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Thread: Professional Sportsbetting

  1. #261
    Redietz time to nap it out or find a censored forum. This whole thing is beyond lubricous. You basically have the whole forum teaming up against how full of it you are in one way or another. I have no clue to what extent you've actually done what you claim but you really should just move along because WHATEVER it is you are trying to accomplish is not to be had. Diggin that hole deeper doesn't help any. There is no gold. There is no oil. Just crap on your face, brother.

    It is a tag team affair. When people have time they all take a couple cracks at you. You? You just get angrier. Then the next guy shows up and takes a few more cracks at you. the whole thing cracks me up but I have a bit of a sadistic streak.

    Instead of being a tout maybe ask this board about some angles and start grinding them.

    Otherwise, good luck winning the battle.

  2. #262
    dupe post. Whats iwth quick reply not working..

  3. #263
    We just have to face the fact that redietz is delusional. Can you believe all that shit he pulled on axel? Arguing about what a 10 to 12% return means. That is classic ditz deflection. He doesn't want to deal with axel because axel blows to many holes in his arguments. And Ditz the Idiot also has no clue what he just did in that argument. No frickin' clue. He exposed his incompetence big time. No clue! He....he....he....wait for it....wait for it.....he....was telling potential investors on his website what the EXPECTED VALUE was for letting him make the bets. That 10% to 12% return he promised is nothing but pure out EXPECTED VALUE. He used the term "Return on Investment" but guess what, remove that term and insert EXPECTED VALUE and it means the same thing. Repeat same thing. Repeat same thing. You can't make this shit up.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  4. #264
    Kew squirms at the reality of redietz soliciting me being true, but even that doesn't delve into the level of redietz' decades-long sports-betting bullshit. These frauds are all the same, whether they use the math or not. If they really know what they're doing and talking about, these fools would obviously just BET more instead of begging for other people's money. Fezzik gets no pass here either. Nice that red is exposing himself and finally confirming all that I've said here however.

  5. #265
    I take it back I want redietz to stick around as this is literally the funniest thing in my life right now.

    Redietz, Keep on fightin' the good fight.

  6. #266
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    You completely misrepresented (in other words, lied about) everything on that site. You went on some ridiculous rant about somebody making 10-12% during a season being filthy rich.

    All your questions can be found in "Tipsters or Gypsters?" -- McCusker did ROI tallies.

    You flat-out lied about the site and what I was saying.

    How about this -- you backtrack, apologize, actually read what's on the site, track down the old "Tipsters or Gypsters?" with the ROI analyses, and stop expecting me to tolerate your blatant, sloppy, lazy lies.
    I only commented on that one thing on that site. I doubt I'm the only person who would think the same. I'm going to ask a few people to read that and ask them what they understand it to mean.

    IIRC means just that, it's a pre-admission I could be wrong.

    I do honestly apologize for misinterpreting what was written and for not diving deeper or clarifying with you.

    Can you kindly explain to me some of my questions or link to the appropriate page where it's explained?

    Another question(s). If someone were to invest 200k why would they make 20k-24k and a 100k investor only make 10-12k?
    I get how that works if you're investing in a business or something like that but I'm trying to understand how that worked within a sports betting business model. Did you just pool everyone's money and investors got the appropriate percentage based on their investment? How much money could you get down on those bets, was it basically unlimited? I ask because I see a situation where a limited amount of money can actually be bet leaving a situation where someone could overinvest more money than needed thus diluting smaller investors' percentages. For example, let's say I have a play that only requires a 10k bankroll and it's and I find an investor that invests 5k I decide I want a bigger percentage and then put up 200k.

    What was your cut?
    Did you also invest and put up your money with the same percentages and risk? How much per game on average was being bet?

    Axelwolf, I have no motivation to be even semi-civil with you. So I'm not going to be.
    I'm sorry to hear that. I know I ask some tougher legitimate questions hoping for answers in layman's terms. I have done so with you going way back.

    You can call it me being lazy if you want, but I too have no real motivation to dig deep to put together all the pieces. As I said before, I don't take any issues with you, I just take issues with the narrative that handicapping is the only sustainable way to beat sports and everything else is just a gimmick. Not to mention some of the other mind-boggling things you have said. I'm not sure why all that irked me so much, but it did.

