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Thread: Alan Mendelson has passed - r.i.p.

  1. #1

    the vid - he was so handsome when he was young
    please don't feed the trolls

  2. #2
    I saw this horrible news on DT. I am stunned! I definitely wasn't expecting Alan to die anytime soon. RIP, Alan!

    Damn, that's TWO top Contributors dead just this year! First Moses and now Alan!
    Last edited by Tasha; 11-12-2022 at 04:30 AM.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  3. #3
    My condolences to you and your family Slapinfunk on your father's passing.

  4. #4

    this link provides a brief bio of his life and career

    please don't feed the trolls

  5. #5
    I am stunned and saddened. My condolences, Jason. I'm truly sorry that I never got to meet the man in person.

  6. #6
    From WoV:

    R.I.P. Alan Mendelson

    Since there is no cause to doubt this reporting, I suppose that I can reveal that I actually talked to Alan on the phone a handful of times.

    Alan was very polite and well-spoken, but also, strangely very serious about things, in my observation.

    I had wanted to co-write an article with him about casino etiquette that would be mostly an interview-style sort of thing. That article didn't end up happening because the one thing that I couldn't seem to prevail upon him was that casino etiquette wasn't really meant as a serious subject (on its own) and that the subgoal of the article was for it to be really funny.

    For one reason or another, he just didn't seem to want to be on board with that.

    It was a reverence for gambling and casinos that, quite frankly, caught me by surprise. Either way, I would have to say that Alan really loved the casino environment, and judging from his posts, he got to enjoy casinos either right up to the end, or, at least, near the end.

  7. #7
    Condolences to Alan's close friend AndrewG.

    I didn't hate Alan, despite that I frequently gave him shit. Alan started a lot of shit, so it was fair game to give him back some.

    Alan, had a very definite anti-AP bias. I held a bit of a grudge because of his stunning dishonesty when he jumped up at 3am and ran to the strip and took intentionally blurry pictures of empty blackjack tables, attempting to prove that a player couldn't see the next table. For me, that was right up there with his 18 y.o. in a row claim. I know it wasn't for others.

    In the end, Alan, wasn't a danger to anyone on these forums, like some of the other guys with there ridiculous stories. Alan was just a losing gambler that I hope at least enjoyed his gambling.

    Alan did help me navigate the unemployment system, when my brother and I were trying to file (legally) during the covid shutdown. I had never filed for unemployment before obviously and the Nevada system was a real mess. Alan seemed to know how things worked and help me get through it.

    A serious R.I.P to Alan and if his son does takes a gander at Alan's old forum, my condolences, to him.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 11-12-2022 at 09:52 AM.

  8. #8
    Obviously you guys don't read PFA.

  9. #9
    I still can't believe Alan's dead. Still in shock.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  10. #10
    Life gets put into perspective once someone dies. I remember arguing with a Classmate when I was 13 over a free bottle of soda. There was a promotion under a Coca Cola cap that said something like,"Turn this bottle cap for a free Coca Cola soda. " The Coca Cola soda was mine but he found the cap I had foolishly left lying around and claimed the cap was his. We got into a huge argument over it. A little while later, he DIED at only 13 and I realized how pointless arguing over a damn free soda bottle cap really was.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  11. #11
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Life gets put into perspective once someone dies. I remember arguing with a Classmate when I was 13 over a free bottle of soda. There was a promotion under a Coca Cola cap that said something like,"Turn this bottle cap for a free Coca Cola soda. " The Coca Cola soda was mine but he found the cap I had foolishly left lying around and claimed the cap was his. We got into a huge argument over it. A little while later, he DIED at only 13 and I realized how pointless arguing over a damn free soda bottle cap really was.
    No it does not.
    People have their chance to act decent to another person before death.
    They don't get to act all lovey dovey to someone they hated and constantly bad mouthed after that individual dies.
    You don't get to tell someone that their family recipe is Mendlebread and after Mendleson dies you say: "oh that's horrible... I really liked that guy."
    That's Two-Faced Hypocrisy.

  12. #12
    Originally Posted by monet View Post

    No it does not.
    People have their chance to act decent to another person before death.
    They don't get to act all lovey dovey to someone they hated and constantly bad mouthed after that individual dies.
    You don't get to tell someone that their family recipe is Mendlebread and after Mendleson dies you say: "oh that's horrible... I really liked that guy."
    That's Two-Faced Hypocrisy.
    You'd make a fair point, but per the usual, you stretch it too far.

    While I'm not going to go back and make ridiculous claims that I enjoyed Alan's company as a poster, nor am I going to dance all over the grave of someone who isn't around to defend himself.

