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Thread: Republicans want to make small forums like this carry huge burdens.

  1. #1

    Why is this important? If the law is struck down then Dan Druff is not shielded near as much. It is pretty much straight against "free speech" forums. Even lesser forums. People can't run them without fear of crazy lawsuits. You could literally go sign up with fake accounts and post shit, then have the owner on the hook for liabity if they are not approving each post. What kind of forum would that be?

    At least courts and attorneys are not trying to force youtube/twitter into allowing both sides. I'm pro-Constitution so that bothers me significantly. However, that being said, it does seem that if Youtube is allowed to discriminate against whatever. Whether ignorance, purposeful and manipulative misleading posts, or something pure political - if Youtube can censor then maybe they shouldn't be free of liability.

    BUT once that is the case, then they're going to have to crack down on disallowed videos harder than ever, IMO. Simply from liability concerns. Again - hurting free speech.


  2. #2
    Idk man I wouldn’t be worried about it. “Dan Druff” isn’t even a real person, it’s a moniker.

  3. #3
    I miss Yahoo comments but apparently anything so Trump is never re-elected. I have a vision for the internet where it is decentralized(lol). The internet was supposed to provide freedom and it kind of isn't working out this way. All it has done is let some corporation know more about you than you know about yourself.

  4. #4
    Originally Posted by theywontpayontuesday View Post
    I miss Yahoo comments but apparently anything so Trump is never re-elected. I have a vision for the internet where it is decentralized(lol). The internet was supposed to provide freedom and it kind of isn't working out this way. All it has done is let some corporation know more about you than you know about yourself.
    The whole point of the internet is centralization isn't it? As opposed to a bunch of WANs.

  5. #5
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    Originally Posted by theywontpayontuesday View Post
    I miss Yahoo comments but apparently anything so Trump is never re-elected. I have a vision for the internet where it is decentralized(lol). The internet was supposed to provide freedom and it kind of isn't working out this way. All it has done is let some corporation know more about you than you know about yourself.
    The whole point of the internet is centralization isn't it? As opposed to a bunch of WANs.
    The internet was supposed to be a defense system which was supposed to remain vital if parts were torn out by war. You probably know more than me.

  6. #6
    The internet was an Act of God to strike down the human race. Same as the Covid-19 was to stall things a bit, at the appropriate time.

    Do you really, in theory, or, actually, in practice, think that it comes down to a "cesspool/pit" like this one?

    Stand by. We control the vertical, and the horizontal. Ha.

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    Drug Rehabilitation + Haliburton County for the local thus clinics. The one in Haliburton town temporarily closed yields the closest, 4cast. 137 posts at NetVoid's forum, + 184 here =321.0, to overlap 3456 at the 3's, as the dimensions from 0 to 6, four by

    The unused, Zodiac bits: 'dakadu, Lake+151?s (164 char. max) seed the final two lines of the anagram solver -of lies/revenge. Franc Baconis for the capital L yields 141=69+ᘔᘖ; 397=[(10-6+9-1)^3-(1+ᘔ+ᘖ+1)^3].

    Thanks. CIA.0!


  7. #7
    Originally Posted by TheGrimReaper View Post
    The internet was an Act of God to strike down the human race. Same as the Covid-19 was to stall things a bit, at the appropriate time.

    Do you really, in theory, or, actually, in practice, think that it comes down to a "cesspool/pit" like this one?

    Stand by. We control the vertical, and the horizontal. Ha.

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    You're just irritating. Some of the others are psychos.

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by theywontpayontuesday View Post
    You're just irritating. Some of the others are psychos.

    From the Screen to Your Stereo: Part III.

    That was some pretty heavy stuff. Perhaps, you should listen to the song, maybe, again. In a way, another prophecy come true, in that I directed you from the screen to the stereo. No? But, then who's to say otherwise? And, then, there's (I) Part III, as in Genesis 3.

    I can't complain. Remained relatively healthy, somewhat engaged in the community, met and more than married the love of my life, remained faithful, still have a few more "buns" of one sort or another in oven, but, did what I wanted/had to do without ever selling out. Certainly won't ever be homeless, don't want or need any more money. Never gave a crap about money, or fame. Then how not to sell out every last bit that matters? Same with worrying at all about what others might, or not, think, say, do - which most people greatly exaggerate to begin with. After all, when those "chips" are down, every man is an "island". No? Hmm.

