Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
I wondered what impact being high on cannabis might have on one's gambling behavior.

Still abstaining, I gambled last weekend and my experience was different: I had more control over my gambling behavior than when I've been high.

For example, early on I got up seven hundred and rather than stick around and keep playing I ended it for that day, happy with the win and not craving "more."

Not sure how probative this is, but if cannabis use makes folks more willing to keep playing then the casinos might want to encourage its use, the same as they do alcohol.
Congratulations on leaving early when you were up a lot of money instead of staying because you wanted to get even more money. My Casino Friend told me he was up $500 and ended up blowing all of the $500 back, and lost all of his original Bankroll. He was disgusted and angry with himself for doing that. I tried to console him by saying something like,"At least you were playing with your Player's Club Card and got a lot of points and Comps. He gave me a little smile like the "Yeah, I got a lot of Points and Comps, but I still shouldn't have blown my entire $500 win and my entire bankroll too."