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Thread: Climate Change scientist list smarter then Rat Fink Elliot

  1. #1

    — scientists that have called the observed warming attributable to natural causes, i.e. the high solar activity witnessed over the last few decades.

    Khabibullo Abdusamatov, astrophysicist at Pulkovo Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences.[81][82]
    Sallie Baliunas, retired astrophysicist, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.[83][84][85]
    Timothy Ball, historical climatologist, and retired professor of geography at the University of Winnipeg.[86][87][88]
    Ian Clark, hydrogeologist, professor, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa.[89][90]
    Vincent Courtillot, geophysicist, member of the French Academy of Sciences.[91]
    Doug Edmeades, PhD., soil scientist, officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit.[92]
    David Dilley, B.S. and M.S. in meteorology, CEO Global Weather Oscillations Inc. [198][199]
    David Douglass, solid-state physicist, professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester.[93][94]
    Don Easterbrook, emeritus professor of geology, Western Washington University.[95][96]
    William Happer, physicist specializing in optics and spectroscopy; emeritus professor, Princeton University.[39][97]
    Victor Manuel Velasco Herrera, Theoretical Physicist and Researcher, Institute of Geophysics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.[98]
    Ole Humlum, professor of geology at the University of Oslo.[99][100]
    Wibjörn Karlén, professor emeritus of geography and geology at the University of Stockholm.[101][102]
    William Kininmonth, meteorologist, former Australian delegate to World Meteorological Organization Commission for Climatology.[103][104]
    David Legates, associate professor of geography and director of the Center for Climatic Research, University of Delaware.[105][106]
    Anthony Lupo, professor of atmospheric science at the University of Missouri.[107][108]
    Jennifer Marohasy, an Australian biologist, former director of the Australian Environment Foundation.[109][110]
    Tad Murty, oceanographer; adjunct professor, Departments of Civil Engineering and Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa.[111][112]
    Tim Patterson, paleoclimatologist and professor of geology at Carleton University in Canada.[113][114]
    Ian Plimer, professor emeritus of mining geology, the University of Adelaide.[115][116]
    Arthur B. Robinson, American politician, biochemist and former faculty member at the University of California, San Diego.[117][118]
    Murry Salby, atmospheric scientist, former professor at Macquarie University and University of Colorado.[119][120]
    Nicola Scafetta, research scientist in the physics department at Duke University.[121][122][123]
    Tom Segalstad, geologist; associate professor at University of Oslo.[124][125]
    Nedialko (Ned) T. Nikolov, PhD in Ecological Modelling, physical scientist for the U.S. Forest Service [200]
    Nir Shaviv, professor of physics focusing on astrophysics and climate science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.[126][127]
    Fred Singer, professor emeritus of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia.[128][129][130][131]
    Willie Soon, astrophysicist, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.[132][133]
    Roy Spencer, meteorologist; principal research scientist, University of Alabama in Huntsville.[134][135]
    Henrik Svensmark, physicist, Danish National Space Center.[136][137]
    George H. Taylor, retired director of the Oregon Climate Service at Oregon State University.[138][139]
    Jan Veizer, environmental geochemist, professor emeritus from University of Ottawa.[140][141]