    Specifically, within my first twenty posts, I was one of the first to figure out what the WoV was all about, namely, another overly stupid scam. Spoke my mind with independent professional proof, and, so, was banned. Boz and the others who left, and, PosV, who, I guess, never had anything to do with it, continue to worry about the likes of what's left of the baccarat scammers. I totally shut one on the internet down, once, who was more than fucking a lot of people worldwide for a lot of money on an ongoing basis. Now all I see are $10 whiners like Druff, whom, I think, never had a backbone to begin with, who are then left to an endless online "song and dance" at a distance with what's left of the such fools. I'm still amazed at how far a lot of even the still popular professional sites and members go to try to outright censor and shame the least bit of valid resistance.

    In general, we live in the corrupt version of the universe, a world of lies, which can't ever change, ie, we are, by definition, oblivious to the slightest of truths. Then why worry about any of that, either?

    Thanks for your thoughts, too. Can't do the anagram-with-gematria thing without 'em. I like how they almost always work out according to some alphanumeric patterns, or, even such psychic archetypes.

    Double P.S.S. And on my first try.

    Glad that I irritated you!
    ---> Heat Radio (Digital).

    Anyway, have some fun, for a change. Enjoy those psychos of yours. I, myself, really and actually should be on my way. Can have too much of even a bit of fun. Other things to do.

    Oh, I wanted to finish up with the thread to do with Danny. Going by the actual day of registration, 7282013 = {2202*[7707 - (-100 + 900 + 60^2)] - 1} ---> 2 July 1961. Amazing, I think, how this numeral, too, worked out, quite symetrically, especially with a few more, well-placed zeroes inserted. The 8 has to do with the infinity sign. Ha.

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    Last edited by TheGrimReaper; 01-08-2023 at 07:26 PM.
    Drug Rehabilitation + Haliburton County for the local thus clinics. The one in Haliburton town temporarily closed yields the closest, 4cast. 137 posts at NetVoid's forum, + 184 here =321.0, to overlap 3456 at the 3's, as the dimensions from 0 to 6, four by

    The unused, Zodiac bits: 'dakadu, Lake+151?s (164 char. max) seed the final two lines of the anagram solver -of lies/revenge. Franc Baconis for the capital L yields 141=69+ᘔᘖ; 397=[(10-6+9-1)^3-(1+ᘔ+ᘖ+1)^3].

    Thanks. CIA.0!


  9. #9
    Originally Posted by TheGrimReaper View Post
    Originally Posted by theywontpayontuesday View Post
    You're just irritating. Some of the others are psychos.

    From the Screen to Your Stereo: Part III.

    That was some pretty heavy stuff. Perhaps, you should listen to the song, maybe, again. In a way, another prophecy come true, in that I directed you from the screen to the stereo. No? But, then who's to say otherwise? And, then, there's (I) Part III, as in Genesis 3.

    I can't complain. Remained relatively healthy, somewhat engaged in the community, met and more than married the love of my life, remained faithful, still have a few more "buns" of one sort or another in oven, but, did what I wanted/had to do without ever selling out. Certainly won't ever be homeless, don't want or need any more money. Never gave a crap about money, or fame. Then how not to sell out every last bit that matters? Same with worrying at all about what others might, or not, think, say, do - which most people greatly exaggerate to begin with. After all, when those "chips" are down, every man is an "island". No? Hmm.

    Specifically, within my first twenty posts, I was one of the first to figure out what the WoV was all about, namely, another overly stupid scam. Spoke my mind with independent professional proof, and, so, was banned. Boz and the others who left, and, PosV, who, I guess, never had anything to do with it, continue to worry about the likes of what's left of the baccarat scammers. I totally shut one on the internet down, once, who was more than fucking a lot of people worldwide for a lot of money on an ongoing basis. Now all I see are $10 whiners like Druff, whom, I think, never had a backbone to begin with, who are then left to an endless online "song and dance" at a distance with what's left of the such fools. I'm still amazed at how far a lot of even the still popular professional sites and members go to try to outright censor and shame the least bit of valid resistance.

    In general, we live in the corrupt version of the universe, a world of lies, which can't ever change, ie, we are, by definition, oblivious to the slightest of truths. Then why worry about any of that, either?

