In 2020, after dropping $40,000+ into the slot machines at Viejas casino, Viejas says I allegedly dropped a bag of narcotics on the casino floor. Without even speaking to me, Viejas had a San Diego Deputy follow me off the property, pull me over on the freeway and inform me of the casinos false allegations. Nothing became of it but a 6 month ban from the casino and a whole lot of embarrassment. (Or so I thought). In addition to losing all of the the high dollar free-play that I had earned due to the ban, Viejas attempt to prosecute and the District Attorneys refusal, an error showed up in my court records. An arrest that was recorded incorrectly when it had been a simple field stop. Viejas should be held accountable for the defamation and damage they did to my life. Several lawyers have told me it's impossible to seek recourse as they are a sovereign nation. So then what gives them the right to find me guilty and involve the sheriff and without ever even speaking with me?? I HAVE BEEN SO WRONGED while Viejas only continues to ignore me.