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Thread: Documentaries

  1. #1
    Probably some of the toughest people on the planet.
    Somewhat Long and Redundant but all in all I found it interesting.

  2. #2
    Back in 2009 I was in the UK with a friend. We drove down to Wales because my friend has no problem driving on the left side of the road or dodging sheep on one lane roads (or waiting them out). My friend wanted to get some souvenirs such as pottery for his family and friends. A man (master craftsman) we met whom he bought some souvenirs/pottery from built his home and shop from scratch (wood) and built the tools to build his home and shop from scratch. I've had self-esteem issues ever since.

    Anyhow thanks for the reco.

  3. #3
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Back in 2009 I was in the UK with a friend. We drove down to Wales because my friend has no problem driving on the left side of the road or dodging sheep on one lane roads (or waiting them out). My friend wanted to get some souvenirs such as pottery for his family and friends. A man (master craftsman) we met whom he bought some souvenirs/pottery from built his home and shop from scratch (wood) and built the tools to build his home and shop from scratch. I've had self-esteem issues ever since.

    Anyhow thanks for the reco.
    Thanks for the story and I get your point.
    I watched this whole documentary and realized I could never handle it.
    This is something you have to do in your youth or be born into.
    These guys are working in -40C weather, which is also -40F.
    The point is its obviously Fucking Hard and they live on a steady diet of what looks like Sucker Fish.
    They call it Burbot.
    So much for "too much mercury" in a constant diet of fish.
    I do believe that they are Happy People.
    I'm just too corrupted with Easy Living.

    The dog running up to 100 miles behind the snowmobile and in the dark was insane.
    Hard to believe or imagine.
    Supposedly, it is the only breed in the world that can accomplish the feat.
    They say its a Northern Lika Dog... must be some type of Siberian Husky which makes perfect sense.
    Starts around the 39 minute mark of video #4 (Winter).
    Also the guy travels all day to get to one of his temporary shelters only to find out that a tree smashed in the roof and a bear destroyed the inside/supplies.
    It's impressive that he never gives up and just deals with it.
    According to his story, his first year he barely had any supplies and nobody showed up with his wood stove as promised.
    His buddy gave up but he made a life out of it after surviving the brutal winter.
    After the winter you get to hang out with a month or two of mosquitoes and another bug that is even worse.
    As you already pointed out... you think you are tough until you see or meet people like this.
    Last edited by monet; 04-23-2021 at 06:48 AM.

  4. #4
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    Not a documentary but a very interesting, strange Russian flick about hard times in a hard land: "Hard to be a God."

    What, Me Worry?

  5. #5
    Here's one for you. I watch it every year as a meditative prep. If you want some perspective on how alien our culture and surroundings are to our genetics.


  6. #6
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    This is something you have to do in your youth or be born into.
    Yes, that is exactly what must be.

  7. #7
    Not exactly a documentary but this was finally a decent podcast from Joe Rogan if you got the time tableplay.
    This Libertarian makes a lot of good points about our current world problem and problems in America.
    I don't agree with every point but I agree with at least 95% if not more.
    The problem is that I don't believe we can get out of the direction we are headed in.
    It appears we have gone past the point of no return IMO.
    Get ready for the Covid Passport Gestapo or worse problems in the near future.

    I don't know where you linked the podcasts before without Spotify.
    If you have interest, I know you'll find it.
    It's Podcast #1639 with Dave Smith.

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Not exactly a documentary but this was finally a decent podcast from Joe Rogan if you got the time tableplay.
    This Libertarian makes a lot of good points about our current world problem and problems in America.
    I don't agree with every point but I agree with at least 95% if not more.
    The problem is that I don't believe we can get out of the direction we are headed in.
    It appears we have gone past the point of no return IMO.
    Get ready for the Covid Passport Gestapo or worse problems in the near future.

    I don't know where you linked the podcasts before without Spotify.
    If you have interest, I know you'll find it.
    It's Podcast #1639 with Dave Smith.
    Thanks very much Monet, I will listen to it. Here is the link:
    Cheers, TP.

  9. #9
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Not exactly a documentary but this was finally a decent podcast from Joe Rogan if you got the time tableplay.
    This Libertarian makes a lot of good points about our current world problem and problems in America.
    I don't agree with every point but I agree with at least 95% if not more.
    The problem is that I don't believe we can get out of the direction we are headed in.
    It appears we have gone past the point of no return IMO.
    Get ready for the Covid Passport Gestapo or worse problems in the near future.