    Thanks for your thoughts, too. Can't do the anagram-with-gematria thing without 'em. I like how they almost always work out according to some alphanumeric patterns, or, even such psychic archetypes.

    Double P.S.S. And on my first try.

    Glad that I irritated you!
    ---> Heat Radio (Digital).

    Anyway, have some fun, for a change. Enjoy those psychos of yours. I, myself, really and actually should be on my way. Can have too much of even a bit of fun. Other things to do.

    Oh, I wanted to finish up with the thread to do with Danny. Going by the actual day of registration, 7282013 = {2202*[7707 - (-100 + 900 + 60^2)] - 1} ---> 2 July 1961. Amazing, I think, how this numeral, too, worked out, quite symetrically, especially with a few more, well-placed zeroes inserted. The 8 has to do with the infinity sign. Ha.

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    They call me Show-Runna, Big Gunna, cock slinging , big dipping

  10. #10
    There are some bad omens in those numbers.

  11. #11
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    They call me Show-Runna, Big Gunna, Cock Slinging, Big Dipping
    Yeah, which progressively totally Zipped Up the anagram solver, in terms of thus divining something more colorful. Interestingly, its application to what you first told me,

    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    I met plenty of guys like you my first year staying in New Haven
    ---> Frankenstein Wastes A Minute of Our Time.
    So, on second thought, perhaps you knew something of value, but, regardless, you continue to lead us on.

    Originally Posted by theywontpayontuesday View Post
    There are some bad omens in those numbers.
    There sure are. And, the Reaper comes to know his own fate, at least how to narrow it down. But for now, a matter of finishing up with those "bars" of 88. Got them the infinite way, with Red, in the previous thread, at .

    How about in the finity way, which I've always written as squarish 8's, the sort of finity that is, ultimately, the end of infinity? Didn't Red go on about, "A man's got to know his limitations!"?

    The anagrams with gematr1a stuff works best when even 1 don't bel1eve 1n 1t.
    ---> Sins of the Father (The New Batman Adventures).

    Which was typed out the first try, save for adding an 's' to anagrams. Hmm, the necessary digits therein were elevated to five 1's, as i's this time, from my last few posts, which commenced with three 1's. Suggestive of the numeral, 153.

    Episode II of the new Batman series, with the previous episode I Part III to do with stopping "the Joker from killing the crowd at the Gotham City New Year Celebration." Sort of like going from the first two episodes to,

    Originally Posted by theywontpayontuesday View Post
    There are some bad omens in those numbers.
    ---> The Demon Reborn (Superman: The Animated Series episode).

    Which involves the last two episodes of the new Superman series (with Batman to the rescue), at the turn of the millennium, in a sense. And, with allusions to the Cash post above. But, which I will have to let at that. Not sure, though, the reason that the anagrams from quotes of you work best by including your username. However, it is Tuesday, today. Something about the god of war, Mars. Redietz, know anything about that? Ha.

    TheGrimReaper [+ Garnabby]
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    89 --------------------> 89 = (1 + 88) ---> 1/88 ---> Name:  7-segment_8.png
Views: 830
Size:  440 BytesName:  7-segment_8.png
Views: 830
Size:  440 Bytes

    With 136 = (-1 + 137) ---> 1/137, and, spot #11 = (1 + 3 + 7).
    Drug Rehabilitation + Haliburton County for the local thus clinics. The one in Haliburton town temporarily closed yields the closest, 4cast. 137 posts at NetVoid's forum, + 184 here =321.0, to overlap 3456 at the 3's, as the dimensions from 0 to 6, four by

    The unused, Zodiac bits: 'dakadu, Lake+151?s (164 char. max) seed the final two lines of the anagram solver -of lies/revenge. Franc Baconis for the capital L yields 141=69+ᘔᘖ; 397=[(10-6+9-1)^3-(1+ᘔ+ᘖ+1)^3].

    Thanks. CIA.0!


  12. #12
    Grim reaper you’re being REALLY weird this year.

