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Thread: Legendary gambler TBC hospitalized according to Mickey Crimm.

  1. #101
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Wait, now you're changing the story. You said Sonatine's thread about you being a San Francisco houseboy who left money on the table was a pedophilia thing. Now it isn't? Were you just lying and trying to claim victim status? lol. pathetic.
    Sonatine doesn't know me or my history. He knows nothing about me. He is fantasizing his pedophilia. His thread is a fantasy about grown men having sex with a boy. THAT'S PEDOPHILIA!!! Using my name in the thread is part of his fantasy.

    Cunt, you obviously get off on those pedo fantasies to or you wouldn't read it.
    I read it because it has your name in the title and you're a literal joke.

    Anyway, I should stop picking on you but you're so fucking nasty you ask for it.
    You're the pedo that keeps on giving. I'm ingrained in your head. Your every waking thought is about me. You can't quit posting about me. You dream about me in your sleep. But I keep telling you I'm not gay. Try maxclouseaupen or go back to sonatine.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  2. #102
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Wait, now you're changing the story. You said Sonatine's thread about you being a San Francisco houseboy who left money on the table was a pedophilia thing. Now it isn't? Were you just lying and trying to claim victim status? lol. pathetic.
    Sonatine doesn't know me or my history. He knows nothing about me. He is fantasizing his pedophilia. His thread is a fantasy about grown men having sex with a boy. THAT'S PEDOPHILIA!!! Using my name in the thread is part of his fantasy.

    Cunt, you obviously get off on those pedo fantasies to or you wouldn't read it.
    I read it because it has your name in the title and you're a literal joke.

    Anyway, I should stop picking on you but you're so fucking nasty you ask for it.

    The best thing is, Mickey accuses me of being the pedophile due to thread with his name but he has all these unrelated pedophile threads on some sort of bookmarked list so he can repost them elsewhere.

    Good stuff.
    Nope, just have to go to the site and copy the link to the thread. You certainly don't have a problem finding them, pedo.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  3. #103
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    Sonatine doesn't know me or my history. He knows nothing about me. He is fantasizing his pedophilia. His thread is a fantasy about grown men having sex with a boy. THAT'S PEDOPHILIA!!! Using my name in the thread is part of his fantasy.

    Cunt, you obviously get off on those pedo fantasies to or you wouldn't read it.
    I read it because it has your name in the title and you're a literal joke.

    Anyway, I should stop picking on you but you're so fucking nasty you ask for it.
    You're the pedo that keeps on giving. I'm ingrained in your head. Your every waking thought is about me. You can't quit posting about me. You dream about me in your sleep. But I keep telling you I'm not gay. Try maxclouseaupen or go back to sonatine.
    This is like the third time you've tried to take my insult and flip it around. Pathetic on so many levels.

    Serious question Mick. Do you ever sit awake at night and wonder what it'd be like to be funny at times?

  4. #104
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    I read it because it has your name in the title and you're a literal joke.

    Anyway, I should stop picking on you but you're so fucking nasty you ask for it.
    You're the pedo that keeps on giving. I'm ingrained in your head. Your every waking thought is about me. You can't quit posting about me. You dream about me in your sleep. But I keep telling you I'm not gay. Try maxclouseaupen or go back to sonatine.
    This is like the third time you've tried to take my insult and flip it around. Pathetic on so many levels.

    Serious question Mick. Do you ever sit awake at night and wonder what it'd be like to be funny at times?
    You just can't quit thinking about me can you? Give it up. Snap out of it. See a psychiatrist.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  5. #105
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    You're the pedo that keeps on giving. I'm ingrained in your head. Your every waking thought is about me. You can't quit posting about me. You dream about me in your sleep. But I keep telling you I'm not gay. Try maxclouseaupen or go back to sonatine.
    This is like the third time you've tried to take my insult and flip it around. Pathetic on so many levels.

    Serious question Mick. Do you ever sit awake at night and wonder what it'd be like to be funny at times?
    You just can't quit thinking about me can you? Give it up. Snap out of it. See a psychiatrist.
    Projection at its finest.

    I'll give you props for not taking your typical bitch move out and telling everyone how I am now on ignore.

