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Thread: Young Axl Rose and Cake Cream in 2022! :D

  1. #61
    Axl and Older Axl chatted for a while, and then they said goodbye. Cake Cream and Axl went home, showered, ate, and got ready for bed and then slept

    The next day, they woke up, ate, showered and got ready for the day. Axl made everyone wear motorcycle helmets and bulletproof vests. They went to the Tax Preparer and Older Axl came a little while later. Axl was grateful and Older Axl smiled back at him.

    Cake Cream and both Axls all chatted, and then it was time to meet with the Tax Preparer to sign the paperwork. Axl and Older Axl both read the paperwork and understood it and signed W. Axl Rose for the paperwork stating that Axl didn't know Older Axl already filed his taxes when Axl filed his taxes. The Tax Preparer was amused at both Axls signing W. Axl Rose and thanked them and they welcomed him. They all chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes. Cake Cream, Axl, and Older Axl left.

    Axl thought of making a distinction between Older Axl and himself. He said, "Maybe I should be called Axl Rose and Older Axl should be called W. Axl Rose, to make the distinction," he said to all of them.

    Older Axl said, "That's not a bad idea." He was smiling thoughtfully.

    Cake Cream also thought this wasn't a bad idea and smiled. They all went to Billy's house and Older Axl, Axl, and Cake Cream ordered no contact pizza and ordered wine from Instacart and ate and drank, and just chilled, enjoying each other's company. Cake Cream and Axl were amused that Older Axl was just chilling with them, no music endeavors this time. Axl was happy to be chilling with himself, literally. Older Axl was happy to be chilling with himself too, literally. He was also happy to be chilling with Cake Cream too.
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  2. #62
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Old Axl felt something bite his neck.


    He got out of bed, turned on the light and discovered that a mutant two foot long centipede was tasting him.

    "Whoa, that is some GOOD mescaline" he blurted.

    But then the creature really dug its mandibles into him and started to ... feed ...
    What, Me Worry?

  3. #63
    Older Axl was invited to sleep over and he gratefully accepted. Everybody smiled. They continued watching TV and just chatting and chilling. Soon, they all begun to feel tired and showered and got ready for bed. Older Axl, Axl, and Billy decided to sleep in Axl's bed. All of the beds in Billy's house were big enough to comfortably fit at least three People.

    Billy fell "asleep," and Older Axl and Axl chatted about Axl's relationship with Billy.

    Older Axl said,"How are things going with you and Billy?"

    Axl responded, "Our relationship is going good. We're so in love with each other. I'm really glad I found Billy. I'm happy with him and he's happy with me too."

    Older Axl responded,"I'm glad you are happy with Billy. You and he deserve to be happy together." Older Axl was smiling.

    Axl thanked him and was welcomed.

    Older Axl continued,"There is one thing weird however."

    Axl responded, "What's that?"

    Older Axl responded,"You and Billy are dating and in love with each other and I don't like Billy romantically. I like him in a Brother type of way, not a Boyfriend."

    Axl responded,"That's because you're Straight and 34 years older than Billy. It be weird if you wanted Billy as a Boyfriend. Like you pointed out, we're two different People technically."

    Older Axl responded,"Good points. It's just weird that I don't want to get with Billy that way at all considering the fact that my younger self, you, do."

    Axl once again pointed out that Older Axl was only interested in Women, not Men."

    Older Axl smiled and asked Axl,"When did you start liking Billy that way?"

    Axl responded," I probably started feeling something more than Friendship for Billy when Billy was the first Person I thought of calling when I stormed off from Cake Cream after they exposed my Tattoo in front of Cake Cream Fans. After I calmed down, I called Billy to tell him I was sorry for storming away from them."

    Older Axl responded," When do you think Billy started liking you more than a Friend?"

    Axl responded,"Definitely when Billy was the only Cake Cream Member to visit me in jail. Cake Cream usually travels together, so for Billy to be the only one who visited me in jail must have meant he was feeling something more than Friendship for me. "

    Older Axl and Axl chatted into the night about Billy for even longer.

