Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
GF ownership is a farce. They're not new to online forums and have had others in the past. The original premise was the "Best" gambling minds on there. The majority of those "big names" where phony and made up by the owners.
It is not just "big names" or known players that were fake or phony, but they lifted entire threads from other forums to make it look like that discussion with all legit and credible members took place on their forum when it didn't and not one of the people involved in the discussion were even members there.

I don't know exactly what you would call that but it is some kind of theft and fraud.

When you build a forum on the back of that kind of thing, you end up with what they have now...Singer, Mdog a guy calling himself a punk in punkcity and other known trolls dominating and pushing trolling and hate to limits not seen before.