For those who haven't read it, my blog pivoted to coronavirus back in March, and it's been accurate. Among the first entries, long before any national media had anything to say on it, I predicted that due to the way the virus exploded in Iran and Italy that it had to be either asymptomatically transmitted or airborne. The word "asymptomatic" had not yet entered the public lexicon.

The blog has gotten almost all of the numbers more or less correct as predictions were evaluated. It has predicted the course and consequences of the virus for the last eight months. It's sometimes hard to tell, as the past under high stress tends to blur, but if you go back and synch up the blog entries, comparing them to what was nationally available in the media, I was days and sometimes weeks ahead of the curve on virtually everything.

Rather than sit and respond to the nonsense some folks are posting here, I recommend people read the blog entries. With the election just weeks away, I will hopefully have less to write about in the days ahead, although there are a couple of topics I'll tackle between now and the election.

The blog foresaw the differential infection rates based on population density and family dwelling square footage before anybody had mentioned it in the national media. It called out the early opening governors and predicted infection numbers.

When Hope Hicks was announced as positive, I said that Trump was probably positive already and it was cover. I got almost everything correct, and it wasn't all that difficult.

Recently, I tackled some very politically incorrect stuff and make some observations you won't find in polite company. The blog generates no income. Zero. No ads, no links, no money for clicks. It is completely uncommercial. As an added bonus -- LOL -- it alienates most people who bet sports.

Here's a wicked piece about a subject nobody tackles:


Hunker down, folks. The second surge starts in about a week.