    Billy was listening to this entire conversation, wide awake but pretending to be asleep. Billy was smiling. Billy fell asleep for real a little while later.
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    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

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  4. #64
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Axl asked old Axl if he'd ever been with a man, and if not, why not.

    Old Axl thoght a moment and said "No, not my cuppa."

    Axl pressed his argument: "Don't knock it unless you've tried it," at which point he kissed old Axl.

    Old Axl did not protest, so in short order Axl had old Axl's cock in his hand, then in his mouth: the old boy came, a gusher.

    "Now it's my turn," smiled Axl: instead of sticking his johnson in Axl's mouth he lubed up both himself and old Axl and began punching the brown.

    Later, in the afterglow, Axl said "People have often told me to go fuck myself; It's really good advice."
    What, Me Worry?

  5. #65
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Axl asked old Axl if he'd ever been with a man, and if not, why not.

    Old Axl thoght a moment and said "No, not my cuppa."

    Axl pressed his argument: "Don't knock it unless you've tried it," at which point he kissed old Axl.

    Old Axl did not protest, so in short order Axl had old Axl's cock in his hand, then in his mouth: the old boy came, a gusher.

    "Now it's my turn," smiled Axl: instead of sticking his johnson in Axl's mouth he lubed up both himself and old Axl and began punching the brown.

    Later, in the afterglow, Axl said "People have often told me to go fuck myself; It's really good advice."
    There have been multiple People suggesting that Older Axl and Young Axl should have sex. But that actually be creepy considering the fact that it be more like a Father and Son having sex. :/
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    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

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  6. #66
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    There have been multiple People suggesting that Older Axl and Young Axl should have sex. But that actually be creepy considering the fact that it be more like a Father and Son having sex. :/
    LOL, really?

    Where are these people, in your creative writing class?

    Let me clue you in: it's not like a father and son having sex; if anything it's akin to masturbation.

    Eerily reminiscent of "The Man From Nantucket."

    In case you don't know...


    There once was a man from Nantucket

    Whose cock was so long he could suck it

    He said with a grin

    As he wiped off his chin

    "If my ear were a cunt I would fuck it."
    Last edited by MisterV; 12-14-2022 at 08:36 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  7. #67
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    There have been multiple People suggesting that Older Axl and Young Axl should have sex. But that actually be creepy considering the fact that it be more like a Father and Son having sex. :/
    LOL, really?

    Where are these people, in your creative writing class?

    Let me clue you in: it's not like a father and son having sex; if anything it's akin to masturbation.

    Eerily reminiscent of "The Man From Nantucket."

    In case you don't know...


    There once was a man from Nantucket

    Whose cock was so long he could suck it

    He said with a grin

    As he wiped off his chin

    "If my ear were a cunt I would fuck it."
    Actually, it would be more like a Father and Son having sex because Older Axl and Young Axl are 35 years apart.
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    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  8. #68
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Axl drove over the river and through the woods to his father's cottage.

    Immediately upon arriving he raped his dad, reestablishing their life long bond.

    "Gee, it's just like fucking Old Axl," he mused.

    "Different, but oddly similar."
    What, Me Worry?

  9. #69
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Axl drove over the river and through the woods to his father's cottage.

    Immediately upon arriving he raped his dad, reestablishing their life long bond.

    "Gee, it's just like fucking Old Axl," he mused.

    "Different, but oddly similar."
    Nice try, but Axl's Dad died when he was like 19. And... raped him in real life when he was a Toddler! In fact, Axl was so disgusted by his birth Father,, he changed his legal name! His birthname is William Rose, Jr, but he changed it to W. Axl Rose.
    Last edited by Tasha; 12-15-2022 at 05:57 PM.
    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.

    Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  10. #70
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    The Walgreen's worker did a double take: is that Axl?

    Yes indeed, and he was approaching her.

    "Excuse me, but where can I find a pack of extra small rubbers?

    "Try a shoe store."

    "No, silly cow, not for my feet, for my dick."

    "Oh, we're out: a bus load of Trumpies cleaned us out, sorry."
    What, Me Worry?