    As far as my motivation in even discussing this goes, I take issue with touts, non-legitimate services, system players, and that sort of thing, and that goes as far back as the early 1990s watching people I know get burned thinking there's value in handicapping or other BS gambling things.

    I'm not the smartest guy on the block, not even close, but for some reason, at an early age, I understood when things didn't make sense or they defied simple math or statistics. When someone claims they have an advantage in sports betting, I want to understand the how, the what, and why. I would and have drilled/challenged friends and family who have come up with various things regarding sports betting and other gambling ideas.

    I'm not saying you're a tout, non-legitimate service or system player. I just wanted an explanation of how and why your handicapping has value.

    It's actually in my best interest to let people I don't know to believe in incorrect gambling information.

    Whatever the case, I'm sorry I offended you to such a degree. I guess sometimes we forget there's a good person with feelings on the other side when making statements and arguments who are going to take things very personally.

    I think you're an intelligent, and good guy with a significant amount of sports betting knowledge far greater than most. I wish you nothing but the best in all aspects of your life.

  7. #267
    lul at most of you suckers in here arguing.
    Don't you all need another booster??

  8. #268
    And your masks do not work.
    They never did!

    The Cochrane Library Study proves it and Fauci actually messed up at first by telling us the Truth...

  9. #269
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    And your masks do not work.
    They never did!

    The Cochrane Library Study proves it and Fauci actually messed up at first by telling us the Truth...

    Perhaps not a·gainst covid, but masks worked, they definitely worked.

    I'll be wearing a mask in casinos until it's so unusual to do so that it brings more attention than wanted.

  10. #270
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    And your masks do not work.
    They never did!

    The Cochrane Library Study proves it and Fauci actually messed up at first by telling us the Truth...

    Perhaps not a·gainst covid, but masks worked, they definitely worked.

    I'll be wearing a mask in casinos until it's so unusual to do so that it brings more attention than wanted.
    You are arguing with a guy who is a Jimmy Dore fan. Although I guess maybe you're tongue in cheek.

    Plenty of fakes in the influencer game but most at least stick to one side and don't fake both sides in one career. Dore is that kinda double-dippin' fake.

    Monet you putz find a new thread. This one is about Redietz. We're still hoping to hear Bob on GWAE.

  11. #271
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post

    I'll be wearing a mask in casinos until it's so unusual to do so that it brings more attention than wanted.
    That time really has come and gone. The mandate was lifted here in Nevada about a year ago. For maybe 6 months, into last summer, I continued to wear a mask. As long as some others were doing so, especially a few dealers, it was very beneficial for me to do so. Once it got down to very few people still wearing, I stopped as it was likely to draw more attention at that point. These decisions had nothing to do with health reasons.

    And it so happens the benefits for me occurred at a very vulnerable time, following a somewhat devastating entry into several databases. The timing was as good as could have been for that situation.

    In general, the whole covid thing, after casinos reopened in June 2020, was beneficial. For much of 2020, in addition to masks, pit critters were bogged down with additional covid related responsibilities. Several casinos, pit people actually had to run around and wipe down seats when players vacated. Couldn't have asked for anything better.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 03-08-2023 at 10:42 AM.

  12. #272
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post

    I'll be wearing a mask in casinos until it's so unusual to do so that it brings more attention than wanted.
    That time really has come and gone. The mandate was lifted here in Nevada about a year ago. For maybe 6 months, into last summer, I continued to wear a mask. As long as some others were doing so, especially a few dealers, it was very beneficial for me to do so. Once it got down to very few people still wearing, I stopped as it was likely to draw more attention at that point. These decisions had nothing to do with health reasons.

    And it so happens the benefits for me occurred at a very vulnerable time, following a somewhat devastating entry into several databases. The timing was as good as could have been for that situation.

    In general, the whole covid thing, after casinos reopened in June 2020, was beneficial. For much of 2020, in addition to masks, pit critters were bogged down with additional covid related responsibilities. Several casinos, pit people actually had to run around and wipe down seats when players vacated. Couldn't have asked for anything better.
    I'm still seeing a small percentage of patrons and employees wearing masks. I don't think wearing a mask is unusual enough for it to raise a big red flag. Perhaps it does while playing BJ.

