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Thread: Professional Sportsbetting

  1. #661
    Rufus Peabody on GWAE:

    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  2. #662
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    I just got word that redietz will not be appearing on GWAE.
    Well, don't go halfway, mickey. Answer the questions.

    1) Did I contact GWAE in a timely fashion?
    2) Did one of the GWAE principals think it was a good idea to meet with me in person before any interview?
    3) Did I contact GWAE when I was in LV and make myself available multiple times on multiple days?
    4) Did I express any concerns regarding any interviews (other than telling Munch I do better with a cup of coffee)?
    5) Did I provide links and articles to GWAE regarding who monitored me for years and various publications in which I've appeared and links to some high-end Las Vegas contests in which I participated?
    6) Did I conduct myself at any time in a less than professional manner?
    7) Was mickey crimm's characterization of my behavior and interaction with GWAE wrong?

    You know, mickey, you need to wake up and smell the coffee. I don't know the precise relationship between GWAE and the LVA and Huntington Press, but if there is a strong relationship, why would a business provide a platform for someone to debunk certain of its own aspects and authors? Especially if the person doing the debunking has a serious reputation?
    How long ago was the decision made ditz? 5 weeks ago? 6 weeks ago? All this time you let everybody think you were going to be on? To chickenshit to tell anyone? Dancer has been incommunicado for at least a week, lengthy cruise thru the Panama Canal. He told me he would be out of contact. The decision had to have been made before he left.

    Are you now accusing GWAE and others of covering up your theory? I'll let them know. But here's a little secret for you. Dancer also believes that sportsbetting EV can't be measured. But Dancer is used to calculating precise edges, down to the 4th decimal. Sportsbetting EV only has to be ballparked/estimated.

    So why would Dancer shut you out if he believes the same as you?

    You still never answered the questions of whether the EV is better on a 3 point middle than a 2 point middle. People see right thru you when you avoid stuff like this.

    Here's an experiment. Go back through all of mickey's posts and my posts. See who misinformed people about my being on GWAE. See who said GWAE agreed to have me on. See who said I would definitely be on -- hint -- it was not me.

    Mickey's trying to pull his usual blustery nonsense here. He was the one who suggested to them that I be on the program. He said they agreed. He was incorrect. Call it a lie. Call it his being misinformed. Whatever.

    Obviously, if they wanted to meet me first before agreeing to interview me, that would have to occur in Las Vegas, as they don't tend to visit Johnson City. I went to Las Vegas at the earliest opportunity.

    I never let anybody think I would be on. Not once. That was you, mickey. I would have liked to be on. Didn't happen.

    If you check your posts and mine, I never said that I was going to be on. Not once.

    It really isn't my job to report on forums that mickey is wrong about something. He could have called GWAE at any time -- he's been on the program five times -- to find out how wrong he was. He did not. So he was completely wrong, he looks like an ass, and now blames me for his looking like an ass.

    Not my job to correct you, mickey. You said they'd interview me. Munch didn't know anything about me. I sent him some links and such. They decided it was best to meet in person -- I assume they didn't want to put somebody on who might be some nutcase self-promoting tout using the interview to try to snag customers. I don't blame them. They are relatively unconnected with the world of handicapping, so they weren't going to call Billy Walters or Marc Lawrence for my bona fides.

    Mickey was wrong about the set-up. Instead of blathering about why I was allegedly running scared from an interview, he could have asked them or me what was happening. He did not. He just kept posting and blathering about something he had put in motion but knew nothing about. Mickey tends to declare things about which he knows nothing. Bad habit for a gambler. Good habit for a bullshitter.

    P.S. One of the first things you see when you go into the LVA office is a sports handicapping book by Stanford Wong. For those in the know, 'nuff said.

  3. #663
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I'm on hiatus from you geniuses until then.

    Fool me once redietz, shame on me. Fool me thrice...welcome back!

  4. #664
    Redietz - the real truth of this is that NO ONE believed for second you would go on.

    It was all an exercise in seeing you jump around stumbling over your excuses as to why you couldn't and didn't go on.

    And it worked.

    I hope you do get on that podcast you've been yabberin' on about so you can die a life fulfilled.

  5. #665
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Redietz - the real truth of this is that NO ONE believed for second you would go on.

    It was all an exercise in seeing you jump around stumbling over your excuses as to why you couldn't and didn't go on.

    And it worked.

    I hope you do get on that podcast you've been yabberin' on about so you can die a life fulfilled.
    Nobody believes the bullshit you spew either.
    Redietz is more believable or credible than you and your VCT Posts.

  6. #666
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Redietz - the real truth of this is that NO ONE believed for second you would go on.

