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Thread: Documentaries

  1. #661
    I'm not a big fan of his "sly" material but this had some good jokes in it.
    Kurp wasn't very good as he was overacting way too much for my taste.
    I can't even watch Jimmy Dore anymore, as all he does, is rant about Israel and Palestine for 3 hours a day.
    And when he is finished with that, he goes on a 3-minute campaign trying to sell me garbage from his "sponsors".
    Not to mention his shameless plugs for his "tour" dates.

  2. #662
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I'm not a big fan of his "sly" material but this had some good jokes in it.
    Kurp wasn't very good as he was overacting way too much for my taste.
    I can't even watch Jimmy Dore anymore, as all he does, is rant about Israel and Palestine for 3 hours a day.
    And when he is finished with that, he goes on a 3-minute campaign trying to sell me garbage from his "sponsors".
    Not to mention his shameless plugs for his "tour" dates.
    Pretty funny stuff, thanks for the reco. I have only watched some of his his Stallone episodes (which are good IMHO) so I can't compare them to his other material.

  3. #663
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Pretty funny stuff, thanks for the reco. I have only watched some of his his Stallone episodes (which are good IMHO) so I can't compare them to his other material.
    His Fresh Prince of D.C. (Biden Show) is pretty funny.
    My favorite is his 15-Minute Jack bits.
    Those are good.
    And that Michael Jackson Song/Video was hilarious.
    He's got great ideas/material but he's so low key.
    When he was on Rogan he barely talked, and Kurt cock blocked him the whole time.
    The guy should be as big as someone like that phony, Tom Segura, but I don't think Dunnigan cares as much.
    I thought it was funny when he started in on Abraham, Ishmael, Juniper and Jabroni lol.

  4. #664
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Pretty funny stuff, thanks for the reco. I have only watched some of his his Stallone episodes (which are good IMHO) so I can't compare them to his other material.
    His Fresh Prince of D.C. (Biden Show) is pretty funny.
    My favorite is his 15-Minute Jack bits.
    Those are good.
    And that Michael Jackson Song/Video was hilarious.
    He's got great ideas/material but he's so low key.
    When he was on Rogan he barely talked, and Kurt cock blocked him the whole time.
    The guy should be as big as someone like that phony, Tom Segura, but I don't think Dunnigan cares as much.
    I thought it was funny when he started in on Abraham, Ishmael, Juniper and Jabroni lol.
    I think I first heard about him on America's Untold Stories, but I'm not positive about that. I have not watched AUS in several months since Groubert degraded into a complete lunatic.

  5. #665
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    I think I first heard about him on America's Untold Stories, but I'm not positive about that. I have not watched AUS in several months since Groubert degraded into a complete lunatic.
    Yeah, I was catching onto his hypocrisy early on.
    I still listen to the Friday show when doing the dishes because I don't have too many choices right now.
    It's disheartening when they get into super chats and sponsors.
    Once someone starts that shit, they lose me.
    Most of the podcasts have all deteriorated into some form of show business click bait.
    It is a little bit funny to watch how fame and fortune really changes them.
    They don't believe half of what they are talking about, nor do they understand it.
    They are all basically regurgitating the same exact talking points.
    I listen to Dave Smith and realize how phony and dumb he really is.
    I don't understand how they can say something like I don't remember, or I think this or that but have super strong opinions on very complicated subjects.
    The world is so Fucked Up that hack comedians, who know nothing, are preaching to us about World Policy.
    Imagine growing up in Middle Class America and thinking you understand the problems of the Middle East!
    Or that you can tell us what is right or wrong about it.

  6. #666
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    I think I first heard about him on America's Untold Stories, but I'm not positive about that. I have not watched AUS in several months since Groubert degraded into a complete lunatic.
    Yeah, I was catching onto his hypocrisy early on.
    I still listen to the Friday show when doing the dishes because I don't have too many choices right now.
    It's disheartening when they get into super chats and sponsors.
    Once someone starts that shit, they lose me.
    Most of the podcasts have all deteriorated into some form of show business click bait.
    It is a little bit funny to watch how fame and fortune really changes them.
    They don't believe half of what they are talking about, nor do they understand it.
    They are all basically regurgitating the same exact talking points.
    I listen to Dave Smith and realize how phony and dumb he really is.
    I don't understand how they can say something like I don't remember, or I think this or that but have super strong opinions on very complicated subjects.
    The world is so Fucked Up that hack comedians, who know nothing, are preaching to us about World Policy.
    Imagine growing up in Middle Class America and thinking you understand the problems of the Middle East!
    Or that you can tell us what is right or wrong about it.
    Great points. Jack Rhysider has clever former criminals (black hat hackers) on his channel and DoingFedTime (Sam Bent) is a clever former criminal (former Darknet drug vendor), so I like listening to their channels. I like how oblivious and fearless these motherfuckers are to incarceration along with their stories of raking in thousands a day illegally.