    It's not out of any kind of sanctimonious affinity; it's because there's no longer an argument to win. I called him an insufferable human being less than a week ago; I neither deny or regret that because that is what he was being. What am I supposed to do---measure what I say to everyone on the off-chance that they are going to die in the near future? I'll do that with my fiancee, my kids and my mother. That being the last thing I said about Mendelson before he died, assuming he hadn't already when I said it, certainly doesn't matter to him at this point.

  13. #13
    I always believed Alan had a good career in journalism. But he was certainly inept when it came to gambling. He was harmless. I found it funny more than anything else. It's sad news to me that he's gone.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  14. #14
    YO Alan will always be a legend in VCT history. As the founder and as a truly one of a kind poster and gambling rube. RIP Alan YO Mendelson.

  15. #15
    Let's not turn this into a shitpost thread. Alan started this forum. I know some of you didn't like him, but the man just passed away. Show some respect. I have deleted a few inappropriate posts here.

    Alan was a very interesting and unique individual. I didn't always agree with him, and we had our "issues" at times. However, he was one of those people I could absolutely never dislike, no matter what disagreements we may have had. I always thought the guy had a certain charm and generally meant well.

    Alan loved gambling. That's not a slam against him. We are all on this forum because we love gambling. It was Alan's love for gambling that caused him to turn a boring forum aimed at supporting his TV show into an alternative hangout for casino advantage players. Alan wasn't an advantage player, and didn't really believe much in the whole concept of advantage play. Regardless, APs took residence on his forum, and somehow it became an offbeat alternative to the more rigid environment of Wizard of Vegas.

    As most of you probably know, this forum was once on It was Alan's forum, and I didn't even know it existed until it had been around for about 3 years. I found it in 2013, and noticed it was being destroyed by spammers, as well as having other technical issues. I offered Alan space on my Pokerfraudalert server. In addition, I asked him if he'd like me to administrate the forum from a tech standpoint, where I promised to do away with the spam. He agreed, and in return, he agreed to a (very small) quarterly payment to help pay for the PFA server expenses. At the time, I was not an owner of the site, nor did I assert any admin power. All of the decisions here were Alan's, aside from my removal of spammers, which I did on my own.

    However, eventually the drama here became too much for Alan to want to continue dealing with, so he called me and asked me to shut everything down permanently. Having grown fond of this forum, I didn't want that to happen. I offered to take over, and he agreed, provided that I would buy a new domain name and rename the site. We announced it as a "sale", but it really wasn't. The pricetag was $0, and it was basically Alan handing it over to me because he didn't want the burden of running it anymore, which was understandable. I should note that I have never monetized this site, and in fact it runs at a (small) loss. That's how became

    It feels a bit strange that we will never be hearing from Alan Mendelson again. I knew he had health issues, I knew he was 20 years older than me, and I knew he would likely be gone from this earth before I was. However, I didn't expect it so soon. From all appearances, Alan still had a number of years ahead of him. Even when Alan would leave the forum for awhile -- even when he asked me to ban his account to prevent him from coming back -- he always returned.

    In Alan's heart, this forum was always part of him, and he could never completely leave it. He could be gone for months or longer, and I'd always know that one day I'd log in and see posts from Alan Mendelson again. It's sad to think that this will never occur again.

    RIP Alan Mendelson. We may not have always seen eye-to-eye, but you always had my respect.

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    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  16. #16
    RIP Alan

    yehi zichra baruch

  17. #17
    Thank you for those who have said kind words.

    He definitely loved the game.

    Thank you.

  18. #18
    Originally Posted by SLaPiNFuNK View Post
    Thank you for those who have said kind words.

    He definitely loved the game.

    Thank you.
    My condolences, Jason.

    Best wishes to you and your family.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  19. #19
    Talked to Alan for years back in the days of the Las Vegas Advisor Free-For-All. He shared great Vegas content with the group there and I always thought he was a good person. Rest In Peace my friend.

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by unowme View Post
    Talked to Alan for years back in the days of the Las Vegas Advisor Free-For-All. He shared great Vegas content with the group there and I always thought he was a good person. Rest In Peace my friend.

    Unowme's post reminded me of why I started reading things on this forum. Alan had experience and good insights regarding the comp systems in Las Vegas. Other than the occasional discretionary comp, I really didn't know much about them and had never utilized them properly. It was my reading Alan's posts at LVA that also led me here to get some tips and details. Not everyone is helpful and forthcoming with that information, but Alan was always willing to share comp systems info, which saved me money and made for better meals and better LV stays.

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