So, America is sending Billions of money to help the Russia/Ukraine War, and yet there are Elderly People who are still working because they HAVE to and should be enjoying their Golden Years kicking back and relaxing after already working hard about 60 years. There was a news report on an 80 year old man who is a Door Dash Driver ! He already retired but had to go back to work due to Social Security Checks being a damn joke($1,200 a month when a studio apartment can be $4,500 a month! But America can send Billions to help the Russia/Ukraine War when an 80 year old man has to work as a Door Dash Driver! America REALLY should have been giving those Billions to elderly Americans so they don't have to work anymore! No 80 year old man should still HAVE to work. The American Dream was to work hard for about 45 years and then kick back and enjoy the rest of your life in relaxation! The American Dream was NOT work hard for 60 plus years, even at 80!