I didn't vote for him but I feel a lot better with his hands on the nuclear trigger than I did with Trump.

Biden is too liberal for my taste but I believe him to be a basically honest person and about as transparent a politician as can be found at upper levels of our government.

The Hunter / China issue is of some concern, but my qualms are nothing as compared to my concerns about Trump.

Overall I now feel something that there's been a lack of for four years: hope for America and the world.

I wonder if one reason he named Harris as VP was to have a hedge against getting assassinated?

Hopefully the gun-toting right wing wackos will stay the hell away from DC: they had their fifteen minutes of fame, they made their point, now it's time to move on.

Oh yeah, I thought his inaugural speech to be heartfelt and sincere, two qualities I never detected in Trump's speeches rants.