    I don't know where you linked the podcasts before without Spotify.
    If you have interest, I know you'll find it.
    It's Podcast #1639 with Dave Smith.
    Thanks very much Monet, I will listen to it. Here is the link:
    Cheers, TP.
    A lot of great points as you mentioned Monet. Thanks again for the reco.

  10. #10
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    A lot of great points as you mentioned Monet. Thanks again for the reco.
    He made a lot of sense but I didn't agree with him that Trump should be in prison lol.
    I never heard of Dave Smith before so I found his podcast and listened to some of his recent stuff.
    I do agree on many of his stances but I don't think he would stand a chance on the Libertarian Ticket for President.
    If he was serious, he should do something like AOC has done and target something that he could actually win and get his foot in the door in Congress.
    First thing he should do is get rid of his co-host/friend/pal.
    It feels like he is losing all credibility bantering with that guy IMO.
    That sounds harsh but the way his show is set up he either needs to be ranting by himself or interviewing political guests.
    I need to read up more about the Libertarian Party because the Ideology is making more sense to me.
    Not sure how Mission146 can consider himself somewhat of a Libertarian when he thinks the Constitution is outdated and irrelevant in modern times.
    The whole basis for Libertarians seems to be the love of the Constitution, Bill of Rights... etc etc.

  11. #11
    Originally Posted by monet View Post

    He made a lot of sense but I didn't agree with him that Trump should be in prison lol.
    I never heard of Dave Smith before so I found his podcast and listened to some of his recent stuff.
    I do agree on many of his stances but I don't think he would stand a chance on the Libertarian Ticket for President.
    If he was serious, he should do something like AOC has done and target something that he could actually win and get his foot in the door in Congress.
    First thing he should do is get rid of his co-host/friend/pal.
    It feels like he is losing all credibility bantering with that guy IMO.
    That sounds harsh but the way his show is set up he either needs to be ranting by himself or interviewing political guests.
    I need to read up more about the Libertarian Party because the Ideology is making more sense to me.
    Not sure how Mission146 can consider himself somewhat of a Libertarian when he thinks the Constitution is outdated and irrelevant in modern times.
    The whole basis for Libertarians seems to be the love of the Constitution, Bill of Rights... etc etc.
    I can tell you that I've warmed to the Constitution in recent years, Monet. If not to the Constitution, then at least its original intent. Let's also not forget that the Constitution did provide a mechanism by which errors, or things that would become errors (due to lack of foresight) could be fixed---Amendments. In other words, the Constitution was never meant to be unconditional.

    The most fundamental concepts and protections in the Constitution are quite agreeable to me. The right to be secure in one's own property and in one's own person. The principles of Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Separation of Church and State and the concept of free association is also paramount.

    In my view, many people who consider themselves Libertarians are somewhat similar to me. We basically started as people who were way on the political left both socially and economically, WAY on the left in my case, who realized that the far left will stop at nothing to consolidate as much power as possible in the Federal Government thereby depriving the individual states of their rights to limited self-governance that the Tenth Amendment would otherwise convey upon them. Who the POTUS is or is not really shouldn't be that big of a contentious issue, and it wouldn't be, if the Federal Government didn't have its hands in shit that it shouldn't be involved with in the first place.

    Another thing is that there is a difference between equality and fairness. Libertarians support equality under the law, but the Far Left has a skewed notion of what constitutes, "Fairness," and places a high priority on achieving that, even if, in doing so, they cause things to no longer be equal. They also ignore the prohibitive costs associated with achieving, "Fairness," because, despite generally being well-educated, rudimentary mathematical concepts seem to have escaped them.

    Finally, when looking at my personal transition from one to another, I see things such as, "Political Correctness," "Being Woke," and, "Cancel Culture," as nothing less than an unadulterated assault on the concept of Freedom of Speech. Granted, those Liberals mostly don't attempt (from what I can tell) to use the Government as a formal mechanism to achieve the ends of silencing other opinions, but they're still doing it, and I think it's only a matter of time until they find a way to do it through the Government in a way that circumvents the First Amendment without outright violating it.

    On the social side of things, all I ever wanted (and many former Liberal Libertarians that I know) was for people to have the legal right to do certain things (abortion, sex change, gay marriage, gay adoption) without facing a Government challenge. Simply put, equality.

    Guess what? We won. My fight is over on what would have been my platform issues were I a politician. The Christians lose, we win. That said, I don't think that the Christians have any responsibility to, "Be accepting of others," in their individual capacities or even as a church. Quite frankly, the churches should have no official affiliations in the political arena whatsoever, otherwise, the separation is being violated, in my view.