  11. #71
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    "Oh, we're out: a bus load of Trumpies cleaned us out, sorry."
    Reminded me of the magical mystery tour bus that I wrote of, with RV Singer at the wheel, in my signature line, which Dan deleted without warning, I guess, because of the clamoring of Trump-like forum members. Lots of censorship going on, even here.

    Anyway, prompted me to check this out.

    Ah, but what will be the significance of Mrv's four thousandth post?


    States that ban atheists from holding public office.,%20but...t?partial=true

    Atheists eligible to hold office

    Torcaso v. Watkins, 367 U.S. 488 (1961) was a United States Supreme Court case in which the court reaffirmed that the United States Constitution prohibits States and the Federal Government from requiring any kind of religious test for public office; the specific case with Torcaso was regarding his being an atheist and his work as a notary public.

    The constitutions of seven U.S. states ban atheists from holding public office. However, these laws are unenforceable due to conflicting with the First Amendment and Article VI of the United States Constitution:

    Article 19, Section 1
    "No person who denies the being of a God shall hold any office in the civil departments of this State, nor be competent to testify as a witness in any Court."

    Article 37
    "That no religious test ought ever to be required as a qualification for any office of profit or trust in this State, other than a declaration of belief in the existence of God; nor shall the Legislature prescribe any other oath of office than the oath prescribed by this Constitution."

    Article 14, Section 265
    "No person who denies the existence of a Supreme Being shall hold any office in this state."

    North Carolina
    Article 6, Section 8
    "The following persons shall be disqualified for office: First, any person who shall deny the being of Almighty God."

    South Carolina
    Article 17, Section 4
    "No person who denies the existence of a Supreme Being shall hold any office under this Constitution."

    Article 9, Section 2
    "No person who denies the being of God, or a future state of rewards and punishments, shall hold any office in the civil department of this state."

    Article 1, Section 4
    "No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office, or public trust, in this State; nor shall any one be excluded from holding office on account of his religious sentiments, provided he acknowledge the existence of a Supreme Being."

    An eighth state constitution affords special protection to theists.

    Article 1, Section 4
    "No person who acknowledges the being of a God and a future state of rewards and punishments shall, on account of his religious sentiments, be disqualified to hold any office or place of trust or profit under this Commonwealth."
    Hmm, 1961.

    367*488 = 179096 = (1690*10*10 + 96 + 10000) ---> 1691_1961.

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    Last edited by TheGrimReaper; 12-16-2022 at 11:48 AM.

  12. #72
    Axl and Older Axl fell asleep. In the morning, Cake Cream, Billy, Older Axl and Axl woke up, ate, and got ready for the day. Everybody decided to chill out again. They all had fun again just relaxing again, and then Older Axl left a long while later back to his house that was in another City.

    Cake Cream and Axl decided to continue to just chill.

    The next day, they got up, ate, showered and got ready for the day.

    They were watching TV when the news broke that John Wilson had ESCAPED from Jail!

    No! Cake Cream and Axl all cried in horrified unison again! John Wilson had been very far from their minds after he was taken away to jail. But now that John Wilson was on the loose, he'd more than likely be coming right for Billy to Murder him! Axl made everyone wear motorcycle helmets and bulletproof vests because John would probably try to break into the house.

    Billy cried in fear, fearing for his life. Axl held him close to himself to comfort him..Soon, John was at the house and broke down the front door with excessive force and lunged at Billy with a hateful look in his eyes and James, Jimmy, Mike and Andy were stuck with a deer in headlights thing. Axl instinctively pushed Billy out of harm's way and punched John hard on his head. John fell to the ground and hit his head hard on the floor. Blood was already gushing out of his head and he was unconscious.

    Axl called the Police and the Police arrived shortly and took John away who was still alive. Billy thanked Axl for saving him again. He welcomed him. Jimmy, James, Mike and Andy were embarrassed that they didn't help Billy as they had frozen. They apologized. Billy was just grateful that he was still alive.

    They all put the door back up and put furniture behind it for now to "lock it."

