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Thread: Republicans want to make small forums like this carry huge burdens.

  1. #21
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Must be that time of the month, huh mick.
    For you, it is just that time of the month. But cease using the same tampon, please.

  2. #22
    Can you explain?
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  3. #23
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Can you explain?
    Me? Well I assume this forum would fall be considered a "social media platform" (or whatever language is used in the law).

    Thus you would be forced to moderate or you are on the hook for whatever frivolous lawsuit might head your way.

    So then to avoid it you would need to actively moderate.

    Now I will say I was adding some exaggeration because a small forum like yours is not hard to moderate and thus it really wouldn't change your burden.

    Now as to why I said Republicans were doing it I can't tell you. I must have been Mr V'ing it up. You can delete this thread. It is a bit embarrassing. I can't even concoct a reasonable interpretation given that article. It would take too much creative thinking for me to muster.

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