    As far as my economic positions becoming more Conservative over the last few years, I have nothing but maturity to blame for that.

  12. #12
    SHORT VERSION: Far Left Liberals have become the enemy for a variation of the same underlying reasons that the Religious Right was (and I guess, still is) the enemy.

    The difference with the Religious Right is that they have already been conquered, emasculated and are weak and pathetic. There's also no good reason to silence them, within a few generations, there will be almost none of them left by way of natural process. When education succeeds, religion fails.

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    A lot of great points as you mentioned Monet. Thanks again for the reco.
    He made a lot of sense but I didn't agree with him that Trump should be in prison lol.
    I never heard of Dave Smith before so I found his podcast and listened to some of his recent stuff.
    I do agree on many of his stances but I don't think he would stand a chance on the Libertarian Ticket for President.
    If he was serious, he should do something like AOC has done and target something that he could actually win and get his foot in the door in Congress.
    First thing he should do is get rid of his co-host/friend/pal.
    It feels like he is losing all credibility bantering with that guy IMO.
    That sounds harsh but the way his show is set up he either needs to be ranting by himself or interviewing political guests.
    I need to read up more about the Libertarian Party because the Ideology is making more sense to me.
    Not sure how Mission146 can consider himself somewhat of a Libertarian when he thinks the Constitution is outdated and irrelevant in modern times.
    The whole basis for Libertarians seems to be the love of the Constitution, Bill of Rights... etc etc.
    I agree with you that Trump should not be in prison - pretty odd that he said that (more than once I think during the podcast). One interesting point he made was that he thought most of the whole mess started with George Bush Junior - the 1st domino to fall if you will.

  14. #14
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    I agree with you that Trump should not be in prison - pretty odd that he said that (more than once I think during the podcast). One interesting point he made was that he thought most of the whole mess started with George Bush Junior - the 1st domino to fall if you will.
    Well, technically I think almost all of the politicians should be in prison.
    So if you throw Trump in there you have to throw everyone else from both sides.

    I do think they stated that it started with IKE and of course everyone knows that IKE admitted to the problem live on television.
    Perhaps it accelerated more with W but I think if you study it one could say Dick Cheney was pulling the strings.
    9/11 gave them the position they needed for their strategy.
    I think he learned that move from Lyndon B. Johnson.
    How to be the Vice President and stack the deck to have more power than the President.

    Anyways, nothing really new.
    Been happening for thousands of years with every Major Civilization or Empire.
    Its just a bit of a shock to my system.
    Could be a lot worse.
    Even as bad as it is, or is looking, we are currently still in a state of easy living when compared to history.

    Sorry for talking your ear off.
    My wife doesn't understand.
    She is currently like a baby bird who doesn't want to leave the nest and always has her mouth open.

  15. #15
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    SHORT VERSION: Far Left Liberals have become the enemy for a variation of the same underlying reasons that the Religious Right was (and I guess, still is) the enemy.

    The difference with the Religious Right is that they have already been conquered, emasculated and are weak and pathetic. There's also no good reason to silence them, within a few generations, there will be almost none of them left by way of natural process. When education succeeds, religion fails.
    You really do read every post on this forum.
    Thought I could sneak that in over here lol.

  16. #16
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    You really do read every post on this forum.
    Thought I could sneak that in over here lol.
    I skip most of Blackhole's and Garnabby's. I have no problem with Garnabby, to be clear, I just understand almost nothing he says, but he seems to be having fun.

  17. #17
    Best Comedy I have seen for a long time.
    Dark Comedy and I probably shouldn't of laughed so much but I'm sick.
    I just find it funny how big the scams really are in this life/world.
    I probably should of cried through the whole documentary but I laughed my ass off.

  18. #18
    This is strange.
    I just watched this after the Planet of the Humans on my TV and the Youtube Link worked but now it isn't working on my computer.
    It appears you can still view it on other sites though.
    Entertaining enough IMO but the ending was kind of anti-climatic.
    If nothing better to do or watch you could do worse.
    I guess they made a UK Version as well and Brian Cox narrated it.
    Kind of interesting as I just watched Super Troopers again recently.

    The Revelation Of The Pyramids (2010)
    Last edited by monet; 06-22-2021 at 06:14 AM.

  19. #19
    Not too bad for some homemade documentary.
    Before Leno we had Tomorrow with Tom Snyder.

  20. #20

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