Here is an example of an advanced tactic that may be part of Prax's portfolio of advanced slot tactics - For slots with the Wager Saver feature do the following:
Warning: this is conjecture
1) Put in only enough money for a one unit bet, along with "your" players club card
2) Bet the unit
3) if you lose only part of the bet, opt for the wager saver bet. You will get a bet in at 100% RTP added to your slot card at 1:1 or whatever club credit is for a slot bet. Usually even money or low house edge machine bets (VP) get no credit or get something along the lines of whatever a VP machine gets unless it is a vulturable or progressive/must hit in an advantage state.
Ideally the slot in question will be a vulturable or must hit with the wager saver feature enabled such that the initial 1 unit wager is also at an advantage.