I know many people with a high credit rating who are broke as fuck, they own nothing, they can barely make it without personal off-the-books loans, and they are always one missed 2 week check away from total collapse and losing everything.
I'm dealing with someome right now who I have to loan money to, before they lose their brand new truck, big house/income property, and are on the street. BUT HEY... they have an 830+ credit rating. This isn't the first time with this same person, it's like every 2-4 years they hit the skids and I bail them out(I may get paid back 25% each time).
Oh, but on their Facebook page they are totally balling with pictures of vacations, nice cars, flashing the cash and their LIFE IS GREAT persona.
Yeah, this time my help will be limited and come with strict ultimatums or I have to walk away.
Edit to add: Imagine how pissed off I am when I'm owed thousands by them and they show up in their 2024 truck with the newest $1,600 cell phone showing me how neat it is.
"Hey Axel, let me buy you a drink on my (Platinum) credit card", Oh, and when you get a chance... I got to talk to you about somthing."
Last edited by AxelWolf; 10-16-2024 at 09:50 PM.
If I thought, I could get away without paying our property taxes and not lose our house... I would 100% never pay them.
I'd be skimming the shit out of those bets if I thought I could get away with it or it was worth it.
Even if I couldn't get away with it or it or it wasn't worth it, I'd probably still do it just because I can't keep my hand out of the cookie jar.
Your post was absolutely legit. It was on my mind that Redietz had made the assumption that his credit score was better than mine (based on no information whatsoever) and I just took the opportunity of your skimming/tax post to get that thought into a post (in the form of a reply to your post), as I didn't make that point regarding his airball credit assumption earlier.
For him to state that his credit score (which agency BTW ?, there's three of them and they all can differ) is larger than mine, requires two scores. His and mine. He does not know mine (I never posted it), therefore he cannot state that his is higher than mine. If his credit score is perfect, then the most he can state is that his score is either better than mine (if my credit score is not perfect) or tied with mine (if my credit score is perfect). That is why I called it an airball statement Coach.
Last edited by tableplay; 10-17-2024 at 09:19 PM.
I demand a sit-down with Dan Druff, monet, and the CEOs of every major credit reporting agency.
With no offense intended to anyone, what kind of person goes on an anonymous gambling forum & brags about their credit score?
Who the fuck cares?
If people have great credit scores, more power to them.
If they have bad credit scores more power to them also because they probably screwed over one of the big megabanks in the process.
But really, who cares lol?
Right. Complete agreement. Even if the brag is a response to someone trying to undermine "gambling credibility" by mentioning that the same person doesn't pay their real estate taxes on time each year. Kind of ridiculous.
So who's to be chastised here? The moron who uses a single data point to try to publicly profile someone's finances, or the person RESPONDING to that jab by pointing out that they have a better multiple data point credit score than the person making the initial abusive ad hominem comment? Pick your side.
All of it is irrelevant. The relevant point is that a champion of AP-ing, arguably the highest profile AP in Las Vegas for the last 20 years, is doing stuff I did for 40 years, and the response here has been, "What, is he broke?" LOL. Well, it's either that, or he's not broke.
Figure it out. I think what happens when maroons like tableplay get logically exposed is that they go all ad hominem, grasping for any stupid irrelevant detail rather than explaining how they could be so incredibly wrong about something germane to gambling.
Sports gambling operates on a volume and level way beyond all of the trivial blackjack, machine play, AP-ing discussed here. Deal with reality. What Munchkin is doing makes perfect sense. His reputation provides the gravitas he needs to do so, he has the intimate knowledge of how to do it, and in many ways, it may indeed be a step up financially. If you had some sense of his history with sports betting or how much he generally wagers offshore and on-shore, and I have that sense, you'd understand this.
I apologize if tableplay's sports gambling ignorance has ruffled any feathers. But he is a sports-gambling maroon. He literally has no idea about much of anything, but he tries to insert his alleged "AP" expertise into every subject.
His idiotic comments about Mr. Munchkin's finances are much more stupid than anything he's written about me. Munchkin and I, by the way, are real, public people who have made their livings gambling for decades. Tableplay is some anonymous nine-letter handle.
As I said, pick a side.
Move those goal posts. At first it was a single credit score. But when I pointed out that there were three major credit card agencies, now it is a multiple data point credit score. I also never wrote anything about being a sports gambling expert. Questioning someone's motives for coming out of retirement is verboten. No questions allowed !! Now Ben pick your side !!! ;-)
Redietz -
Look into your heart and ask yourself, is all this indignation and thrashing about really about defending RM from some purported slight, or is it about you looking for yet another opportunity to brag about yourself while pretending to be doing something else (in this case by talking up RM and then mentioning as an aside that you were doing what he is doing all along).
I will pass over the question of the actual bragworthiness of your brags.
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