  6. #106
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    This is like the third time you've tried to take my insult and flip it around. Pathetic on so many levels.

    Serious question Mick. Do you ever sit awake at night and wonder what it'd be like to be funny at times?
    You just can't quit thinking about me can you? Give it up. Snap out of it. See a psychiatrist.
    Projection at its finest.

    I'll give you props for not taking your typical bitch move out and telling everyone how I am now on ignore.
    Get help for your obsession.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  7. #107
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I agree with blackhole but I fail to understand how anyone is forced to deal with anything on this voluntary forum.
    This is the second or third time that blackhole has stated that members will be, forced, on this site.
    Stop acting like an ass with this member being forced bullshit.

    First of all, I must have said it way more then 3 times when you consider the amount of asshole members that do exist here. Even Dan Druff the owner of this site commented the membership is not to bright here.

    You know exactly what I mean and meant by it. Obviously, you ran out of things to say and are now starting to sound like the after-birth Mr.V member.

    Nobody is forced to deal with anything on this site.
    I didn't read your post that I replied to.
    This forum is very free.
    Some members only post about CET or Albertsons Monopoly.
    Even Redietz can threaten to blow up everyone's vehicle.

  8. #108

  9. #109
    I've given Cuntinquestion ample time to put up a quote of me saying Tony Bigcharles is in the hospital with covid. It's impossible for him to do it anyway because I never wrote it. I wanted to let him put some more shit on his face before I put him back on ignore. He's exposed himself as a not very good scammer.

    I have over 1200 followers on Twitter. Cunt is one of them but under a sock name. He clings to my every word. I don't write slot AP strategy in the forums anymore. People like Cunt expect that they can insult me at will and I'm supposed to continue to teach them how to build wealth through advantage slot play. Fuck 'em. No more.

    maxclouseaupen is also going on my ignore list with Cunt. He is almost as useless to the forum as Cunt.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  10. #110
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    I've given Cuntinquestion ample time to put up a quote of me saying Tony Bigcharles is in the hospital with covid. It's impossible for him to do it anyway because I never wrote it. I wanted to let him put some more shit on his face before I put him back on ignore. He's exposed himself as a not very good scammer.

    I have over 1200 followers on Twitter. Cunt is one of them but under a sock name. He clings to my every word. I don't write slot AP strategy in the forums anymore. People like Cunt expect that they can insult me at will and I'm supposed to continue to teach them how to build wealth through advantage slot play. Fuck 'em. No more.

    maxclouseaupen is also going on my ignore list with Cunt. He is almost as useless to the forum as Cunt.
    Mick keeps posting even when he doesn't get a respond. Who is obsessed?

    Again, if you can walk us through this scam, I'd love to read it.... you dementia addled drunken shit for brains.

    Yea, I cling to your every word because oh boy is it worth the time reading some fucking trump cock-holster-fanboy.

    The best part is how Micky is the one clinging here. Clinging to this idea in his head that he is important. Trying to get everyone to turn against me because he knows all his other insults just land flat. There is only so much dick-sucking pedo insulting a man can do before everyone just turns away and rolls their eyes.

  11. #111
    One thing I haven't mentioned so far is Tony Bigcharles and I have a friendly relationship. I gave him some advice several years ago when he was short on bankroll. Then we met up in Deadwood a few years ago and I schooled him on AP slot play so he could add to his bottom line. I still send him information on plays. He still asks me questions about certain games. We occasionally trade emails, tweets, and DMs.

    After I made the tweet in question Tony did not respond publicly that he wasn't in the hospital with covid (which he wasn't). Thats because he knew my Tweet was addressed to him, not about him.

    But scammers like Cunt think they can buffalo their way into money.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  12. #112
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    One thing I haven't mentioned so far is Tony Bigcharles and I have a friendly relationship. I gave him some advice several years ago when he was short on bankroll. Then we met up in Deadwood a few years ago and I schooled him on AP slot play so he could add to his bottom line. I still send him information on plays. He still asks me questions about certain games. We occasionally trade emails, tweets, and DMs.

    After I made the tweet in question Tony did not respond publicly that he wasn't in the hospital with covid (which he wasn't). Thats because he knew my Tweet was addressed to him, not about him.