    It was all an exercise in seeing you jump around stumbling over your excuses as to why you couldn't and didn't go on.

    And it worked.

    I hope you do get on that podcast you've been yabberin' on about so you can die a life fulfilled.
    Nobody believes the bullshit you spew either.
    Redietz is more believable or credible than you and your VCT Posts.
    Of course you're not going to refer to what the bullshit I spew? The climate stuff that is very rarely anything but direct observations which could be verified?

    You're obese dipshit who thought he was going to survive in the desert in a tent !

    Those cans of beanies and weanies surely would not have lasted. This I can promise you.

    Taking up for Redietz! Yea, the master sports bettor who calls out known successful sports bettors as not having a clue what they're talking about. Good luck with that one. Yes, I'm harsh but Redietz brings it on himself 100%.

    Seriously though, all bullshit aside, I'm going to tell you who you are Monet. You're a dumbass whose chief identity is based around knowing whatever random contrarian nonsense you've been fed. Every grifter with an alternative view has you in their target demographic. You're not totally wrong on a lot. The 2 party system is quite rigged and an avenue for our country's largest source of corruption. Things of this nature have a lot of validity.

    Back to you though Monet.

    Why do you believe all the other rando-bullshit? So when you're going to sleep at night, you can reinforce to yourself how you're not a sheep and some sort of free-thinker. The truth of it is you just fall victim to grifters - much like other guys. I know a dude just like you - believes in lizard people and the magnetic poles reversing. Thinks he has the answers to it all. Regurgitates idiotic talking points as if they're valid when the source is some singular clout chasing grifter who hides from real intellectual scrutiny.

    The point is that is his identity. That is who he sees himself as. Thumping his chest as some independent thinker. That is you. You are that guy.

    So if you want to talk about spewing bullshit - look no further than half the youtube links you congratulate others over or provide yourself.

    Yes, you're that guy. Fuck off fattie !

  7. #667
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Redietz - the real truth of this is that NO ONE believed for second you would go on.

    It was all an exercise in seeing you jump around stumbling over your excuses as to why you couldn't and didn't go on.

    And it worked.

    I hope you do get on that podcast you've been yabberin' on about so you can die a life fulfilled.
    He's fucking smart for not going on. What and how he does it is none of anyone else's fucking business!

  8. #668
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Here's an experiment. Go back through all of mickey's posts and my posts. See who misinformed people about my being on GWAE. See who said GWAE agreed to have me on. See who said I would definitely be on -- hint -- it was not me.

    Mickey's trying to pull his usual blustery nonsense here. He was the one who suggested to them that I be on the program. He said they agreed. He was incorrect. Call it a lie. Call it his being misinformed. Whatever.

    Obviously, if they wanted to meet me first before agreeing to interview me, that would have to occur in Las Vegas, as they don't tend to visit Johnson City. I went to Las Vegas at the earliest opportunity.

    I never let anybody think I would be on. Not once. That was you, mickey. I would have liked to be on. Didn't happen.

    If you check your posts and mine, I never said that I was going to be on. Not once.

    It really isn't my job to report on forums that mickey is wrong about something. He could have called GWAE at any time -- he's been on the program five times -- to find out how wrong he was. He did not. So he was completely wrong, he looks like an ass, and now blames me for his looking like an ass.

    Not my job to correct you, mickey. You said they'd interview me. Munch didn't know anything about me. I sent him some links and such. They decided it was best to meet in person -- I assume they didn't want to put somebody on who might be some nutcase self-promoting tout using the interview to try to snag customers. I don't blame them. They are relatively unconnected with the world of handicapping, so they weren't going to call Billy Walters or Marc Lawrence for my bona fides.

    Mickey was wrong about the set-up. Instead of blathering about why I was allegedly running scared from an interview, he could have asked them or me what was happening. He did not. He just kept posting and blathering about something he had put in motion but knew nothing about. Mickey tends to declare things about which he knows nothing. Bad habit for a gambler. Good habit for a bullshitter.

    P.S. One of the first things you see when you go into the LVA office is a sports handicapping book by Stanford Wong. For those in the know, 'nuff said.
    There you go again. They did not tell me that you would be on the show. They gave me the greenlight to tell you how to contact them. No one gets on the show without negotiation. They have to see if you are knowledgeable enough, and they have to formulate/negotiate a list of questions with you. I know that from being on the show several times. So there is no way I would guarantee you or anyone else would be on the show.

    Telling you that you had the greenlight to contact them is not guaranteeing you would be on the show. So quit fucking lying. I had no control to make such a guarantee. So quit your assinine bullshit lying.

