Jimmy Dore the whore - why would anyone listen to a thing he says?
What is interesting to me is that you have so many very serious issues at once. The lake might have a chance if farmers weren't using it. Farmers need water for crops and a living. Handful of farmers will be able to keep their water because of politics. Meanwhile the city will collapse with no water. Oh yea and all those migratory birds are going to have to find a new migration path or go extinct. (who knows what that impacts) When the city collapses then revenue from state income tax is going to tank. This will in turn affect the farmers in ways they probably hadn't realized but hey what are they going to do with no water ?!
Just a big cycle of collapse.
Now clearly it isn't climate change that is all to blame for the lake. I haven't studied the issue of rain levels blah blah. My point here is but an example of the sort of shit that will happen and on a scale far larger than an American city.
Buckle up boys
The green transition, in its current imagining, is completely impossible.
Not going to watch some youtube video likely pandering but I don't particularly disagree. Doubtful my imagining would be the one that is impossible but yes, that is one of my points. We're fucked. It is too late. We can try and mitigate but things are going to go to shit sooner than later.
We could at least stop building highways and use that $ to transition to rails lol.. but nah huge highway systems all over so people can carry around a 2k lb metal cage with them. I have mine, commuting by rail would suck given what little I could carry but.. it is that or world death. <shrug>
Ok she doesn't look credible and I haven't looked into her background .. but I'm fairly certain she is spitting facts. Antarctic ice at new low and not done for year. Likely to be worse next year. Absolutely nothing suggests this will stop anytime soon. Snow is far far more reflective than water. water will make coastal areas uninhabitable causing pressure after people move inland.
“We’ve broken dozens of daily cold records across the state in this event and this winter. Just in the last two years, we’ve broken hundreds, if not thousands, of the equivalent hot records in California,” Swain said. “You will continue to experience cold extremes even in a warming climate, but there’s so much evidence that we’re seeing far more of the record warm events than we are the record cold. We’ve quantified this on a U.S.-wide basis, it’s about a 3:1 ratio. In a stable climate, you’d expect it to be about 1:1.”
3:1 ratio of records being broken for hot vs cold records.. Could you guys imagine playing a machine where 1 out of 4 times you had a record loss and 3 out of 4 times you had a record win? Oh you could still lose money but assuming a random distribution otherwise the machine would bankrupt the casino.
'How one heatwave killed 'a third' of a bat species in Australia'
Yea, wildlife gonna start dying off more and more. Humans in first world countries will be able to avoid the temperature extremes .. but lots of hungry people going to be eating a lot of bread.
You and Hilary can Fuck Off, lol, 4000 dislikes to 44 likes...
Hillary Clinton: Ukraine conflict shows climate change primarily affects women
I admit I didn't click the link but what an inane attempt to feminize an issue.
That's like saying death is primarily a concern for women.
Since this is a foxnews piece so I have lowered my level of approval and am posting it.
It strikes me as fundamentally sick for people to mock this concept. Regardless of the timeframe you give, climate change is going to get worse. Our emissions rate is STILL growing worldwide. We are soo fucked. Younger generations are going to have to deal with infinite shit. Duh they're going to be severely depressed. They have to deal with the excesses we've lived. Oh well. I don't know the answers just relaying the message.
So what every desert on earth was once green and people lived perfectly fine. Nothing to see here nothing to worry about. The con is convincing idiots like you that humans are the cause, and we can change it. A con to consolidate power to a select few, and strip away your rights. Just another way to keep the slave class in check.
AQ has a problem with just about everyone and everything on earth. Where there is none he creates them, because he believes people need to rely on the Government, which should run our lives.
This idiotic "VP" claiming children are experiencing or will experience "Climate Mental Health" is just another form of liberal brainwashing, where problems and panic are created out of thin air--very much like Democrats reacted to COVID. They want our children and grandchildren to learn to find and stay in their safe-spaces until the Govt. tells them how, when, and why to come out.
If and when the climate does become an issue and/or changes as such that it will actually need to be addressed--which will obviously be a result of the natural order of things and will NOT be "man-made"--how about we shut up these stupid politicians and give the generations a chance to handle their issues, much like our parents and grandparents generations did before us, and the current generation does now. Rely on the people to resolve things. The Govt. only gets in the way, and as that article suggests, they lie and make up agenda-driven nonsense.
Of course, those like AQ will find fault with any and every event they can find, because conflict and chaos drive him. His daddy slapped him one too many times.
Climate change is real. It's cool right now but in a few months its going to be hot. Then in about six months, it's going to get cool again, and in about 8 months its going to get colder than shit. But about a year from now it will warm up again....and in about 16 months its going to be hotter than shit again. Climate change is real. It's a viscious cycle we can't get out of.
Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.
Climate change has known to be a very legitimate thing by people far far smarter and far far more successful than you for decades now. Hard to tell if you're trying to make a point or not. A lot of word salad which is your one strength.
The fact is when you're a kid, you're going to see the writing on the wall unless mom and dad love fake news It should not be a surprise or worthy of being mocked that future generations are going to suffer more depression as they see the ecosystem around them dying off.
These changes are more or less irreversible. All the little bullshit the previous generations went through are a fucking joke compared to what this will be. Thats a fact.
It is also a fact you're too stupid to understand the significance of climate change vs the little bullshit people went through in the past century.
Whatever though, I get it. You see backup via Mickey/Seedvalue and others in this thread. Hop on in. hahaha...
Mickey I personally witnessed you dig the hole, assemble the coffin and put the nails it in after Redietz fell in.
You can do better than 'seasons exist therefore man-made climate change isn't real'.
The writing is more than on the wall though folks. I'll keep posting until Dan Druff thinks this is no longer related to Las Vegas.![]()
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