Originally Posted by
Another example of knowing math while not knowing math in Kewl's case. He just can't really understand this stuff even after reading every forum post he can get his hands on inorder to regurgitate stuff as his own.
I get a kick (not really) out of you haters that repeat this regurgitate bullshit. (yeah I could have said regurgitate this regurgitate bullshit

). This is a Rob Singer nonsense that you are repeating and foolishly so. It only serves to expose you as a troll and hater.
Where exactly do you think learning, education and knowledge comes from in the arena of advantage play? Is there some sort of advantage play acadamy that APs attend? AP summer camp? (not to be confused with the blackjack boot camps

AP knowledge comes from reading forums and things that other AP's share, communicating privately with other AP's who share things, some trial and error mixed with figuring things out on your own.
So, absolutely I have learned a great deal in what I do blackjack wise and more recently some other areas of AP, like sports betting from some AP's on forums. NOT YOU, accountinQuestion. All anyone can learn from you is how to troll and hate.
Really dude, you are taking your leads from Rob Singer?