    You let it go on for two months. How long have you known? 5 weeks? 6 weeks? I emailed Dancer a few weeks ago asking the simple question if you are going to be on but I got no response. So my last email had content that I thought he would be hard pressed to ignore. It got a response.

    Dancer told me THEY decided not to have you on the show. He didn't say YOU decided not to be on the show. He didn't say WE ALL AGREED (as in you, bob and richard) that you would not appear. He said WE (as in bob and richard) decided not to bring you on the show.

    Again, knowing that all decisions are Bob's and Richard's, your allegation that I made their decision for them is preposterous. I have no clue what you told those guys but you must not have impressed them.

    PS: I told you all about those negotiations early on.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 04-27-2023 at 04:16 PM.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  9. #669
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    He could have called GWAE at any time
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    You let it go on for two months. How long have you known? 5 weeks? 6 weeks?
    The ditz plays by the same rules as tewlj...make something up and present it as fact.

    If mickey could have called GWAE at any time, that sounds like they kicked ditz to the curb awhile ago.

    Has ditz been sandbagging us for weeks about the status of his appearance on GWAE?

    Say it aint so...

  10. #670
    Dancer and Munchkin decided to interview their mailbag instead of redietz.

  11. #671
    Unless there's something someone can show me why or how they have an advantage on paper either with a shit ton of historical data, extremely valid quantifiable logic, or math, I'm just not buying it.

    "But I have a resume, references, picks diary, etc". I don't GAF, all that crap can be manipulated and misrepresented. They are always skewing the reality of what's actually possible, including how much action you can get in, the legit lines(they always seem to be getting those great lines no one else can.)

    It's like clockwork, whenever some handicapper/tout has a good run they claim skill. Then, whenever they run bad, they claim bad luck with tons of excuses and, or claim they are tweaking their method/system/algorithm/numbers, etc to keep you on the hook.

    People just don't realize just how long someone can go randomly just beating a coin flip situation.

  12. #672
    Originally Posted by Half Smoke View Post
    I'm currently making MLB picks at the link - one per day - i started this thread with the Reddit guy and then he moved to the discord and I couldn't find him anymore

    I plan to make 50 picks - one each day

    I made 24 picks and I need a break - don't want to continue on to 50 - all picks are documented and time stamped at the link

    I do a lot of work to find just one pick I like - I look at every single game that day - it's tiring

    I ended up 15-9______r.o.i. 12.2%___________many of the picks were heavy faves paying less than even money which is why the win % is so high

    maybe I'll be back picking hoops again next season - not sure

    before I lost the Reddit guy he went 11-6-1_________24% r.o.i. - I verified all of his picks as being totally legit - most of his picks were at -110 or close to that
    Last edited by Half Smoke; 04-29-2023 at 01:18 AM.
    the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him

  13. #673
    Originally Posted by Half Smoke View Post
    Originally Posted by Half Smoke View Post
    I'm currently making MLB picks at the link - one per day - i started this thread with the Reddit guy and then he moved to the discord and I couldn't find him anymore

    I plan to make 50 picks - one each day

    I made 24 picks and I need a break - don't want to continue on to 50 - all picks are documented and time stamped at the link

    I do a lot of work to find just one pick I like - I look at every single game that day - it's tiring

    I ended up 15-9______r.o.i. 12.2%___________many of the picks were heavy faves paying less than even money which is why the win % is so high

    maybe I'll be back picking hoops again next season - not sure

    before I lost the Reddit guy he went 11-6-1_________24% r.o.i. - I verified all of his picks as being totally legit - most of his picks were at -110 or close to that
    Such small sample sizes.

  14. #674
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    He could have called GWAE at any time
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    You let it go on for two months. How long have you known? 5 weeks? 6 weeks?
    The ditz plays by the same rules as tewlj...make something up and present it as fact.

    If mickey could have called GWAE at any time, that sounds like they kicked ditz to the curb awhile ago.

    Has ditz been sandbagging us for weeks about the status of his appearance on GWAE?

    Say it aint so...

    Coach, I don't have Bob or Richard's phone number. I have to contact them thru their public email addresses. They don't always respond.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  15. #675
    Rufus Peabody and Capt. Jack Andrews released their sports betting software, Unabated, two years ago, then made back to back appearances on GWAE to talk about the software. I found them both interesting. The software was free until it gained a track record. In a more recent interview Capt. Jack tells how some of his clients made 6 million on basketball earlier this year. He lamented how they probably wouldn't have released the software yet had they known about that particular exploit. And Axel has said he has gotten good reports about the software. But I think more information on that software is called for.

    In the 2nd episode Rufus told the story of some guys he knew that went to Appalachian State in the early 2000's. They figured out an offshore book offering match play on a $1000 deposit. They could roll it over and cash for an $800 profit. So they started signing up other students at App St. They wound up enlisting almost the entire student body before the book cut it off.