    Ask yourself, if and when you see someone wearing a mask does it make you think something suspicious, or do you just think they are a germaphobe, have a health condition, covid paranoid, pro masker holdouts? I don't wear them all the time in casinos, but there are times I do, probably 10% of the time.

    I do know I had far fewer colds since the pandemic for whatever reason.

    I did pick one up over this last Super Bowl weekend being around a bunch of people, lack of sleep, and extra drinking.

  13. #273
    Not to hijack, but the mask issue makes me wonder: what can casino patrons do to try and avoid facial recognition software from identifying them, assuming they're in a database?
    What, Me Worry?

  14. #274
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    And your masks do not work.
    They never did!

    The Cochrane Library Study proves it and Fauci actually messed up at first by telling us the Truth...

    Perhaps not a·gainst covid, but masks worked, they definitely worked.

    I'll be wearing a mask in casinos until it's so unusual to do so that it brings more attention than wanted.
    You are arguing with a guy who is a Jimmy Dore fan. Although I guess maybe you're tongue in cheek.

    Plenty of fakes in the influencer game but most at least stick to one side and don't fake both sides in one career. Dore is that kinda double-dippin' fake.

    Monet you putz find a new thread. This one is about Redietz. We're still hoping to hear Bob on GWAE.
    Im not arguing about the effectiveness against covid, I don't think masks were or are all that effective, especially not the cheap ass masks that everyone was wearing. Do/did they even have a small amount of protection against anything? I don't really know, it's not all that big of a deal to me. Wearing or not wearing masks didn't really change my life one way or the other. If I got covid, I was A-symptomatic. I got the shot and the follow-up booster at the very beginning, but that's it. I don't even get the flu shots even though my doctor highly recommends I do so.
    I have had the flu shot in the past once or twice. Masks and social distancing were implemented to get rid of lockdowns, no one actually cared if it worked or not just so long as there was an illusion that it would create some protection.

  15. #275
    Forum Phonies like Scam Artist AxelWolf and QueerJ were so scared about the virus they thought it would go through their walls or plumbing and get them.
    Both of them were on these forums spewing their hate towards the unmasked and unvaccinated.

  16. #276
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Forum Phonies like Scam Artist AxelWolf and QueerJ were so scared about the virus they thought it would go through their walls or plumbing and get them.
    Both of them were on these forums spewing their hate towards the unmasked and unvaccinated.
    As well they should have been concerned.

    Infectious and virulent.
    What, Me Worry?

  17. #277
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Not to hijack, but the mask issue makes me wonder: what can casino patrons do to try and avoid facial recognition software from identifying them, assuming they're in a database?

  18. #278
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post

    As well they should have been concerned.

    Infectious and virulent.
    MrV, monet has turned into one of those crazy conspiracy guys. An upgrade (or downgrade) from when he used to just be crazy.

    I got sick with covid in the early days back at the end of March 2020. A neighbor in the building on the same floor had gotten sick and was hospitalized before me. Over the next several weeks 8 different people in my building all contracted covid, getting sick to various degrees, including my brother who I live with. One guy on the floor above passed away. I was pretty sick. My brother was not. There was even a story on the local news calling our building a "cluster" of cases.

    I didn't think the virus was traveling through walls, although I might have said something about that at the time, just not knowing what was going on. I didn't interact with any of these people. With hindsight, I think this very contagious virus, more contagious and dangerous at the beginning (viruses weaken over time) probably was spread through surface touch like common door handles, elevator buttons and things like that.

    When thing reopened several months later, I was very cautious. I would take the steps down each morning to avoid the elevator and other people. Coming home, I could take the elevator because as long as I didn't get on at ground floor with anyone, the likelihood of passengers getting on after the first floor going up was slim. In the casinos and any other crowded place, especially indoors I wore masks, which were mandated at the time, but I would have done so anyway. I suspected masks didn't offer the protection the so-called experts claimed because if you could breathe, then the virus could get through, if it was circulating. But purchased and wore good masks anyway, not the paper do-nothing type masks.