    Later on, they watched the News and John Wilson was given medical attention at the hospital and then transported to a jail in another State. Billy felt a little safer that John was in another State. Jimmy, James, Andy and Mike once again apologized for freezing when John lunged at Billy.
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    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

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  13. #73
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    "Oh, but that big, scary man almost killed me" whimpered Billy as he put down his crocheting material and turned The View off.

    "There there, little man" said Axl smugly, "there's no need to fear, Axl man is here."

    And with that they proceeded to suck each other off, but before spouting they agreed that each deserved to sport a dirty Sanchez.

    His mouth adorned with a fecal moustache, Axl ssid "next up: felching."

    And he felched...
    What, Me Worry?

  14. #74
    Axl and Cake Cream went to sleep. They woke up and ate and got ready for the day.

    They discussed yesterday's happenings. Billy of course felt traumatized. Axl's heart went out to him. This was the second Murder attempt of Billy lately. Poor Billy. He didn't deserve this. Jimmy, James Andy and Mike also felt sorry for Billy. Billy was grateful he had a Boyfriend and four close Friends who loved and supported him. Billy smiled at all of them.

    They all smiled back. Claven Records called Billy and asked him how he was holding up.

    Billy admitted he was traumatized but grateful he had the support of his Bandmates and Axl. Claven Records expressed sympathy for Billy. Billy thanked them and was grateful he had the support of Claven Records too. Claven Records and Billy chatted and then said their goodbyes and hung up.

    Billy took a long nap. When he woke up, he told Cake Cream and Axl that he wanted to go take a walk to clear his head. Jimmy, Andy, Mike, Axl and James offered to go with him. Billy said he wanted to be alone.

    The rest of Cake Cream and Axl agreed to let him go alone but reminded him to wear a motorcycle helmet and bulletproof vest. He did and left.

    As he was walking, he saw a Drug Dealer and went up to him and asked him for Cocaine. The Drug Dealer sold him the Cocaine and he thanked him and was welcomed and then Billy continued walking. Billy felt overwhelmed, traumatized and felt he needed the Cocaine to cope and self soothe. He went back home with the Cocaine in his pocket and went to his room and locked the door and snorted a line. He felt better. Axl knocked on his door and he guiltily opened the door.

    Axl compassionately said, "I know what's going on, Billy. Just remember to take the Subutex I gave you to combat drug addiction and remember to only do drugs in this house. Billy blushed shyly and admitted he was doing Cocaine. Axl responded,"I know. I've done Cocaine myself. We're all Rockstars and I had a feeling that there would be drug use, that's why I gave you guys Subutex in the first place to combat drug addiction."

    Billy smiled and took some Subutex. Axl was grateful Billy heeded his advice.
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    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

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  15. #75
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    Billy thanked Axl but realized there was something missing.

    He hopped on Axl's Vespa and went to the nearest Walgreens to buy more rubbers.

    While purchasing his item the clerk noticed a smattering of white powder around his nose; knowingly she smiled and coyly said "So, you like to party?"

    They quickly became friends; on her break they went behind the store and did some lines.

    Such poor timing: at that moment the police rolled by in their cruiser, saw what was happening, and arrested the two of them.
    What, Me Worry?

  16. #76
    They all chilled until the next day and woke up, ate, and got ready for the day. Claven Records called Axl's Cellphone and asked him if Cake Cream could open for The Rolling Stones tomorrow! Axl was excited. He told Claven Records he would talk to them about it and Claven Records said Okay.

    Axl dropped subtle, well glaringly obvious hints to Cake Cream.

    He said, "I can't get no satisfactn from my red car that I painted black because it won't start up. I nicknamed my car Mick. It's a real Jagger of a car. And when it does start up, it sends stones rolling. My car is just one shot away from breaking down completely. Breaking down and a car crash is just one shot away. Although it did gimme shelter from the Storm that was threatening my very life, and , so I didn't fade away, so that's something to be grateful for."

    Cake Cream asked,"Are we opening for The Rolling Stones?" They were smiling.