    But scammers like Cunt think they can buffalo their way into money.
    Congrats you old broken down tramp.

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  13. #113
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    One thing I haven't mentioned so far is Tony Bigcharles and I have a friendly relationship. I gave him some advice several years ago when he was short on bankroll. Then we met up in Deadwood a few years ago and I schooled him on AP slot play so he could add to his bottom line. I still send him information on plays. He still asks me questions about certain games. We occasionally trade emails, tweets, and DMs.

    After I made the tweet in question Tony did not respond publicly that he wasn't in the hospital with covid (which he wasn't). Thats because he knew my Tweet was addressed to him, not about him.

    But scammers like Cunt think they can buffalo their way into money.
    This guy was most likely still playing poker.
    I used to catch colds and the flu all the time when I was rounding around Vegas.
    If you don't want to catch Corona, Colds or the Flu you shouldn't be playing live poker.
    I can't think of any other game more contaminated in any Casino.
    I'm certainly not a proponent of wearing masks, getting shots or fearmongering about Covid...
    As I said before, at this time, you don't want to do things like Live Poker, Hookers, Massages, Casual Sex, etc. etc.
    Stay in your own lane and you should be fine unless someone directly sneezes or coughs on you and has the vid.
    I get it though.
    This guy has always done nothing but hang around poker rooms.
    And that has been since I have been in town since the early 90s.
    I wonder what his voice sounds like these days as back at that time he had a very distinct, somewhat high pitched annoying voice.
    All part of the 1-5 Seven Card Stud Strategy I suppose.
    Ahhh the good old days, when they put quarters into the pot.

    Tony, Johnny Ho and Sieed.
    Three Long Standing Vegas Institutions.
    Robert X is fourth on that list but I haven't seen him Railbirding for years.
    He got the name X because he used to sleep inside the X Rated Movie Theaters.
    It is amazing that Sieed is still alive as I seen him a few weeks ago doing what he does.
    Thought the booze, homelessness or vid would of got him by now.
    He might be immortal.
    Last edited by monet; 06-09-2021 at 04:04 AM.

  14. #114
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    One thing I haven't mentioned so far is Tony Bigcharles and I have a friendly relationship. I gave him some advice several years ago when he was short on bankroll. Then we met up in Deadwood a few years ago and I schooled him on AP slot play so he could add to his bottom line. I still send him information on plays. He still asks me questions about certain games. We occasionally trade emails, tweets, and DMs.

    After I made the tweet in question Tony did not respond publicly that he wasn't in the hospital with covid (which he wasn't). Thats because he knew my Tweet was addressed to him, not about him.

    But scammers like Cunt think they can buffalo their way into money.
    This guy was most likely still playing poker.
    I used to catch colds and the flu all the time when I was rounding around Vegas.
    If you don't want to catch Corona, Colds or the Flu you shouldn't be playing live poker.
    I can't think of any other game more contaminated in any Casino.
    I'm certainly not a proponent of wearing masks, getting shots or fearmongering about Covid...
    As I said before, at this time, you don't want to do things like Live Poker, Hookers, Massages, Casual Sex, etc. etc.
    Stay in your own lane and you should be fine unless someone directly sneezes or coughs on you and has the vid.
    I get it though.
    This guy has always done nothing but hang around poker rooms.
    And that has been since I have been in town since the early 90s.
    I wonder what his voice sounds like these days as back at that time he had a very distinct, somewhat high pitched annoying voice.
    All part of the 1-5 Seven Card Stud Strategy I suppose.
    Ahhh the good old days, when they put quarters into the pot.

    Tony, Johnny Ho and Sieed.
    Three Long Standing Vegas Institutions.
    Robert X is fourth on that list but I haven't seen him Railbirding for years.
    He got the name X because he used to sleep inside the X Rated Movie Theaters.
    It is amazing that Sieed is still alive as I seen him a few weeks ago doing what he does.
    Thought the booze, homelessness or vid would of got him by now.
    He might be immortal.
    Only time I saw quarters was at Mirage and had something to do with the stud game being spread. Now we're old guys in a lot of rooms especially if you play the big NL game. Tons of wiz kids... would give my rant about that but it'd out me to someone who knows me and happens to read this lol.

