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Thread: Thanksgiving Jail Time

  1. #1
    You can protest, burn cities and police cars.
    You can celebrate the Biden Victory.
    All drugs are becoming legal.
    Celebrate Thanksgiving and go to Jail?

    You can protest and blow the city up in Oregon.
    You can not go to the gym in Oregon.

    Of course the rules do not apply to all individuals.

    Last edited by monet; 11-18-2020 at 06:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    You can protest, burn cities and police cars.
    You can celebrate the Biden Victory.
    All drugs are becoming legal.
    Celebrate Thanksgiving and go to Jail?

    You can protest and blow the city up in Oregon.
    You can not go to the gym in Oregon.

    Of course the rules do not apply to all individuals.

    Yeah it's a sad state of affairs Monet. These politicians aren't just being hypocritical, it's open hostility. They make rules and don't even care when they get caught breaking them. Rules for thee but not for me. Sure they may mouth a meaningless apology but in the end they know they will get re-elected anyways probably by a landslide. Here in my state of Oregon, Portland mayor Ted Wheeler was a complete disaster and he just won re-election by 5%. That bi-bitch Gov. Brown won by 6% in 2018. It's not even close. That's the thing that pisses me off the most, these people up and down the entire west coast will just go along with these clowns. They may not like the direction but in the end these useful idiots will put these clowns right back in office.

    As for me on Thanksgiving, we will be defying the Governor's order of a 6 person limit for all social gatherings. Right now we are hosting a confirmed count of nine with possibly a few more.

  3. #3
    In El Paso they've brought in the refrigerated trucks as morgues. Using inmates to move the corpses around.

    Those trucks should be used for delivering turkeys if not for this fake virus.

  4. #4
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    In El Paso they've brought in the refrigerated trucks as morgues. Using inmates to move the corpses around.

    Those trucks should be used for delivering turkeys if not for this fake virus.
    Fuck El Paso, never liked it since the Marty Robbins song.

    As for anyone who cancels Thanksgiving with family and friends, they probably need to be locked up, because they are mentally ill.

    And still 99.8% of people that get it under 75 are fine.

    This country is filled with pussies and tools. No wonder most are barely making it in life, yet willingly shell out $10-$13 a month for every new streaming service, thinking it’s only $10-$13 a month.

    Fucking morons deserve everything they get.

  5. #5
    [/QUOTE]As for anyone who cancels Thanksgiving with family and friends, they probably need to be locked up, because they are mentally ill.

    And still 99.8% of people that get it under 75 are fine.

    This country is filled with pussies and tools. No wonder most are barely making it in life, yet willingly shell out $10-$13 a month for every new streaming service, thinking it’s only $10-$13 a month.

    Fucking morons deserve everything they get.[/QUOTE]

    So heading into Thanksgiving, Gov. Brown wants people to snitch on their neighbors now if they see a gathering of more than 6 people.

    What is it with these liberal progressive "leaders" that they think they can just impose unconstitutional mandates. And why do liberal progressive douchebags keep re-electing these assholes?

    Yes Boz, the country is filled with pussies and tools.

    Our party is still on.

  6. #6
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    So heading into Thanksgiving, Gov. Brown wants people to snitch on their neighbors now if they see a gathering of more than 6 people.

    What is it with these liberal progressive "leaders" that they think they can just impose unconstitutional mandates. And why do liberal progressive douchebags keep re-electing these assholes?

    Yes Boz, the country is filled with pussies and tools.

    Our party is still on.
    It's kind of funny how they call people racist or claim they are using hate speech while telling you to rat on your neighbors.
    See Something Say Something Campaign at work yet again.
    Rise of the Social Justice Warrior Nazis I suppose.

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    So heading into Thanksgiving, Gov. Brown wants people to snitch on their neighbors now if they see a gathering of more than 6 people.

    What is it with these liberal progressive "leaders" that they think they can just impose unconstitutional mandates. And why do liberal progressive douchebags keep re-electing these assholes?

    Yes Boz, the country is filled with pussies and tools.

    Our party is still on.
    It's kind of funny how they call people racist or claim they are using hate speech while telling you to rat on your neighbors.
    See Something Say Something Campaign at work yet again.
    Rise of the Social Justice Warrior Nazis I suppose.
    Total BS. This kind of shit is just going to hasten the coming civil war.

  8. #8
    In Oregon you can have cocaine and heroin for the holidays. But God help you if you have your mother over for Thanksgiving

  9. #9
    NYC Synagogue Fined For Massive Maskless Wedding
    New York Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Monday that an Orthodox Brooklyn synagogue would be fined $15,000 for hosting a secret wedding packed with thousands of maskless guests, CBS New York reported.
    Not too bad.
    That's only a little over 2 dollars per person.

    Fucking Scam lol.
    How is a wedding with over 7,000 people secret???
    Everyone knew... come on... go fly a kite.

    Last edited by monet; 11-24-2020 at 02:00 PM.

  10. #10
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    So heading into Thanksgiving, Gov. Brown wants people to snitch on their neighbors now if they see a gathering of more than 6 people.

    What is it with these liberal progressive "leaders" that they think they can just impose unconstitutional mandates. And why do liberal progressive douchebags keep re-electing these assholes?

    Yes Boz, the country is filled with pussies and tools.

    Our party is still on.
    It's kind of funny how they call people racist or claim they are using hate speech while telling you to rat on your neighbors.
    See Something Say Something Campaign at work yet again.
    Rise of the Social Justice Warrior Nazis I suppose.
    Yes Monet, but it's not just the rise of the SJW Nazis, they're risen and they can't be reasoned with. Kinda like a Terminator, lol.
    I suppose it's the same unreasonable attitude I would have if one tried to tell me that I don't need all the guns that I have or I can't have more than 10 round magazines like Ca. GTFO!