    Dr. Jarl R. Ahlbeck, chemical engineer at Abo Akademi University in Finland, former Greenpeace member. [203][204]
    David Bellamy, botanist.[19][20][21][22]
    Lennart Bengtsson, meteorologist, Reading University.[23][24]
    Piers Corbyn, owner of the business WeatherAction which makes weather forecasts.[25][26]
    Susan Crockford, Zoologist, adjunct professor in Anthropology at the University of Victoria. [27][28][29]
    Judith Curry, professor and former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology.[30][31][32][33]
    Joseph D’Aleo, past Chairman American Meteorological Society’s Committee on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, former Professor of Meteorology, Lyndon State College.[34][35][36][37]
    Freeman Dyson, professor emeritus of the School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study; Fellow of the Royal Society.[38][39]
    Ivar Giaever, Norwegian–American physicist and Nobel laureate in physics (1973).[40]
    Dr. Kiminori Itoh, Ph.D., Industrial Chemistry, University of Tokyo [202]
    Steven E. Koonin, theoretical physicist and director of the Center for Urban Science and Progress at New York University.[41][42]
    Richard Lindzen, Alfred P. Sloan emeritus professor of atmospheric science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and member of the National Academy of Sciences.[39][43][44][45]
    Craig Loehle, ecologist and chief scientist at the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement.[46][47][48][49][50][51][52]
    Sebastian Lüning, geologist, famed for his book The Cold Sun. [201]
    Ross McKitrick, professor of economics and CBE chair in sustainable commerce, University of Guelph.[53][54]
    Patrick Moore, former president of Greenpeace Canada.[55][56][57]
    Nils-Axel Mörner, retired head of the Paleogeophysics and Geodynamics Department at Stockholm University, former chairman of the INQUA Commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution (1999–2003).[58][59]
    Garth Paltridge, retired chief research scientist, CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research and retired director of the Institute of the Antarctic Cooperative Research Centre, visiting fellow Australian National University.[60][61]
    Roger A. Pielke, Jr., professor of environmental studies at the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research at the University of Colorado at Boulder.[62][63]
    Denis Rancourt, former professor of physics at University of Ottawa, research scientist in condensed matter physics, and in environmental and soil science.[64][65][66][67]
    Harrison Schmitt, geologist, Apollo 17 astronaut, former US senator.[68][69]
    Peter Stilbs, professor of physical chemistry at Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.[70][71]
    Philip Stott, professor emeritus of biogeography at the University of London.[72][73]
    Hendrik Tennekes, retired director of research, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute.[74][75]
    Anastasios Tsonis, distinguished professor of atmospheric science at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.[76][77]
    Fritz Vahrenholt, German politician and energy executive with a doctorate in chemistry.[78][79]
    Valentina Zharkova, professor in mathematics at Northumbria University. BSc/MSc in applied mathematics and astronomy, a Ph.D. in astrophysics.


    Syun-Ichi Akasofu, retired professor of geophysics and founding director of the International Arctic Research Center of the University of Alaska Fairbanks.[142][143]
    Claude Allègre, French politician; geochemist, emeritus professor at Institute of Geophysics (Paris).[144][145]
    Robert Balling, a professor of geography at Arizona State University.[146][147]
    Pål Brekke, solar astrophycisist, senior advisor Norwegian Space Centre.[148][149]
    John Christy, professor of atmospheric science and director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, contributor to several IPCC reports.[150][151][152]
    Petr Chylek, space and remote sensing sciences researcher, Los Alamos National Laboratory.[153][154]
    David Deming, geology professor at the University of Oklahoma.[155][156]
    Stanley B. Goldenberg a meteorologist with NOAA/AOML’s Hurricane Research Division.[157][158]
    Vincent R. Gray, New Zealand physical chemist with expertise in coal ashes.[159][160]
    Keith E. Idso, botanist, former adjunct professor of biology at Maricopa County Community College District and the vice president of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change.[161][162]
    Kary Mullis, 1993 Nobel laureate in chemistry, inventor of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method.[163][164][165]
    Antonino Zichichi, emeritus professor of nuclear physics at the University of Bologna and president of the World Federation of Scientists.[166][167]


    Indur M. Goklany, electrical engineer, science and technology policy analyst for the United States Department of the Interior.[168][169][170]
    Craig D. Idso, geographer, faculty researcher, Office of Climatology, Arizona State University and founder of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change.[171][172]
    Sherwood B. Idso, former research physicist, USDA Water Conservation Laboratory, and adjunct professor, Arizona State University.[173][174]
    Patrick Michaels, senior fellow at the Cato Institute and retired research professor of environmental science at the University of Virginia.[175][176]


    — who published material indicating their opposition to the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming prior to their deaths.

    August H. “Augie” Auer Jr. (1940–2007), retired New Zealand MetService meteorologist and past professor of atmospheric science at the University of Wyoming.[177][178]
    Reid Bryson (1920–2008), emeritus professor of atmospheric and oceanic sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison.[179][180]
    Robert M. Carter (1942–2016), former head of the School of Earth Sciences at James Cook University.[181][182]
    Chris de Freitas (1948–2017), associate professor, School of Geography, Geology and Environmental Science, University of Auckland.[183][184]
    William M. Gray (1929–2016), professor emeritus and head of the Tropical Meteorology Project, Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University.[185][186]
    Yuri Izrael (1930–2014), former chairman, Committee for Hydrometeorology (USSR); former firector, Institute of Global Climate and Ecology (Russian Academy of Science); vice-chairman of IPCC, 2001-2007.[187][188][189]
    Robert Jastrow (1925–2008), American astronomer, physicist, cosmologist and leading NASA scientist who, together with Fred Seitz and William Nierenberg, established the George C. Marshall Institute.[190][191][192]
    Harold (“Hal”) Warren Lewis (1923–2011), emeritus professor of physics and former department chairman at the University of California, Santa Barbara.[193][194]
    Frederick Seitz (1911–2008), solid-state physicist, former president of the National Academy of Sciences and co-founder of the George C. Marshall Institute in 1984.[195][196][197]
    Joanne Simpson (1923-2010), first woman in the United States to receive a Ph.D. in meteorology, [201]

  2. #2
    Freeman Dyson is no longer with us Seed Value (we should all be so lucky as to live until age 96). I would have suggested moving him to the Deceased Scientist section except that I don't know if he published anything in regards to his beliefs about IPCC Climate Model accuracy. Many extremely accomplished people (and some relatively unaccomplished persons such as myself) regard him as one of the smartest human beings to have ever lived.