    Did you know cowboy?

    Micky's post was at least reasonable. I'm not going to pick on him. I'm on friendly terms with TBC too. Met him once. TBC is like a hobby to follow for some... read his latest blog. For a poker player who has been in that life it is good stuff. The weird attempts at humor and trolling people, awkward life views, etc. I guess that's way of Mickey's telling everyone he still gives out good info but The Cunt FUCKED that up by being a prick ! I don't get nasty with people who aren't already over the top nasty. This whole thread is LOL and I'm glad to hear TBC is ok, although someone was/is deathly ill from this thing still - which is never good. Although I think it is fair to say I was fucking with Micky a bit, I also really thought TBC was sick but didn't put much effort into double-checking and went straight to the forum to spice it up in here. Getting all nasty on a forum isn't a good look but that is where I have something in common with Mickey. You want to be a nasty nasty person well I can do it back.

    I really had no idea I'd get some 10k offer thrown down obviously. I was going to at least find where I read it and thus posted it. I would have likely done that without 10k offer as I had 0 expectation of ever receiving it. Really nuts that this whole thing was found some offensive. I mean, ,me demanding money that I'm never going to get.. isn't that how the internet fucking works!? i mean duh

    Call this backing down or whatever, but all the best to Mickey. I try to see the good in people to some degree and it isn't hard with that guy... whether he wants to share info or not. He told me one good thing in PMs once. I thank him for that stuff. No doubt this will result in some nasty response where I'm told how I'm doing something weaselly but whatevers lolz.

    And yes this forum is gay to the gills.
    Last edited by accountinquestion; 06-09-2021 at 10:19 AM.

  15. #115
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Did you know cowboy?
    I didn't know that he passed away but that makes sense.
    I don't think you could live inside of poker rooms, in Vegas and Cali, in the 90s/2000's and not know who Cowboy was.
    Another low limit player, who had no chance against the rake and should of made the transition to machines.
    Those guys were literally banging their heads against the wall while others, (with small bankrolls), were making 80k a year playing quarter Jacks or Better, Deuces Wild, Cherry Pie, Boom Machines... etc etc.
    I seen sieed (spelled wrong) double his money in Black Jack up to 80k and lose it in one hand lol lol lol.

    A lot of these members on these boards don't understand this kind of crazy.
    I seen Ted Forrest go bonkers running around firing massive Black Jack while he kept running up markers to cover Peter to pay Paul.
    He had the bug so bad he was down at the Golden Gate getting Markers lol.

    As a matter of fact, that was during a time when you could get the hosts to do some shady things with markers.
    A couple Asian Teams that I know of ran some serious Marker Scams, in Baccarat that worked lol.
    They were getting some massive rebates.
    That's why I don't get all crazy on MDawg because I've witnessed crazy shit in this town for over 25 years.
    Many times you really don't know what the Fuck is going on behind the scenes.
    Last edited by monet; 06-09-2021 at 11:58 AM.

  16. #116
    jeeez way to get my hopes up for a TBC hospitalization, TBC really is the nut low in life

  17. #117
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    After reading those tweets, I can see how both sides think they're right. Call it a draw and nobody wins.
    I think you're right about both sides think they're right. However, Crimm stated (And I quote) "10K to you if you can put up a quote of me saying Tony Bigcharles is in the hospital."

    On a 10K wager on a quote, you must have an actual quote. That's something with a left quotation mark (one of these ") and a right quotation mark (one of these ") and the actual statement "Tony Bigcharles is in the hospital" between the two quotes....Like that. Without an actual quote and obviously subject to different interpretations, Micky Crimm is clearly the winner on this one.

  18. #118
    We need to start a pool on when TBC goes broke!

  19. #119
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    We need to start a pool on when TBC goes broke!
    Chrissy BLOAT Mitchell, will go broke b4 BigCharlie will!

  20. #120
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    We need to start a pool on when TBC goes broke!
    Chrissy BLOAT Mitchell, will go broke b4 BigCharlie will!
    Nah, he has too many suckers sending him money for absolutely nothing. TBC is completely on his own.

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