Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

I've heard of it and may have seen it. I also remember hearing a lot about it being nonsense because Gore flies a private jet. My concerns about climate change predated that considerably. No one can give precise accurate timeframes and especially not a politician. (Although politicians > actors). This is why I avoid the studies in this thread. We can see as the temperature marches on, how fucked things are becoming. It might be 10 years or it might be 20 until we really start to have some nasty stuff happen.

When people have to immigrate from coastal cities.. wow. New housing created and such but oh wait everything costs 3x as much due to unavailable super cheap energy.

People have an optimism bias. I don't. I'm also not an alarmist. I'm not raising alarms. I'm just saying adios, mother fuckers.
And there you have it--first he claims not to have been swayed by Gore's and Kerry's nutty alarmist projections; then he does.

You're not as smart or "empirical" as you like to think you are AQ. Go worry yourself to sleep at night again over the tragedy of how life survives on this planet. Keep thinking you--who "had it all figured out years before Gore & Kerry came along"--are saturating this forum with teachable moments.

Hysteria and drugs just don't mix.....
You guys keep saying there is hysteria and such in this thread. Wtf.

Rob, while you were writing idiotic video poker pamphlets whose sole audience was the rare bigger idiot, I read various things. Lol at me ever saying I have it all figured out.

Teachable moments? Wtf are you going on about.

Btw having to google a word doesnt mean you put it in quotes.

Kewl or dietz still a tough question for me. That is one thing I haven't figured out
You were wrong about the Lab Leak Theory.
You were wrong about masks.
You were wrong about Covid.
You are wrong about "Climate Change".