    Axl smiled and told them Claven Records wanted them to open for The Rolling Stones tomorrow. They were up for it. Claven Records were called and all of Cake Cream and Axl said they were up for opening for The Rolling Stones. Claven Records were thrilled. They all chatted for a while and then said their goodbyes. Axl and Cake Cream decided to practice for the opening for The Rolling Stones tomorrow. Axl called Mick Jagger and they chatted. Mick was happy Cake Cream was going to open for The Rolling Stones. Axl told Mick to make all of The Stones wear motorcycle helmets and bulletproof vests and make sure the stage had bulletproof plexiglass barriers to separate them from the audience. Mick took his advice seriously.

    Cake Cream and Axl chilled until the next day. The next day, they ate and got ready for the show. They went to the Venue.

    The Rolling Stones were thrilled to see Cake Cream and Axl and vice versa. They all chatted and practiced and then it was time for Cake Cream to open for The Rolling Stones. The Rolling Stones all had motorcycle helmets and bulletproof vests and so did Cake Cream and Axl. Cake Cream did some of their Demos, which surprised and confused Axl. He thought for sure that they were going to do some songs he wrote for them, the ones they practiced for. Axl felt a little hurt. They were really good however and the crowd went wild. Axl had to smile at this although he was hurt, confused, and surprised. Axl's smile looked like a smile of mixed emotions.

    After they finished their set, Mick asked them if they wanted to stay on stage as The Rolling Stones Featured Guests. Cake Cream were happy, but asked Axl if this was okay because he was their Manager after all. Axl was grateful they still asked for his okay after that Demo stunt they just pulled. Axl gave his okay and Mick was happy and they were the Featured Guests, playing backup for The Rolling Stones and not just opening for them. They sounded good. Axl was proud although he was still a little hurt about the Demo thing. After the show, the Rolling Stones and Cake Cream and Axl all chatted amicably for a while and then Cake Cream and Axl went back home.

    Axl asked them why they did their Demo Songs and not Songs he wrote for them. They all replied that they wanted to get back to basics of Cake Cream for The Rolling Stones opening. Axl admitted he was hurt, confused and surprised when they did that. Cake Cream said they didn't mean to hurt Axl. They apologized for not even warning him about the Demo thing. Axl accepted their apologies.
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    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

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  17. #77
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    But the rejection festered in Axl, like a tapeworm feeding on lunch time tacos.

    "I'm an artist," he thought, "these guys fucking owe me."

    Needing a break he left, got on his Vespa and putted down to the golf range to hit some balls.

    Axl grabbed a wood at the range and used it to smack five different golfers in the testicles.

    "This is fun" he blurted out loud, as the sound of sirens came ever closer.
    What, Me Worry?

  18. #78
    They ate a very late dinner and went to bed. They woke up and ate and got ready for the day. They checked YouTube and the Rolling Stones Show last night with Cake Cream was already going viral. There were multiple close ups on Axl's weird looking smile, which Axl did not foresee happening. Cake Cream looked at Axl curiously. Axl blushed.

    "I had multiple emotions when I did that weird looking smile," Axl pointed out to Cake Cream. I wasn't expecting multiple close ups of my weird looking smile."

    Billy asked Axl if he felt resentful of Cake Cream.

    "No, I love you guys. I'm proud of you guys." Axl answered.

    "It's okay if you feel resentful of us," Billy said. It's a natural emotion. "Cake Cream backed up Billy. Axl had a troubled look on his face.

    Mike added that they agreed to be more open with each other. Cake Cream backed up Mike.

    Axl took a deep breath and admitted he did feel resentful of Cake Cream, especially with that Demo stunt they pulled last night. And the fact that they had a Grammy when Guns N'Roses didn't.

    Cake Cream thanked Axl for his honesty and pointed out they should continue being more honest with each other.

    Jimmy said,"Speaking of being more honest with each other, Andy attempted to sell Axl out for $5,000 when Axl was still a Fugitive and Billy, James, Mike, and I talked him out of it!"

    Andy blushed angrily at Jimmy. Axl hadn't known about Andy attempting to sell out Axl for $5,000.