    That's the thing, when the Right is in power liberals don't get hurt. They generally pay less in taxes, less regulation, and still have their precious abortion. Sure some of their comrades might not get to sneak over the border or fly in as freely, but they don't get hurt. The economy generally does well.

    But when the Left is in power non members of the Free Shit Army get hurt. We pay more in taxes, incur more regulation, pay more for fuel. Pay more for healthcare or for some, pay for the privilege of NOT having insurance. We have 1st & 2nd amendment rights chipped away at.

    We get HURT when the Left is in power.

  11. #11
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    NYC Synagogue Fined For Massive Maskless Wedding
    New York Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Monday that an Orthodox Brooklyn synagogue would be fined $15,000 for hosting a secret wedding packed with thousands of maskless guests, CBS New York reported.
    Not too bad.
    That's only a little over 2 dollars per person.

    Fucking Scam lol.
    How is a wedding with over 7,000 people secret???
    Everyone knew... come on... go fly a kite.

    Of course this Nazi, Bill de Blasio will condemn Jews!

  12. #12
    I just got back from the grocery store on a mad spending spree.
    Turkey, Bone in Rib Eye, All the Trimmings and more...

    I seen this tweet about Thanksgiving and how everyone is going to die from flying in airplanes and the Fake Virus.
    You can't get away from these Twitter Spies constantly ratting on everyone.!/x/status/1329945642026684418

  13. #13
    Eight days ago on Monday, I attended an annual remembrance mass for families of lost parishioners throughout the year, and around 400 people gathered in a small church, and it was rather crowded. There was no way I was going to miss that mass.

  14. #14
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    There was no way I was going to miss that mass.
    Few things in life are absolute. How special of a relationship.

    Given no absolute joy, without absolute pain, there is no doubt that pain brings us closer to God.

  15. #15
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    There was no way I was going to miss that mass.
    Few things in life are absolute. How special of a relationship.

    Given no absolute joy, without absolute pain, there is no doubt that pain brings us closer to God.
    Nice words of wisdom Garnabby, and all so true.

  16. #16
    Thanksgiving is just another day but if you partake in the tradition, I hope you don't get fined or go to jail.
    I'm up too early but figure might as well get some things prepared.
    I usually buy some stupid 20lb+ turkey because "AMERICA" and of the bigger is better mentality.
    This year I'm going with an 11lb Turkey that is supposedly "Fresh".
    Instead of the oven, I'm opting for the weber grill.
    Be careful out there as some states are going to question your kids of how many people you had over for Thanksgiving dinner.
    Remember to wear your mask because its not about you, its about the consideration of your neighbor.
    Masks save Lives!
    Especially the cloth and paper ones.
    As tableplay has illustrated for us, the virus can not get you when you have your mask off and are in a seated position.

  17. #17
    Monet, I hope you and your wife are having a nice Thanksgiving day. I hope that you post a few pictures of your cooking skills.

  18. #18
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Monet, I hope you and your wife are having a nice Thanksgiving day. I hope that you post a few pictures of your cooking skills.
    I didn't try very hard this year.
    Supposed to be drinking salads.
    Tradition is hard to give up.
    I went very basic.
    Everything Homemade.
    Grilling an 11lb Turkey only took 2 hours.
    I used far too much lump charcoal.
    I used too much Mesquite.
    Careful with that to anyone who grills using wood.
    Turkey came out tender and juicy though so that's a plus.
    Not good but good enough.

    Grilled/Smoked Turkey
    Sausage Stuffing
    Mashed Potatoes
    Brussels Sprouts with Garlic, Mushrooms and Red Bell Peppers
    Cranberry Sauce
    Turkey Gravy
    Store Bought Pumpkin Buttercream Cake for something different

    People, who are hooked on Traditional Pumpkin Pie, were not amused with my deviation.
    Leftover cranberry sauce goes well with plain yogurt.
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by monet; 11-27-2020 at 09:02 AM.

  19. #19
    Wow, very impressive Monet. Everything that I ate was already stored prepared but it was good none the less. I do admire your cooking skills, as well as your AP skills. Tough break for you with the farm dream now gone, but hopefully, your new adventures when you purchase the trailer will be outstanding.

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Wow, very impressive Monet. Everything that I ate was already stored prepared but it was good none the less. I do admire your cooking skills, as well as your AP skills. Tough break for you with the farm dream now gone, but hopefully, your new adventures when you purchase the trailer will be outstanding.
    It's tough to pull the trigger on things like that.
    Wall Tents vs RVs vs Farms.
    Much easier at 20 years old but I didn't have the money.
    At 45 I have the money but not enough ambition.
    I'm sure you understand all this, I was just typing out my thoughts.
    It's all about the mind is willing but the spirit is weak.
    I'm probably just dreaming on most of this stuff and make the mistake of posting about it like it is fact.
    Too many factors, these days, with other people to consider.
    When I was 20 I would just do it.
    It's like wanting to buy the RV and reading all the negative reviews and problems with upkeep and depreciation.
    I still want to do the Farm but when I get into all the paperwork and logistics of it I just turn the TV on and bathe in its never-ending glow.
    My main problem is I have a wife who isn't onboard with the idea of a Farm or RV/Camping.
    It would be much easier if she wanted it and was more agreeable.
    That is probably the main roadblock in my path.
    Better to keep her happy and not put too much stress on her forcing her into situations she doesn't want.
    In the end, in my mind, everything is hers anyways.
    That is the best approach for marriage, IMO.
    If she wanted out of the marriage I wouldn't fight her.
    Just take everything and I'll wander into the woods or mountains alone.
    I'm not a complete idiot.
    I have some hidden assets in case of emergency.
    Last edited by monet; 11-27-2020 at 10:20 AM.

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