Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
I'm going to guess that Mr Kewlj will find that the Vegas In N Out restaurants have some of the HIGHEST PAID managers because of their high volume.

Sorry Mr Kewlj.
Could be "andrew". but I specifically left out the strip In and Out (although Wynn and Tropicana) In and out is less than half a mile away. Everyone knows there is 2 different Las vegas's when it comes to strip pricing and I assume that would be reflected in pay rate. So I picked 2 non strip locations, but still reasonably close.

Let me tell, you if In and Out managers are making $100k to $160k in Las Vegas, where cost of living is pretty low, they are doing ok. You can live like a king in vegas on 100k....I should know.

I still find it hard to beleive In and out, off strip here in vegas is paying 100k. If they are, I lose the bet and will pay the $500 for wagering on something I am not an expert about. But it really doesn't change the fact that the original statement by blackhole, indending to put me down by generically saying fast food managers make what I make, has been proven wrong.