  3. #3
    Anecdotal and interesting.
    They had a low temperature of 38 a few days ago about an hour south of me in Klamath Falls OR. That broke an over 100 year record for that date in August.

  4. #4
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Anecdotal and interesting.
    They had a low temperature of 38 a few days ago about an hour south of me in Klamath Falls OR. That broke an over 100 year record for that date in August.
    Wow. It must be fake. Lets ignore all the "droughts" all over the globe happening simultaneously. Whether the Western US, Central US, Europe, and other places with brown people who don't speak English.

    But Danny knows a singular place where it was colder! HAH! GOTCHA he thinks!

    "Droughts" no longer seem to be localized. They are now global.

    Look at places having their water supplies severely strained.

    It's a joke that so many people seem to live on a different planet.

  5. #5
    The Mississippi and its tributaries are at normal levels and were actually above normal thru June. Thats most of the country.

    The drought is along the western slope of the Colorado Rockies and doesn't cover much of the United States. The problem is the southwest built an over-dependence on Colorado River water. To many people for that watershed. Lake Mead and Lake Powell are artificial lakes.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 08-16-2022 at 05:16 AM.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  6. #6
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Anecdotal and interesting.
    They had a low temperature of 38 a few days ago about an hour south of me in Klamath Falls OR. That broke an over 100 year record for that date in August.
    Wow. It must be fake. Lets ignore all the "droughts" all over the globe happening simultaneously. Whether the Western US, Central US, Europe, and other places with brown people who don't speak English.

    But Danny knows a singular place where it was colder! HAH! GOTCHA he thinks!

    "Droughts" no longer seem to be localized. They are now global.

    Look at places having their water supplies severely strained.

    It's a joke that so many people seem to live on a different planet.
    Just like all the scientists I posted above right they are a joke ? The ones who’s research is not tainted by grants. Maybe read some of the stuff they have published instead of sucking the cock of The Rat fraud Elliot. Im sure Elliot thinks he is more intelligent then Freeman Dyson

  7. #7
    It’s apparent that rat fraud Elliot’s play is the rigged lines of his climate casino.

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    The Mississippi and its tributaries are at normal levels and were actually above normal thru June. Thats most of the country.

    The drought is along the western slope of the Colorado Rockies and doesn't cover much of the United States. The problem is the southwest built an over-dependence on Colorado River water. To many people for that watershed. Lake Mead and Lake Powell are artificial lakes.
    You are right, there isn't a drought all over the US. However don't forget the Great Salt Lake drying up too. Apparently some of that is due to diversion but Colorado River doesn't come into play.

    Artificial Lakes are still fed by natural water.

    Europe is getting it bad.

    Maybe it is mostly just the Southwest and Europe though.

    Oh wait.

    Well there is this

    Just very rare events seemingly happening with a very high frequency.....

  9. #9
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Anecdotal and interesting.
    They had a low temperature of 38 a few days ago about an hour south of me in Klamath Falls OR. That broke an over 100 year record for that date in August.
    Wow. It must be fake. Lets ignore all the "droughts" all over the globe happening simultaneously. Whether the Western US, Central US, Europe, and other places with brown people who don't speak English.

    But Danny knows a singular place where it was colder! HAH! GOTCHA he thinks!

    "Droughts" no longer seem to be localized. They are now global.

    Look at places having their water supplies severely strained.

    It's a joke that so many people seem to live on a different planet.
    Just like all the scientists I posted above right they are a joke ? The ones who’s research is not tainted by grants. Maybe read some of the stuff they have published instead of sucking the cock of The Rat fraud Elliot. Im sure Elliot thinks he is more intelligent then Freeman Dyson
    You have ignored multiple follow-up questions after you've made specific claims. You then feed me a list of like 50 scientists and expect me to go research them? What about all the other scientists on the other list? If we were to compare numbers what do you feel the ratio would be?

    This Dyson guy is clearly a brilliant person, but he is far from the only brilliant person. I wonder which side other brilliant people are on?

    You're so dumb outside of gambling you didn't post the references to the claims/beleifs these people made/expressed. Typical ! Then telling of what you find to be "evidence".

