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Thread: Recent interview with Eliot Jacobson

  1. #301
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Tableplay -
    I'd never heard of the Silurian hypothese. Do the proponents of this believe that it may have happened with the Sun at its (roughly) current stage?
    The sun would be a few million years younger, so it would probably be roughly in its current stage (the sun is about 4.6 billion years old) at one of the conjectured windows of non-human advanced civilization. The sun will begin its phase of becoming a red giant in about 6 billion years.

  2. #302
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    If and when humanity dies out how long do you think our last evidence of existence will be?
    It depends on the technological sophistication of our non-human successors at their zenith assuming this hypothesis is true. When the sun uses up all of its hydrogen fuel, it will turn into a red giant and probably consume the earth. There will be no evidence of mankind after that since the earth will either be gone or burnt to a crisp if it still exists. Mars will have some rovers on it and the Voyager probes may still exist, along with other human probes but this is beyond the scope of terrestrial successors. Eventually the heat death of the universe will occur due to its unending and ever accelerating expansion and all life in the universe will cease to exist. Other universes will bubble into existence and then new questions will be asked and answered in forums including responses identical to this one.
    And also don’t forget that Leave it to Beaver episodes that were broadcast in the 50s will drift out through space at light speed until the universe ends so that will also be evidence of humanities existence.
    Yes, great point Ben. A fun fact about the Universe's expansion is that it is expanding faster than the speed of light. Recall that light speed is only a restriction within the Universe, but the Universe itself can expand into the infinite void faster than this.

  3. #303
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Tableplay -
    I'd never heard of the Silurian hypothese. Do the proponents of this believe that it may have happened with the Sun at its (roughly) current stage?
    The sun would be a few million years younger, so it would probably be roughly in its current stage (the sun is about 4.6 billion years old) at one of the conjectured windows of non-human advanced civilization. The sun will begin its phase of becoming a red giant in about 6 billion years.
    I'd need to look into timeframes about estimated age of the sun and such but it doesn't seem terribly improbable. I'd think that some sort of age resistant items would have been found by now but likely everything decays with enough age.

  4. #304
    But another extreme occurrence why I feel fairly confident that things will go downhill faster than most expect.

  5. #305
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    It depends on the technological sophistication of our non-human successors at their zenith assuming this hypothesis is true. When the sun uses up all of its hydrogen fuel, it will turn into a red giant and probably consume the earth. There will be no evidence of mankind after that since the earth will either be gone or burnt to a crisp if it still exists. Mars will have some rovers on it and the Voyager probes may still exist, along with other human probes but this is beyond the scope of terrestrial successors. Eventually the heat death of the universe will occur due to its unending and ever accelerating expansion and all life in the universe will cease to exist. Other universes will bubble into existence and then new questions will be asked and answered in forums including responses identical to this one.
    And also don’t forget that Leave it to Beaver episodes that were broadcast in the 50s will drift out through space at light speed until the universe ends so that will also be evidence of humanities existence.
    Yes, great point Ben. A fun fact about the Universe's expansion is that it is expanding faster than the speed of light. Recall that light speed is only a restriction within the Universe, but the Universe itself can expand into the infinite void faster than this.
    Excellent point! One of the only things that can exceed the speed of light:

    Expansion of the universe

    Inflation after the Big Bang (same thing really)

    And asians when a ploppy gets up from an Ascension at 5400 ways.

  6. #306
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    And asians when a ploppy gets up from an Ascension at 5400 ways.
    What's amazing is that even with the full weight of a backpack your astute observation still holds up.

  7. #307
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    It depends on the technological sophistication of our non-human successors at their zenith assuming this hypothesis is true. When the sun uses up all of its hydrogen fuel, it will turn into a red giant and probably consume the earth. There will be no evidence of mankind after that since the earth will either be gone or burnt to a crisp if it still exists. Mars will have some rovers on it and the Voyager probes may still exist, along with other human probes but this is beyond the scope of terrestrial successors. Eventually the heat death of the universe will occur due to its unending and ever accelerating expansion and all life in the universe will cease to exist. Other universes will bubble into existence and then new questions will be asked and answered in forums including responses identical to this one.
    And also don’t forget that Leave it to Beaver episodes that were broadcast in the 50s will drift out through space at light speed until the universe ends so that will also be evidence of humanities existence.
    Yes, great point Ben. A fun fact about the Universe's expansion is that it is expanding faster than the speed of light. Recall that light speed is only a restriction within the Universe, but the Universe itself can expand into the infinite void faster than this.
    Yeah, the powers that be are Fearmongering the Shit out of us daily in the news.
    All I read is: Runaway Black Holes, Sun is exploding with flares and everyone's favorite... ET phone home.
    I know they are doing this to drum up money in all directions but it's getting tiresome.
    And so many people are falling for it hook, line and sinker like this shit hasn't been going on for Millenia.

