Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
Oops mean I wasn't aware of the above. Basically the drying up rivers in China/India are preventing the hydro-electric power which was a big source of green energy. (whatever you wish to call it.)

Anyway just chalk it up as another reason we are absolutely fucked.

OH and above I also said
When we finally clean up from fossil-fuels we'll clean up the aerosols which will contribute a reasonable amount to the warming.

One theory why the ocean's temperature is such a large anomaly this year is the lack of cruise ships and their nasty emissions. Scientists in general seem a bit puzzled. The pollution has masked a considerably significant amount of warming.

Did I say we're fucked !? Cheers my friends!

Only way out would be some form of rewilding .. in a tent sort of deal like Monet but without 5 crates of Beanies n Weanies.

Actually countries will start geo-engineering by pumping aerosols in the world but that just masks the problem as it gets worse and worse. So to that regard they'll be able to put it off indefinitely I suppose. lol

Remind me in ten years to come back here to laugh lololololololololol

What a complete loon

Social contagion at its finest

How dare you !!! “9” inch wide to the tonsils