  13. #13
    Coming here for a few weeks does wonders when doing what's meaningful begins to lose it's appeal, zest. I mean, watching people at a distance who are addicted to play shitting on each other, but, really and actually only on themselves, day in and day out, it's the greatest thing, whatever one's situation. Thanks again.
    Drug Rehabilitation + Haliburton County for the local thus clinics. The one in Haliburton town temporarily closed yields the closest, 4cast. 137 posts at NetVoid's forum, + 184 here =321.0, to overlap 3456 at the 3's, as the dimensions from 0 to 6, four by

    The unused, Zodiac bits: 'dakadu, Lake+151?s (164 char. max) seed the final two lines of the anagram solver -of lies/revenge. Franc Baconis for the capital L yields 141=69+ᘔᘖ; 397=[(10-6+9-1)^3-(1+ᘔ+ᘖ+1)^3].

    Thanks. CIA.0!


  14. #14
    Originally Posted by TheGrimReaper View Post

    Yeah, which progressively totally Zipped Up the anagram solver, in terms of thus divining something more colorful. Interestingly, its application to what you first told me,

    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    I met plenty of guys like you my first year staying in New Haven
    ---> Frankenstein Wastes A Minute of Our Time.
    So, on second thought, perhaps you knew something of value, but, regardless, you continue to lead us on.

    Originally Posted by theywontpayontuesday View Post
    There are some bad omens in those numbers.
    There sure are. And, the Reaper comes to know his own fate, at least how to narrow it down. But for now, a matter of finishing up with those "bars" of 88. Got them the infinite way, with Red, in the previous thread, at .

    How about in the finity way, which I've always written as squarish 8's, the sort of finity that is, ultimately, the end of infinity? Didn't Red go on about, "A man's got to know his limitations!"?

    The anagrams with gematr1a stuff works best when even 1 don't bel1eve 1n 1t.
    ---> Sins of the Father (The New Batman Adventures).

    Which was typed out the first try, save for adding an 's' to anagrams. Hmm, the necessary digits therein were elevated to five 1's, as i's this time, from my last few posts, which commenced with three 1's. Suggestive of the numeral, 153.

    Episode II of the new Batman series, with the previous episode I Part III to do with stopping "the Joker from killing the crowd at the Gotham City New Year Celebration." Sort of like going from the first two episodes to,

    Originally Posted by theywontpayontuesday View Post
    There are some bad omens in those numbers.
    ---> The Demon Reborn (Superman: The Animated Series episode).

    Which involves the last two episodes of the new Superman series (with Batman to the rescue), at the turn of the millennium, in a sense. And, with allusions to the Cash post above. But, which I will have to let at that. Not sure, though, the reason that the anagrams from quotes of you work best by including your username. However, it is Tuesday, today. Something about the god of war, Mars. Redietz, know anything about that? Ha.

    TheGrimReaper [+ Garnabby]
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    89 --------------------> 89 = (1 + 88) ---> 1/88 ---> Name:  7-segment_8.png
Views: 830
Size:  440 BytesName:  7-segment_8.png
Views: 830
Size:  440 Bytes

    With 136 = (-1 + 137) ---> 1/137, and, spot #11 = (1 + 3 + 7).
    This guy is the real Zodiac

  15. #15
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    This guy is the real Zodiac
    A fun challenge that led me to a little progression with the following anagram with gematria.

    The Z⨁diac t⨁ catch the Z⨁diac. ---> Catch The Catch.

    The Z⨁diac shit t⨁ catch the Z⨁diac killer. ---> Dialectics Dialectic.

    The Z⨁diac 4n4gr4ms with gem4tri4 shit t⨁ catch the real Z⨁diac killer.


    The little girl with the matchsticks.

    Of course, the latter is the same story as "The Little Match Girl", from the previous thread, . With the necessary number of a's as 4's, five of them, given,

    The numbers 4, 14 and 24 are associated with death for Cantonese-speaking Chinese people, as the words for these numbers sound like the words for "death", "must die" and "easy to die", respectively.
    But, how the heck did this happen, let alone with about 20 million different anagram solutions? Which led me to go back to Redietz' initial question about a Christmas, or New Year's, Eve celebration,

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Hey Reaper, One of my best friends growing up was Russian Orthodox, and his family lived about a hundred yards from the big local Russian Orthodox church with its onion turrets. I recall attending a late night dinner at his home with long tables set up for friends and family and a meal consisting of 10 or 12 specific traditional courses. Maybe you can comment on whether that was a Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve dinner tradition.
    from which I found the likely answer in the first part of his next post,

    Meanwhile, in a semi-prescient debate, monet and I discussed (pre-season) whether to bet against the three aging quarterbacks with the best lifetime ATS records, namely Brady, Rodgers, and Wilson.