  8. #308
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    And so many people are falling for it hook, line and sinker like this shit hasn't been going on for Millenia.
    Do you really believe this nonsense, or is it just a convenient excuse to look the other way, do nothing and feel good about it?

    We are all (collectively) just nomads and Earth is just the host planet. The latest of many before it. In the purest definition of insanity, we keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. Collectively, we have been down this road many times before. Individually, we just don't remember as only the generation involved in the relocation remembers. Or maybe a second or third generation at best. Until we adopt the Carl Sagen principal that this is where we make our stand, we will continue this cycle.

  9. #309

    This one would be hard to confirm but it basically reiterates my view. Ecosystems will start to collapse and no one knows how it will play out. I suppose everything and every species has to die at some point but really !?!

    Here's stuff that I can almost guarantee will happen.

    Ecosystems start to die -> Unknown cascading effect that could get to the point of causing food shortages even in developed nations.

    Countries without enough food are going to have a lot of emmigration. This will cause further strains on the wealthier countries.

    Even with a "green transition" there will be such high demand on materials that it will increase cost and energy production as they become more rare. More demand/less resources means they spend more energy to acquire what is there. Look at modern gold mining.

    Sea-levels will rise displacing mass population. These people will need a place to go. Building housing in a world where resources have become scarce is not going to go so well.

    Man's rate of contributing to greenhouse gasses has plateaued but still it is as high as ever. LOL

    These more extreme weather events are going to cost more to mitigate.

    We'll also need to change up a lot of our infrastructure which is more energy usage.

    Yet doing this at a personal level makes no difference! Therefore most people won't do it.

    Poor countries will still need to rely on coal simply because they can't afford the alternatives.

    Those wind turbines are great but they take a lot of resources to build. The breakeven point in energy is a few years.

    Ice-cap is going to disappear which means less reflective surface.

    When we finally clean up from fossil-fuels we'll clean up the aerosols which will contribute a reasonable amount to the warming.

    Lots of permafrost going away which releases more methane.

    Anyway fellas. We're fucked.

  10. #310

  11. #311
    Oops mean I wasn't aware of the above. Basically the drying up rivers in China/India are preventing the hydro-electric power which was a big source of green energy. (whatever you wish to call it.)

    Anyway just chalk it up as another reason we are absolutely fucked.

    OH and above I also said
    When we finally clean up from fossil-fuels we'll clean up the aerosols which will contribute a reasonable amount to the warming.

    One theory why the ocean's temperature is such a large anomaly this year is the lack of cruise ships and their nasty emissions. Scientists in general seem a bit puzzled. The pollution has masked a considerably significant amount of warming.

    Did I say we're fucked !? Cheers my friends!

    Only way out would be some form of rewilding .. in a tent sort of deal like Monet but without 5 crates of Beanies n Weanies.

    Actually countries will start geo-engineering by pumping aerosols in the world but that just masks the problem as it gets worse and worse. So to that regard they'll be able to put it off indefinitely I suppose. lol
    Last edited by accountinquestion; 05-03-2023 at 08:31 PM.

  12. #312
    This Fucking Bitch banning natural gas and fossil fuels in New York.
    We are literally getting closer to the dark, cold and dank apartments depicted in the novel/movies of 1984.
    You Liberal Democrats are out of your Fucking Minds!

    The New York State Legislature passed a $229 billion state budget that will prohibit gas in most new homes and other constructed buildings.

  13. #313
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    This Fucking Bitch banning natural gas and fossil fuels in New York.
    We are literally getting closer to the dark, cold and dank apartments depicted in the novel/movies of 1984.
    You Liberal Democrats are out of your Fucking Minds!

    The New York State Legislature passed a $229 billion state budget that will prohibit gas in most new homes and other constructed buildings.

    Yep, there will be so much pushback to adaptation because people have become entitled to cheap energy.

    What is required to do 0 emissions is really not feasible which is just another reason we're basically doomed. Society will collapse. I have no clue when but we're going to see more and more effects. It'll be a gradual thing unless geopolitics bring out the nukes.

    The funny thing about a nuke or 2 is it might sorta fix the weather for some time.. LOL

    I had an airbnb with one of these things and an oversized pilot light. Not only could you smell that oppressive stink, it heated the apt up when it was comfortable otherwise.

  14. #314
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    This Fucking Bitch banning natural gas and fossil fuels in New York.
    We are literally getting closer to the dark, cold and dank apartments depicted in the novel/movies of 1984.
    You Liberal Democrats are out of your Fucking Minds!

    The New York State Legislature passed a $229 billion state budget that will prohibit gas in most new homes and other constructed buildings.

    Yep, there will be so much pushback to adaptation because people have become entitled to cheap energy.

    What is required to do 0 emissions is really not feasible which is just another reason we're basically doomed. Society will collapse. I have no clue when but we're going to see more and more effects. It'll be a gradual thing unless geopolitics bring out the nukes.

