Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

No, climate change isn't really a thing. Just like yanno, same as past million years. Just happens FL's insurers about to go bankrupt. Premiums tripling, people falling back on socialized insurance. As long as FL doesn't want feds to bail their asses out.
Insurance companies going under due to a hurricane is not a recent phenomenon. Been going on for a hundred years. But you guys will blame anything on climate change. Get a hurricane, it's because of climate change. No hurricanes this year, it's because of climate change. Easy to play that game ain't it? Don't need any facts. Whatever weather you get just call it climate change.

Hey, it' sunny and 80 degrees today where I'm at. That's that fucking climate change for you. GTFO!

BTW, the new libtard phrase is "climate crisis." Global warming didn't work for them so they made it climate change. Well, that's not working for them either so now it's climate crisis.