Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
Ok, an update to the Mdawg situation. I had a little Halloween gathering of some friends over the weekend. One friend came with a gift in the form of some documentation from Cosmo about a certain M-pooch. Seems it wasn't necessary to wait for the sale to go through. All that was necessary was a phone call between friends of each other in the industry.

As many of us thought, it seems Mpooch hasn't been honest about posting his results over the last 7 months. He has had some winning days that match or are very close to some wins reported. He also has had many losing days, some of pretty significant amounts that seem to have been left out of his reporting. All told, he is down $118k at that property, not about even as he stated last week. It seems like he has received some pretty good comps for the amount he is down.

Now this was ONLY at the one property mentioned. Included in Mpooch's adventure is play at a second property in Las Vegas. It was suggested that that information could be had with a couple phone calls as well. I said "please don't. This is more than enough for me".

Now I know coach belly and maybe a few others will be calling for me to post said documents. I am not going to do so. I have no interest in placing anyone in jeopardy. Anyone finding my comments above less credible because of that...so be it. I am fine with that. I am just reporting what I now know.
Your so-called "credibility" on info about others is already well known. That's why you don't ever post any proof, even after you've been made a fool of dozens of times.

I see redietz is off and running with your made-up $118k number. What a surprise an idiot like that would accept the word of a jealous fairy.

And didn't you claim you were done with this MDawg fantasy of yours? Now we see how much everything about him tortures you. You haven't the bankroll to lose even a FRACTION of that manufactured $118k.

Wise up.