    I don't blame any medical or science experts from being wrong about anything in hindsight. They were all doing the best they could with a new situation.

    I got the vaccine and two boosters. The conspiracy people can say what they want about the vaccines, but I contracted covid a second time after I had the vaccine and had very mild symptoms. Felt like a cold for a few days with minor body aches, which was quite a contrast to how sick I was the first time, for several weeks with lingering fatigue issues lasting months. That is all the proof I need that the vaccines work and do what they are supposed to do, which is minimize severe sickness and death, just the same as the flu shot does.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 03-08-2023 at 09:06 PM.

  19. #279
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post

    As well they should have been concerned.

    Infectious and virulent.
    MrV, monet has turned into one of those crazy conspiracy guys. An upgrade (or downgrade) from when he used to just be crazy.

    I got sick with covid in the early days back at the end of March 2020. A neighbor in the building on the same floor had gotten sick and was hospitalized before me. Over the next several weeks 8 different people in my building all contracted covid, getting sick to various degrees, including my brother who I live with. One guy on the floor above passed away. I was pretty sick. My brother was not. There was even a story on the local news calling our building a "cluster" of cases.

    I didn't think the virus was traveling through walls, although I might have said something about that at the time, just not knowing what was going on. I didn't interact with any of these people. With hindsight, I think this very contagious virus, more contagious and dangerous at the beginning (viruses weaken over time) probably was spread through surface touch like common door handles, elevator buttons and things like that.

    When thing reopened several months later, I was very cautious. I would take the steps down each morning to avoid the elevator and other people. Coming home, I could take the elevator because as long as I didn't get on at ground floor with anyone, the likelihood of passengers getting on after the first floor going up was slim. In the casinos and any other crowded place, especially indoors I wore masks, which were mandated at the time, but I would have done so anyway. I suspected masks didn't offer the protection the so-called experts claimed because if you could breathe, then the virus could get through, if it was circulating. But purchased and wore good masks anyway, not the paper do-nothing type masks.

    I don't blame any medical or science experts from being wrong about anything in hindsight. They were all doing the best they could with a new situation.

    I got the vaccine and two boosters. The conspiracy people can say what they want about the vaccines, but I contracted covid a second time after I had the vaccine and had very mild symptoms. Felt like a cold for a few days with minor body aches, which was quite a contrast to how sick I was the first time, for several weeks with lingering fatigue issues lasting months. That is all the proof I need that the vaccines work and do what they are supposed to do, which is minimize severe sickness and death, just the same as the flu shot does.
    You're, as usual, confused.

    You didn't have a "mild" 2nd bout because of all those shots. You became less vulnerable to serious COVID illness due to a much higher immunity level from getting sick the 1st time.

    Going into crowds wasn't ideal but it was hardly the danger it was lied about being. The main culprit is as it has always been with viruses: infected people touch things and previously uninfected people touch the same things, stupidly put their fingers around their eyes, nose, mouths and even ears, and they get infected. The filth that's on those high-rise city buildings' elevators, buttons, knobs, etc. only exacerbates transmission among the idiots who just don't get it. You see the same things at gas stations. Very few people used or use a paper towel when they hold the nozzle as they're fueling up. And many of these fools rip open a bag of chips, devour peanuts by the handful, and do many other unsafe things right after they leave the pumps. They all deserve what they get.

    We're not vaccinated, we're "old", and yet we haven't missed a beat in our extensive travelling around the country to restaurants, casinos, events, a wedding, and other gatherings since the beginning of the pandemic. All it takes is good personal awareness and an ability to think before you act, knowing how to touch just about everything without doing it foolishly, and CARING about what is actually going on and if/how it could be detrimental.

  20. #280
    Wife and I are fully vaxxed and followed all the proscribed hygienic measure put out by the CDC and thus far we avoided Covid.

    My impression of masks: they help prevent someone who has covid from spreading it, as opposed to preventing a wearer from contracting it.

    Did the country / world over-react?

    No, as the shut down was pre-vaccines; with vaccines there is little to worry about unless you're too fucking stupid, bull-headed, and / or poliiticized to get the innoculations.
    What, Me Worry?

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