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"I'm waiting to be called on, your honor" replied the doppelganger.
"You shall address me as "Professor V" in this classroom, but "Judge V" wnen I am in the courthouse."
"Yes, your holiness."
"Mr. Rose, what would you do if she offered her honor?"
Thinking that the pissy prof was referring to the lady next to him with a hideous handbag, Axl lied and said "Why, I'd honor her offer...and be on her and off her all night."
"Not bad, not bad at all: perhaps the law is your calling. Just one more. Electricians do it wihthout shorts; how do lawyers do it?"
"Lawyers do it in their briefs, your majesty."
"Yes, yes, that we do. Very good. Would you like to edit our Law Review?"
"No, but I want to be your clerk."
"Do you like Peruvian flake?"
"Love it." Alas, Axl thought the jacked up jurist was referring to a type of fish.
"Meet me after class, we have much to discuss. Be sure to bring a hundred dollar bill."
Axl farted silently yet joyoursly: this was going to just ROCK...