    We figured there was no value betting on them. Seems there was some merit to that discussion.
    But what of the second part?

    We figured there was no 5alue betting on them. Seems there was 5ome merit to that di5cussion.

    List of "Starists" who reached number one in the United States.

    Note that I made up the word, Starists, (from artists with another 's') to reflect the word, Zodiac. As well that the three 5's used up all of the remaining s's, with the 'v' as one of them as with the anagram with gematria on the end of another of my recent posts at , to form the word, orange.

    Orange County, in Southern Cal. isn't that far away from the established Zodiac murders, in Northern Cal. There may have been Zodiac murders as close as 40 miles. And, things went back from the square 8's thread, to the round 8's thread, and, back again to answer who the Zodiac killer is/was. Perhaps, he's dead, gone, so, this was the only such answer that matters, which was that he was a nutjob who made it to the top.

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    96 -----------------> 96 = [-1 + (7^2)*2 - 1) ---> 1721, from 96 ---> 69.
    Last edited by TheGrimReaper; 01-13-2023 at 07:30 PM.
    Drug Rehabilitation + Haliburton County for the local thus clinics. The one in Haliburton town temporarily closed yields the closest, 4cast. 137 posts at NetVoid's forum, + 184 here =321.0, to overlap 3456 at the 3's, as the dimensions from 0 to 6, four by

    The unused, Zodiac bits: 'dakadu, Lake+151?s (164 char. max) seed the final two lines of the anagram solver -of lies/revenge. Franc Baconis for the capital L yields 141=69+ᘔᘖ; 397=[(10-6+9-1)^3-(1+ᘔ+ᘖ+1)^3].

    Thanks. CIA.0!


  16. #16
    Another look at the second part.

    Originally Posted by TheGrimReaper View Post
    We figured there was no 5alue betting on them. Seems there was 5ome merit to that di5cussion.

    List of "Starists" who reached number one in the United States.
    It can be written this way, too, the more natural way, but which was confirmed by the other approach, above.

    .............................. s ........
    .............................. t .............
    .............................. a ................
    .............................. r ..................
    .............................. i ....................
    .............................. s ....................
    .............................. t .....................
    in the United States. List of, reached number one,
    .................................................. ...
    .............................. w ..................
    .............................. h .................
    .............................. o ................

    This way, the word, artists, need go only to the word, starist.

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    104 ------------------> 14, as in

    The numbers 4, 14 and 24 are associated with death for Cantonese-speaking Chinese people, as the words for these numbers sound like the words for "death", "must die" and "easy to die", respectively.
    Well, the thing about doing this, either way, is that it's always possible to take some space-time relevant quote, and, then, thus divine something by it. And, usually, in such a simple way.

    But, who among us will be next???
    Last edited by TheGrimReaper; 01-15-2023 at 06:40 PM.
    Drug Rehabilitation + Haliburton County for the local thus clinics. The one in Haliburton town temporarily closed yields the closest, 4cast. 137 posts at NetVoid's forum, + 184 here =321.0, to overlap 3456 at the 3's, as the dimensions from 0 to 6, four by

    The unused, Zodiac bits: 'dakadu, Lake+151?s (164 char. max) seed the final two lines of the anagram solver -of lies/revenge. Franc Baconis for the capital L yields 141=69+ᘔᘖ; 397=[(10-6+9-1)^3-(1+ᘔ+ᘖ+1)^3].

    Thanks. CIA.0!


  17. #17
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Grim reaper you’re being REALLY weird this year.
    Time to change your tampon, m-dunce-cap
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  18. #18
    Must be that time of the month, huh mick.
    Mickey Crimm is a poser pro. He rides around in a moto-wheelchair telling slot hustlers he's Mickey Crimm, and some are in awe of a "forum legend" and show him the plays.

  19. #19
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Grim reaper you’re being REALLY weird this year.
    Time to change your tampon, m-dunce-cap
    mcap is a Bigger Fag than queerJ and that's hard to do!

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Must be that time of the month, huh mick.
    Yes, just be that time of the month for you. But please, quit using the same tampon.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

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