    And you say I'm the crazy one who needs therapy.. A-huh

  10. #10
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Anecdotal and interesting.
    They had a low temperature of 38 a few days ago about an hour south of me in Klamath Falls OR. That broke an over 100 year record for that date in August.
    Wow. It must be fake. Lets ignore all the "droughts" all over the globe happening simultaneously. Whether the Western US, Central US, Europe, and other places with brown people who don't speak English.

    But Danny knows a singular place where it was colder! HAH! GOTCHA he thinks!

    "Droughts" no longer seem to be localized. They are now global.

    Look at places having their water supplies severely strained.

    It's a joke that so many people seem to live on a different planet.
    Maybe you should re-read what I said.

    I never said anything was fake.
    Clearly said my example was "anecdotal". Also, recent, local and interesting.
    Troll on.

  11. #11
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Wow. It must be fake. Lets ignore all the "droughts" all over the globe happening simultaneously. Whether the Western US, Central US, Europe, and other places with brown people who don't speak English.

    But Danny knows a singular place where it was colder! HAH! GOTCHA he thinks!

    "Droughts" no longer seem to be localized. They are now global.

    Look at places having their water supplies severely strained.

    It's a joke that so many people seem to live on a different planet.
    Just like all the scientists I posted above right they are a joke ? The ones who’s research is not tainted by grants. Maybe read some of the stuff they have published instead of sucking the cock of The Rat fraud Elliot. Im sure Elliot thinks he is more intelligent then Freeman Dyson
    You have ignored multiple follow-up questions after you've made specific claims. You then feed me a list of like 50 scientists and expect me to go research them? What about all the other scientists on the other list? If we were to compare numbers what do you feel the ratio would be?

    This Dyson guy is clearly a brilliant person, but he is far from the only brilliant person. I wonder which side other brilliant people are on?

    You're so dumb outside of gambling you didn't post the references to the claims/beleifs these people made/expressed. Typical ! Then telling of what you find to be "evidence".

    And you say I'm the crazy one who needs therapy.. A-huh
    Let me make something perfectly clear. Based on your post there is absolutely nothing physical or intellectual that I wouldn’t bet against you on. Including whatever you currently do to make a living. I could probably open a business in your home town, and within a few years be better at whatever you do. I don’t say that lightly as I wouldn’t even say that about gunplay. But you are a very special type of deranged lunatic with a
    nihilistic view of the world. The world would be a much happier and productive place without people who think like you.

    Google each name their views and works come up instantly. There are many many more then what I posted

    Or keep waiting for the end of the world. I will
    Be here to remind you and fraud Elliot how wrong you are for as long as druff keeps the website up. It’s like the people who think Vegas is going to be a ghost town soon because of lake mead. It takes a special type of nihilism to believe some of the things you do

  12. #12
    "Oh look, mommy, that man says everything is fine and there's nothing to worry about."

    "He's full of shit, dear: just ignore him."

    "OK. Can I have a glass of water?"

    "Sorry honey, they only turn the taps on on odd-numbered days of the week."

    "Why did we leave NY to move to Las Vegas, mommy?"

    "Ask your father...if he ever comes home from the casinos while you're awake."
    What, Me Worry?

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Anecdotal and interesting.
    They had a low temperature of 38 a few days ago about an hour south of me in Klamath Falls OR. That broke an over 100 year record for that date in August.
    Wow. It must be fake. Lets ignore all the "droughts" all over the globe happening simultaneously. Whether the Western US, Central US, Europe, and other places with brown people who don't speak English.

    But Danny knows a singular place where it was colder! HAH! GOTCHA he thinks!

    "Droughts" no longer seem to be localized. They are now global.

    Look at places having their water supplies severely strained.

    It's a joke that so many people seem to live on a different planet.
    Maybe you should re-read what I said.

    I never said anything was fake.
    Clearly said my example was "anecdotal". Also, recent, local and interesting.
    Troll on.
    Yes, I should just post all the records broken in the other direction. Then call it anecdotal and all that .. you're right. Could you imagine a post for every "recent, local, and interesting" record being broken on the upper side? Annoying to say the least but maybe I should give it a go.

  14. #14
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post

    Just like all the scientists I posted above right they are a joke ? The ones who’s research is not tainted by grants. Maybe read some of the stuff they have published instead of sucking the cock of The Rat fraud Elliot. Im sure Elliot thinks he is more intelligent then Freeman Dyson
    You have ignored multiple follow-up questions after you've made specific claims. You then feed me a list of like 50 scientists and expect me to go research them? What about all the other scientists on the other list? If we were to compare numbers what do you feel the ratio would be?

