Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
Lost again there? How? Over 10k lost between LV and Atlantic City at this rigged faggot property. If I can't win here nobody can win here. Ive got the data this is the most rigged fuckin place I've ever seen. U guys will regret me every fucking dollar u stole from me.
I didn't address this initially because I am just tired of addressing these irrational rants and have you respond with some name calling, but 10k lost between 2 casinos at your level of play is nothing spectacular or alarming. So 2 casinos you are down $5k each of some such break up of that $10k.

I have been in Vegas 12 years, made 7 figures total (can't wait for the comments) and I have a number of casinos I am in the red for lifetime results and two of those it is mid 4 figures, about what you are talking about. It happens! Results from almost any single casino, even over multiple years are not really going to approach longterm, so playing with an advantage, even good games, good rules, deep penetration can result in results in the red. If you look at such results for an individual casino alone, sure it raises questions, but if your total results are reasonably within expectation, THAT is what you should be focused on, not some individual result that is an outlier in the red.

Let me ask you this: If you have a casino that individual results are way above expectation, do you wonder what the hell is wrong? Of course not!

Now these two casinos you mentioned have 1 thing in common. They are both named Caesars. That is it. The way the evil empire breaks up parts of there empire into different companies, I don't even know if they are the same company (probably are). But there is no reason to believe they share anything else. As usual you are jumping to conclusions based on irrational reasons.

Now the answer, which I have mentioned many times, is that if you are uncomfortable with any casino, or even individual dealer for whatever reason, rational or not, stop playing that location. The two places I mentioned that I am solidly 4 figures in the red, I basically stopped playing. Oh I may wonder in once or twice a year, but I don't return week after week trying to prove something. My goal is to win overall. I honestly have no idea what your goal is, you seem to take everything so personally.