  7. #667
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    I think I first heard about him on America's Untold Stories, but I'm not positive about that. I have not watched AUS in several months since Groubert degraded into a complete lunatic.
    Yeah, I was catching onto his hypocrisy early on.
    I still listen to the Friday show when doing the dishes because I don't have too many choices right now.
    It's disheartening when they get into super chats and sponsors.
    Once someone starts that shit, they lose me.
    Most of the podcasts have all deteriorated into some form of show business click bait.
    It is a little bit funny to watch how fame and fortune really changes them.
    They don't believe half of what they are talking about, nor do they understand it.
    They are all basically regurgitating the same exact talking points.
    I listen to Dave Smith and realize how phony and dumb he really is.
    I don't understand how they can say something like I don't remember, or I think this or that but have super strong opinions on very complicated subjects.
    The world is so Fucked Up that hack comedians, who know nothing, are preaching to us about World Policy.
    Imagine growing up in Middle Class America and thinking you understand the problems of the Middle East!
    Or that you can tell us what is right or wrong about it.
    Great points. Jack Rhysider has clever former criminals (black hat hackers) on his channel and DoingFedTime (Sam Bent) is a clever former criminal (former Darknet drug vendor), so I like listening to their channels. I like how oblivious and fearless these motherfuckers are to incarceration along with their stories of raking in thousands a day illegally.
    Thanks for the Reco!

  8. #668
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post

    Yeah, I was catching onto his hypocrisy early on.
    I still listen to the Friday show when doing the dishes because I don't have too many choices right now.
    It's disheartening when they get into super chats and sponsors.
    Once someone starts that shit, they lose me.
    Most of the podcasts have all deteriorated into some form of show business click bait.
    It is a little bit funny to watch how fame and fortune really changes them.
    They don't believe half of what they are talking about, nor do they understand it.
    They are all basically regurgitating the same exact talking points.
    I listen to Dave Smith and realize how phony and dumb he really is.
    I don't understand how they can say something like I don't remember, or I think this or that but have super strong opinions on very complicated subjects.
    The world is so Fucked Up that hack comedians, who know nothing, are preaching to us about World Policy.
    Imagine growing up in Middle Class America and thinking you understand the problems of the Middle East!
    Or that you can tell us what is right or wrong about it.
    Great points. Jack Rhysider has clever former criminals (black hat hackers) on his channel and DoingFedTime (Sam Bent) is a clever former criminal (former Darknet drug vendor), so I like listening to their channels. I like how oblivious and fearless these motherfuckers are to incarceration along with their stories of raking in thousands a day illegally.
    Thanks for the Reco!
    No problem. Here's one that will likely provide you with the general vibe of both channels:
    Last edited by tableplay; 12-11-2023 at 11:14 AM.

  9. #669
    Looks a little rickety but you know they say we did it, so I guess we did it!
    Maybe I downloaded a fake picture and the real one looks sturdier?
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  10. #670
    Is that Eugene pulling the lunar Rover out of the cargo compartment?

    Name:  eugene_cernan-full-a.jpg
Views: 890
Size:  1.06 MB
    Last edited by MaxPen; 12-17-2023 at 10:24 PM.

  11. #671

  12. #672
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Looks a little rickety but you know they say we did it, so I guess we did it!
    Maybe I downloaded a fake picture and the real one looks sturdier?
    They should have scoured the junk yard for better parts IMHO.

  13. #673
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Looks a little rickety but you know they say we did it, so I guess we did it!
    Maybe I downloaded a fake picture and the real one looks sturdier?
    They should have scoured the junk yard for better parts IMHO.
    Guess who old Monet ended up selling those vibrating chairs, of his, to. Ha.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + TheGrimReaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Survived by MHF.

    Blog at

  14. #674
    Please disregard this if you have already seen it. This is a fun bashfest between Graham Hancock (alternative archeological theorist and JRE regular) and Flint Dibble (mainstream archaeologist):

  15. #675
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Please disregard this if you have already seen it. This is a fun bashfest between Graham Hancock (alternative archeological theorist and JRE regular) and Flint Dibble (mainstream archaeologist):
    Not too bad but I watched it 3 times and fell asleep to it in the background every single time.
    I enjoy watching people argue in person but 3 hours of it on a podcast irks me for some reason.
    I have no clue which one of them is right or wrong.
    They are probably both wrong.
    The Dave Smith 2v2 debate was the same result for me.
    I just fell asleep at the beginning.
    I listened to most of the Moon Landing JRE episode, but Bart Sibrel wasn't very good at proving anything.
    He was just like, it's fake, the end.
    Tucker Carlson has the same theory that I had over 25 years ago.
    UFOs are something to do Angels and Demons.

    I also think Dave Smith is a huge phony, but I find him easy to listen to in the background when I'm doing the dishes.
    I find that odd since I'm usually calling him an idiot lol.
    I just think he is all about clicks, advertisement and money while vaping.
    His last episode was odd when he got upset at Rogan and Tucker for doing a pod right after his debate.
    He thinks it took eyeballs away from him lol.
    He said it was a dick move!