    This Dyson guy is clearly a brilliant person, but he is far from the only brilliant person. I wonder which side other brilliant people are on?

    You're so dumb outside of gambling you didn't post the references to the claims/beleifs these people made/expressed. Typical ! Then telling of what you find to be "evidence".

    And you say I'm the crazy one who needs therapy.. A-huh
    Let me make something perfectly clear. Based on your post there is absolutely nothing physical or intellectual that I wouldn’t bet against you on. Including whatever you currently do to make a living. I could probably open a business in your home town, and within a few years be better at whatever you do. I don’t say that lightly as I wouldn’t even say that about gunplay. But you are a very special type of deranged lunatic with a
    nihilistic view of the world. The world would be a much happier and productive place without people who think like you.

    Google each name their views and works come up instantly. There are many many more then what I posted

    Or keep waiting for the end of the world. I will
    Be here to remind you and fraud Elliot how wrong you are for as long as druff keeps the website up. It’s like the people who think Vegas is going to be a ghost town soon because of lake mead. It takes a special type of nihilism to believe some of the things you do
    I'm not waiting for the world to end. I'll be dead by then.

    There are nihilists and there are optimists. I saw someone tweet that 15% of people would get on a plane piloted by Trump if he had 2 hours of training. I don't think I disagree. Those are not the nihilist. Those are the faithful.

    I'll stick the the realist side.

    As far as the deranged this and that it is fairly clear you're once again projecting. With your obsession going after kewl, multiple twitter accounts, obsession with your penis that demonstrates who the "deranged" one is.

    Neither Elliot or myself have said the world will end during the lifetime of this website but nasty things are coming and we're on a path that basically unavoidable.

    I've asked you to back up facts you've stated and you just go run off and hide. You're not going to prove SHIT dumbass. Just endless projection and trying to impress people you don't know on an internet forum. You know, just like all successful people.

    I can make equally stupid claims that can't be backed up, just like you do. However, I'm smart enough to realize it is teh internet and smart enough to realize people on here will just clown on that shit.

    So which happens first Lake Mead rises or water is piped in from the ocean via desalination plants?

  15. #15
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Wow. It must be fake. Lets ignore all the "droughts" all over the globe happening simultaneously. Whether the Western US, Central US, Europe, and other places with brown people who don't speak English.

    But Danny knows a singular place where it was colder! HAH! GOTCHA he thinks!

    "Droughts" no longer seem to be localized. They are now global.

    Look at places having their water supplies severely strained.

    It's a joke that so many people seem to live on a different planet.
    Maybe you should re-read what I said.

    I never said anything was fake.
    Clearly said my example was "anecdotal". Also, recent, local and interesting.
    Troll on.

    Yes, I should just post all the records broken in the other direction
    . Then call it anecdotal and all that .. you're right. Could you imagine a post for every "recent, local, and interesting" record being broken on the upper side? Annoying to say the least but maybe I should give it a go.
    Give it a go numbnuts.

    If I didn't call it anecdotal you would have thrown a shit fit.

    Why not stand in front of the mirror and debate global warming. At least then you'd have a captive audience.

  16. #16
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Why not stand in front of the mirror and debate global warming. At least then you'd have a captive audience.

    Lolz says the guy who is engaging me and the other guy who started up this new thread. (and incidentally threw all the relevant references in his posting making his whole point kinda well pointless.)

    You'll always be danny the gnat on VCT.

  17. #17
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Why not stand in front of the mirror and debate global warming. At least then you'd have a captive audience.

    Lolz says the guy who is engaging me and the other guy who started up this new thread. (and incidentally threw all the relevant references in his posting making his whole point kinda well pointless.)

    You'll always be danny the gnat on VCT.

    Total cringe. LOL

    Keep swinging solar boy.

  18. #18
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    You'll always be danny the gnat on VCT.

    Total cringe. LOL

    Keep swinging solar boy.
    bzzzzzzzzzt. bzzzzzzzt.

    Wheres my can of OFF?

  19. #19
    What Attracts Gnats? | Why are Gnats Attracted to Me?

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    You'll always be danny the gnat on VCT.

    Total cringe. LOL

    Keep swinging solar boy.
    bzzzzzzzzzt. bzzzzzzzt.

    Wheres my can of OFF?

    That's as epic fail as another nickname of yours - DiDi

    At least you're not regaling us with how you thought a 15 year old girl was into you and your gray beard. EPIC FAIL. LOL
    In fact, if an actual live female can stand your presence for more than two hours you should glom onto her faster than you can post a weak ass reply here.


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