    And the book placed Boone, North Carolina on their list of places they don't take bets from. As in "We don't accept bets from Iran, China....and Boone, North Carolina."

    The 2nd episode also talks about working the Free Bet signup bonuses. Rufus told of guys going to the 8 different states Caesar's is located in and got to work the 5K free bet in each state. Caesar's had to squash it.

    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 04-29-2023 at 06:07 AM.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  16. #676
    Some made $6 million while many other lost MORE THAN THAT!! Of course they won't tell you that second part.

  17. #677
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Unless there's something someone can show me why or how they have an advantage on paper either with a shit ton of historical data, extremely valid quantifiable logic, or math, I'm just not buying it.

    "But I have a resume, references, picks diary, etc". I don't GAF, all that crap can be manipulated and misrepresented. They are always skewing the reality of what's actually possible, including how much action you can get in, the legit lines(they always seem to be getting those great lines no one else can.)

    It's like clockwork, whenever some handicapper/tout has a good run they claim skill. Then, whenever they run bad, they claim bad luck with tons of excuses and, or claim they are tweaking their method/system/algorithm/numbers, etc to keep you on the hook.

    People just don't realize just how long someone can go randomly just beating a coin flip situation.
    If you’re playing with an advantage then where is your math?


    We ain’t got no math.

    We don’t need no math!


  18. #678
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Some made $6 million while many other lost MORE THAN THAT!! Of course they won't tell you that second part.
    So far Axel has said he knows people that are doing well with the software. We need as many credible sources as possible on the value of this software. Do you know people that are losing with the software?
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  19. #679
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Some made $6 million while many other lost MORE THAN THAT!! Of course they won't tell you that second part.
    So far Axel has said he knows people that are doing well with the software. We need as many credible sources as possible on the value of this software. Do you know people that are losing with the software?
    I'm not 100% sure how the software works, I only have an Idea of how I think it works and I have a feeling there are all kinds of various settings and bets, so no doubt there are people who are losing depending how and what you are using it for.

  20. #680
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Redietz - the real truth of this is that NO ONE believed for second you would go on.

    It was all an exercise in seeing you jump around stumbling over your excuses as to why you couldn't and didn't go on.

    And it worked.

    I hope you do get on that podcast you've been yabberin' on about so you can die a life fulfilled.
    Nobody believes the bullshit you spew either.
    Redietz is more believable or credible than you and your VCT Posts.
    Of course you're not going to refer to what the bullshit I spew? The climate stuff that is very rarely anything but direct observations which could be verified?

    You're obese dipshit who thought he was going to survive in the desert in a tent !

    Those cans of beanies and weanies surely would not have lasted. This I can promise you.

    Taking up for Redietz! Yea, the master sports bettor who calls out known successful sports bettors as not having a clue what they're talking about. Good luck with that one. Yes, I'm harsh but Redietz brings it on himself 100%.

    Seriously though, all bullshit aside, I'm going to tell you who you are Monet. You're a dumbass whose chief identity is based around knowing whatever random contrarian nonsense you've been fed. Every grifter with an alternative view has you in their target demographic. You're not totally wrong on a lot. The 2 party system is quite rigged and an avenue for our country's largest source of corruption. Things of this nature have a lot of validity.

    Back to you though Monet.

    Why do you believe all the other rando-bullshit? So when you're going to sleep at night, you can reinforce to yourself how you're not a sheep and some sort of free-thinker. The truth of it is you just fall victim to grifters - much like other guys. I know a dude just like you - believes in lizard people and the magnetic poles reversing. Thinks he has the answers to it all. Regurgitates idiotic talking points as if they're valid when the source is some singular clout chasing grifter who hides from real intellectual scrutiny.

    The point is that is his identity. That is who he sees himself as. Thumping his chest as some independent thinker. That is you. You are that guy.

    So if you want to talk about spewing bullshit - look no further than half the youtube links you congratulate others over or provide yourself.

    Yes, you're that guy. Fuck off fattie !

    My dicks fat queer

    The bullshit you spew about climate like lake mead lolololol what happened needle dick ?

    Why are you so broke if you’re so smart ? I will tell you why because guys like you don’t have what it takes to do shit in the real world. Post all day about nothing lol says machine play is crack head shit lolololol.

    Meanwhile I just finished up another 150k plus month right under the noses of the Greek rats that populate the casinos. They to are a bunch of degenerate queers who suck so bad at actually making money they resort to working part time with surveillance. Lolololol all rats should kill themselves just like climate doomers or guys who create marketing algorithms for casinos lolololol

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