  16. #676
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I have no clue which one of them is right or wrong.
    They are probably both wrong.
    Yes. One thing I noticed towards the end of that episode, is that, regardless of who knows more of the truth, Flint Dibble is a turd.

    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I listened to most of the Moon Landing JRE episode, but Bart Sibrel wasn't very good at proving anything.
    He was just like, it's fake, the end.
    Tucker Carlson has the same theory that I had over 25 years ago.
    UFOs are something to do Angels and Demons.
    Sibrel really got on Jaime's nerves. I'm not sure I have seen Jaime get that worked up before, but then I haven't seen a lot of the episodes, so maybe he has gotten that worked up or even more so than this episode. I don't see how people can dismiss the idea that the moon landings are fake with all the red flags. However, one thing Sibrel doesn't seem to understand is that something can be fake, but it does not necessarily mean the underlying event is fake.
    For example, if someone produces a fake video of Kevin Durant dunking a basketball, just because it is a fake, it doesn't mean that it proves that Kevin Durant can't dunk a basketball - of course he can dunk a basketball. As Joe points out, some photos might be fake and dialog scripted, but it does not necessarily mean that the moon landings were fake. Basically, if one is to prove that they are fake, these faked pictures wouldn't be useful for doing so taken as evidence by themselves, although in conjunction with other things (Wernher von Braun's memo about how there was only a 1 in 10000 chance to get a moon landing right on the 1st try, top NASA officials quitting just after the moon landings, the inadvertent 2014 admission that certain things weren't solvable with 2014 tech for a project of that time that were somehow solved back in the late 1960's prior to the 1st moon landing etc.) it could definitely lend support.
    Another interesting aspect of that podcast that I learned was the detonation of a thermonuclear bomb in the earth's atmosphere (

    Here's an article about a guy who resigned from NASA in 2019 after being tasked with getting astronauts back on the moon (assuming we landed on the moon in1969) in 2024:

  17. #677
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I have no clue which one of them is right or wrong.
    They are probably both wrong.
    Yes. One thing I noticed towards the end of that episode, is that, regardless of who knows more of the truth, Flint Dibble is a turd.

    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I listened to most of the Moon Landing JRE episode, but Bart Sibrel wasn't very good at proving anything.
    He was just like, it's fake, the end.
    Tucker Carlson has the same theory that I had over 25 years ago.
    UFOs are something to do Angels and Demons.
    Sibrel really got on Jaime's nerves. I'm not sure I have seen Jaime get that worked up before, but then I haven't seen a lot of the episodes, so maybe he has gotten that worked up or even more so than this episode. I don't see how people can dismiss the idea that the moon landings are fake with all the red flags. However, one thing Sibrel doesn't seem to understand is that something can be fake, but it does not necessarily mean the underlying event is fake.
    For example, if someone produces a fake video of Kevin Durant dunking a basketball, just because it is a fake, it doesn't mean that it proves that Kevin Durant can't dunk a basketball - of course he can dunk a basketball. As Joe points out, some photos might be fake and dialog scripted, but it does not necessarily mean that the moon landings were fake. Basically, if one is to prove that they are fake, these faked pictures wouldn't be useful for doing so taken as evidence by themselves, although in conjunction with other things (Wernher von Braun's memo about how there was only a 1 in 10000 chance to get a moon landing right on the 1st try, top NASA officials quitting just after the moon landings, the inadvertent 2014 admission that certain things weren't solvable with 2014 tech for a project of that time that were somehow solved back in the late 1960's prior to the 1st moon landing etc.) it could definitely lend support.
    Another interesting aspect of that podcast that I learned was the detonation of a thermonuclear bomb in the earth's atmosphere (

    Here's an article about a guy who resigned from NASA in 2019 after being tasked with getting astronauts back on the moon (assuming we landed on the moon in1969) in 2024:
    I guess Rogan was drinking with this guy in some Pub and decided to put him on lol.
    I think Flint Dibble could beat this guy in a 1v1 debate.
    At this point, Rogan might as well talk to Billy Carson, but I think Billy shot his load over at Flagrant 2.

    Last edited by monet; 05-01-2024 at 05:09 AM.

  18. #678
    The clear cups are more impressive...

  19. #679
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I guess Rogan was drinking with this guy in some Pub and decided to put him on lol.
    I think Flint Dibble could beat this guy in a 1v1 debate.
    At this point, Rogan might as well talk to Billy Carson, but I think Billy shot his load over at Flagrant 2.
    Joe may have seen him on Koncrete's (Danny Jones) podcast and decided that he could bring in some views for Joe's rapidly declining show (now you can even watch Joe's full episodes on youtube again). It wouldn't surprise me to see Billy Carson on Rogan in the near future - you made a good prediction.

  20. #680
    Somewhat decent critique of the turd Flint Dibble, however I am surprised the critique didn't mention how this libtard cunt tried to beg Joe's audience at the end of that episode to keep his gravytrain university job in tact by donating to archaeology departments at Universities.

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