LOL. Get some perspective, fellas.

The first line of the "category comparison" says it all.

This is going to wind up just like the "coronavirus is like the flu" nonsense. The comparison was made back in February and March and people screamed to holy hell how Covid-19 was no worse than the flu. Well, a year later, not so much like the flu.

See, that first line is (by choice) comparing seven months of one thing with one day of another, like that's a reasonable thing to do. The author conveniently presumes that the right wings protests will have a one-day, one-event duration.

That is prima facie ridiculous.

When the smoke clears from 2021 right wing damage and deaths, then you can compare them to seven months of protests.

Or, conversely, rather than choosing his specific purposeful starting points and ending points for the comparison, as the category author has done, one could choose to extend the date back to April 19, 1995 and compare that time bracket of right wing deaths versus BLM deaths.

I was driving cross-country and stopped in to see the Oklahoma City damage four months after the event. So I tend to remember it.

Choosing start and end dates to make a point. Just understand that is what the author is doing, and different points can be made with different start and end dates.