this old from 1985.

  7. #447
    Originally Posted by theywontpayontuesday View Post
    I had a hard time believing this song was this old from 1985. I have always liked it when I had heard it and always had trouble understanding the lyrics. I have mostly heard it at the casino, so most likely I didn't hear it until it regained its popularity in 2022. I would always hear she would make a deal with God and get him to swallow up places instead of swap places.

  8. #448

  9. #449
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    What, Me Worry?

  10. #450
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    What, Me Worry?

  11. #451
    Every time I watch one 80s music video; I end up in a 4 hour click fest of 80s music videos.
    Anyways, not my favorite song posted here or video, but I just miss the creativity that everyone had.
    It was pretty sweet how new music and videos just kept pumping out every week.
    Same goes for movies.
    The big difference is that you actually had to watch MTV, VH1, VHS, or go to the Movie Theater.

  12. #452
    Ran into this version.
    Video gives off some Illuminati Satanism Vibes.
    Had to stop watching when they started slicing up the girl.
    I do enjoy some Robert Palmer though, just not this version of the song or video.
    Had to post it for shock value.
    Did David Lynch have anything to do with this... lol, jk, jk.

  13. #453
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Ran into this version.
    Video gives off some Illuminati Satanism Vibes.
    Had to stop watching when they started slicing up the girl.
    I do enjoy some Robert Palmer though, just not this version of the song or video.
    Had to post it for shock value.
    Did David Lynch have anything to do with this... lol, jk, jk.

    Great point. Full-on Satanism - they should have put the finishing touch on the video and had Satan come out, jump on the table and dance to the beat.
    Thanks for the link.

  14. #454
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Every time I watch one 80s music video; I end up in a 4 hour click fest of 80s music videos.
    Anyways, not my favorite song posted here or video, but I just miss the creativity that everyone had.
    It was pretty sweet how new music and videos just kept pumping out every week.
    Same goes for movies.
    The big difference is that you actually had to watch MTV, VH1, VHS, or go to the Movie Theater.

    This was their biggest hit by far - I always heard it on the radio. I hadn't seen this creative video before - thanks for posting.

  15. #455
    Speaking of Nu Shooz - I always really liked this smooth jazz slow jam of theirs:

  16. #456
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Speaking of Nu Shooz - I always really liked this smooth jazz slow jam of theirs:
    Not bad.
    My only complaint is that it sounds like they got too much going on.
    Maybe less instruments or synthesized music would make this easier for me to listen to.
    Of course, it does seem to be their style as I went back and listened to a couple more of their songs.

  17. #457
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Ran into this version.
    Video gives off some Illuminati Satanism Vibes.
    Had to stop watching when they started slicing up the girl.
    I do enjoy some Robert Palmer though, just not this version of the song or video.
    Had to post it for shock value.
    Did David Lynch have anything to do with this... lol, jk, jk.

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