    The funny thing about a nuke or 2 is it might sorta fix the weather for some time.. LOL

    I had an airbnb with one of these things and an oversized pilot light. Not only could you smell that oppressive stink, it heated the apt up when it was comfortable otherwise.
    News flash dumb fuck incel You will be dead and gone for 100s or possibly 1000s of years before anything related to climate changes our everyday life. I know that makes you sad that you won’t be right and will not get to watch the world burn.

    You are the perfect example of what happens to a man that never gets pussy, or has kids. There should be a clinical study run on you so we can show what happens when needle dick men grow up without confidence. It’s a real shame your parents raised you this way

  15. #315
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    And so many people are falling for it hook, line and sinker like this shit hasn't been going on for Millenia.
    Do you really believe this nonsense, or is it just a convenient excuse to look the other way, do nothing and feel good about it?

    We are all (collectively) just nomads and Earth is just the host planet. The latest of many before it. In the purest definition of insanity, we keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. Collectively, we have been down this road many times before. Individually, we just don't remember as only the generation involved in the relocation remembers. Or maybe a second or third generation at best. Until we adopt the Carl Sagen principal that this is where we make our stand, we will continue this cycle.
    Go suck a cock loser

    Your the problem with humans because if every man sucked cock and had their guts blown open by anything that you could fit up your ass we would die off.

    Self centered sick mother fucker go ride a bowling pin

  16. #316
    How does the electricity get produced?
    Don't we still rely on fossil fuels to produce the electricity and isn't everything basically made out of oil in one way or another.
    Obviously, these politicians have a vested interest in banning items and making policies.
    They invest in the so called "green" technology and crush the competition with their "policies".
    They make millions for themselves and billions for their corporate cronies.
    All while the little guy like you and I suffer.
    Wise Up.

    Honestly though, if they ever banned me from using natural gas, I would immediately buy a fireplace, wood burner and wood stove.
    I already have an outdoor wood stove that I could use while waiting for the construction to be completed.
    I love my gas stove/oven though and I have a gas dryer and heating system.
    I also run the water 10x more than I should, put the washer on 2x water cycle and flush my toilets 2 to 4 times per use.
    I'm committed to using my share or more.
    They say it all goes back to Lake Mead anyway!

  17. #317
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    How does the electricity get produced?
    Don't we still rely on fossil fuels to produce the electricity and isn't everything basically made out of oil in one way or another.
    Obviously, these politicians have a vested interest in banning items and making policies.
    They invest in the so called "green" technology and crush the competition with their "policies".
    They make millions for themselves and billions for their corporate cronies.
    All while the little guy like you and I suffer.
    Wise Up.

    Honestly though, if they ever banned me from using natural gas, I would immediately buy a fireplace, wood burner and wood stove.
    I already have an outdoor wood stove that I could use while waiting for the construction to be completed.
    I love my gas stove/oven though and I have a gas dryer and heating system.
    I also run the water 10x more than I should, put the washer on 2x water cycle and flush my toilets 2 to 4 times per use.
    I'm committed to using my share or more.
    They say it all goes back to Lake Mead anyway!
    You're right. Everything is based on oil. Look around. I don't disagree.

    "Obviously these politicians ....". Why don't you buy this same stock they're going to get rich off?

    People have been talking about this for decades now. I guess they've all been gettin' rich.

    As far as flushing the toilet 4 times every time you use it... well I have much to say but good for you! You're REALLY showing them who is who. Whatta stud. A real rebel.

    Yes, the little guys are gonna suffer.

  18. #318
    I've been slacking. This is pretty horrible. Maybe they'll have a reprieve on some years.

    nice negative feedback btw.

  19. #319
    Nothing but a bunch of Frauds who think and say out loud that they own Science.
    I guess it isn't as bad as when Fauci said that he IS the Science lol.
    Can't believe this bitch slipped up and said We Own the Science...

    Last edited by monet; 05-22-2023 at 01:20 AM.

  20. #320
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Nothing but a bunch of Frauds who think and say out loud that they own Science.
    I guess it isn't as bad as when Fauci said that he IS the Science lol.
    Can't believe this bitch slipped up and said We Own the Science...

    lol thanks for the video.

    First thing - Google doesn't necessarily put the most "popular" search links up. Dore the Whore wouldn't know this.

    The best thing is how he claims it is propaganda but never for a second suggests that the bullshit articles put up previously were likely far closer to actual propaganda.

    He says Fauci lied constantly.. uhhh ok. He may have been a bit wrong here and there but .. doesn't stop Dore the Whore pandering to his feebs. Why bring up Fauci in a serious discussion? Oh yea, boogie-man. Keep the plebs scared.

    I always wonder who the sheep are. The dumb fucks who believe in lizard people and the poles reversing etc and whatever nonsensical youtube grifting is sent their way or people who actually try to find actual truth.

    I have no clue who this woman is but she says something about 'owning the science' and because 1 woman said it.. it must be worth having a full discussion.. but wait, who was she? Oh yea the under-secretary-general for global communications. doh

    Anyway, keep being the independent thinker you are Monet.

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