    Axl gave Andy a hurt look. "Is that true, Andy?" Andy admitted,"Yes, it's true. I did suggest we turn you in for $5,000 because at the time I was resentful that we were hiding you as a Fugitive and I wanted extra money. Billy, Jimmy, James, and Mike were disgusted I attempted to get us to turn you in for $5,000. Billy paid me the $5,000 to not turn you in. I do feel awful I suggested we turn you in for $5,000."

    Axl's stomach churned at the thought if it were up to Andy, Andy was going to betray him by turning him in.

    Axl said hurt, "Andy, I would never even think of turning any of you guys in for money if any of you guys were the Fugitives. I consider you my Brother . This really hurts, Andy."

    Andy lowered his head in guilt and shame. "I'm really sorry for that," Andy said, filled with remorse. "I consider you my Brother too." he continued.

    Billy pointed out that Andy told him a long time ago he felt awful about suggesting they turn in Axl for money. Andy backed up Billy.

    Axl wasn't sure what to think and told them so. Andy blushed uncomfortably.

    Axl said he needed some time alone to process his emotions. Cake Cream agreed. Axl and Cake Cream said their goodbyes for now and Axl went to the Local Marriott and booked a Hotel Room for just himself. He wrote a song about how he felt about Andy attempting to sell him out for $5,000. He poured his emotions into that song and then went to the pool and went for a wade, musing about Andy. He then got out of the pool, dried off and went back to his Hotel Room and had Room Service. He enjoyed his meal. He watched some TV and then fell asleep.
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    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  19. #79
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    4:00 AM: There's a knock on Axl's hotel room door.

    "Who is it?"


    Confused, Axl opens the door and several men in masks swarm in; he feels a wet rag with what smells like ether pressed against his face, then he feels nothing.

    He awakens in great pain; examining himself he sees a fresh, stiched wound hear his mid-section.

    Looking around, he sees Andy glaring at him.

    "I lied, Axl: I wanted to turn you in but they stopped me. But this is just as good. I ran across some folks who pay a lot of money to secure a fresh kidney for transplantation. I gave them your name: they just harvested it and I got my five grand. Off to the casino. Oh, did I tell you I was a degenerate gambler?
    What, Me Worry?

  20. #80
    Axl woke up the next day and watched some videos of Cake Cream performances with a nostalgic look in his face. He was still hurt over the Demo Stunt and Andy suggesting Cake Cream turn in Axl for $5,000 however. He heard a knock on his Hotel Room door and it was Billy on the other side. He let Billy come in. Billy was wearing a bulletproof vest and a motorcycle helmet. He took off his motorcycle helmet.

    Billy came close to Axl and wrapped his arms around Axl and Axl wrapped his arms around Billy back.

    "I love you Axl," Billy said. Axl replied,"I love you too." They ended up kissing passionately again on the Hotel bed, enjoying each other's kisses and company. Billy and Axl decided to spend the day in Axl's hotel Room just chilling and having fun. Billy and Axl ended up falling asleep in each other's arms. They woke up the next morning and got ready for the day. Axl decided to add Billy as a guest to his Room. Billy was all up for this. Billy and Axl went to the Front Desk to add Billy to his Hotel Room. The Front Desk Clerk smirked knowingly and added Billy as Axl's Guest. Axl and Billy blushed and Axl paid for Billy as his Guest. They thanked the Front Desk Clerk and were welcomed. They decided to go to the Hotel Restaurant.

    A Paparazzi Person smirked and asked them why they were there just them two and Axl lied and said that Jimmy, James Andy and Mike were also at the Hotel but were sleeping and he and Billy were hungry, so here they were. Billy backed up Axl. The Paparazzi Person asked if he could take a picture with Axl and Billy. Axl was happy that this Paparazzi Person ASKED if he could take a picture and wasn't just snapping away pictures without permission like some other Paparazzi People did, especially Brian Washington.

    Billy and Axl agreed to take the picture with the Paparazzi Person. They were all smiling. The Paparazzi Person thanked them for the picture and they welcomed him. The Paparazzi Person left happily and Billy and Axl had orange juice, water, sausage, bacon, pancakes and eggs and paid and left back to their hotel Room.
    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.

    Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

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