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Thread: Professional Sportsbetting

  1. #341
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Speaking of tests, I recently came across an old letter from MENSA to my now-deceased mom.

    Seems they were responding to a free test she took and then mailed in her answer.

    It showed she scored 154 and they extended what I believe was a preliminary invitation to join.

    She didn't follow up as she was very traditional: married at 19, started a family and was a home maker while my dad brought home the bacon.

    Me, I'm pretty sharp but I do believe she was sharper.

    Just shows you never can tell who gets blessed with brains.
    If your mom thought you had brains passed down from her, all that does is prove she was a no-brain.

    Mensa means nothing in today's world. Don Lemon, in all his crossed-wires glory, claims to be Mensa. Work that one out.

  2. #342
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    If your mom thought you had brains passed down from her, all that does is prove she was a no-brain.
    I'm rubber and you're glue; whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.

    Neener neener neener.
    What, Me Worry?

  3. #343
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Account, you're lazy and dishonest. I mean, c'mon. The only reason you know I don't own that vehicle is because I stated it with my Magnum P.I. analogy.

    1) I drove the vehicle (there's a sad Youtube video somewhere of me driving it pathetically slowly, like 40 mph).
    2) I lived in the same rather expensive home with the guy who owned the vehicle.
    3) The guy helped me on many occasions, including writing a mega-speed spread comparison program.

    In addition, you just lie through your teeth.

    4) I don't and have never, in 45 years of handicapping, sold any systems. LOL. Where'd you get that tidbit?
    5) I suspect I understand the math better than you do (my suspicion is partly based on the old 740 SAT math score).
    6) The guy who owns the car can check my math if I ask (he got a perfect math SAT score).

    Dude, I spent the majority of my life in the top one percent of any intelligence test you gave me and in the top one percent of any cardiovascular test. And I'm usually the dumbest guy in the room when I'm hanging with my compadres. Now it's true that I'm currently old and decrepit, but I think as a group we can still manage to do the math.

    You don't quite grasp it. There was a mature handicapping culture, much, much bigger than all of the AP cultures combined, that pre-dates all of this LVA and GWAE moderne application to sports. And the people in that handicapping culture were among the best and brightest (ergo the moniker, The Computer Group, for example). You're cheering on a handful of blackjack players and machine players and math guys trying to switch over to sports betting. And they may or may not even be qualified to teach freshman college probability.

    Of course, the little pool of "APs" were going to migrate to sports as sports betting became ubiquitous. I don't think you grasp how lacking in expertise you really are, and how outnumbered you really are. The old Dunning-Kruger syndrome.
    “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Redietz, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.”

    I'm not going to argue with you but I got a 800 and sometimes a notch under but meh mistakes. Always finished with spare time. Whatever, a lot of what I say isn't to be taken literally. I try not to get too far out there in my "lies".

    I happen to know the math SAT score of another poster on here and it was also a 800 but hey we're all dummies here.

    Honest confession - I don't *REALLY* have a dossier on Tableplay that talks about his abuse by wedgy but the idea that I'm going wild with lies is itself a lie.

    The topic of this thread is sportsbetting
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  4. #344
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post

    Easter is coming up soon so we should be due for another holiday losing disaster by ZK.
    Absolutely, it's not a matter of if, but when.

    Whatever the case, he shakes it off and gets back to it.

    Everyone has their own issues and ways of dealing with them. What really matters is if you can overcome those things and continue forward.
    Whatever happened to you're former protege, the Asian gangster DJATC ?
    He just doesn't post anymore. He is too busy NOT HANDICAPPING and making good money doing it, along with team AP shit.

  5. #345
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Whatever, nut job.

    Perfect response Fraud

  6. #346
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    The topic of this thread is sportsbetting
    Mickey given the final blow you delivered to Redietz it took some creative trolling to resurrect him from that long cold forum nap. He knows that his 10-12% bullshit is EV and based on underlying opinions and yadda yadda. All I can do is proffer myself as a strawman for Redietz to come back and swing at.

    However I wanted to add about why EV could be useful in sports betting. When I screwed with it, we used a version of Kelly (to make sure we were underrolled and destined to fail w/o lightning in a bottle) to choose betting sizes. I don't recall Kelly formula ATM but I'm pretty sure something akin EV is needed.

  7. #347
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    The topic of this thread is sportsbetting
    Mickey given the final blow you delivered to Redietz it took some creative trolling to resurrect him from that long cold forum nap. He knows that his 10-12% bullshit is EV and based on underlying opinions and yadda yadda. All I can do is proffer myself as a strawman for Redietz to come back and swing at.

    However I wanted to add about why EV could be useful in sports betting. When I screwed with it, we used a version of Kelly (to make sure we were underrolled and destined to fail w/o lightning in a bottle) to choose betting sizes. I don't recall Kelly formula ATM but I'm pretty sure something akin EV is needed.
    FYI, I heard somewhere that Kelly never intended his formula to be applied to gambling(I had no clue). I believe it had something to do with space travel or something like that. I don't even think he had any clue his name and formula would become famous, he probably died before that.

    Sad, sad indeed.

  8. #348
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    The topic of this thread is sportsbetting
    Mickey given the final blow you delivered to Redietz it took some creative trolling to resurrect him from that long cold forum nap. He knows that his 10-12% bullshit is EV and based on underlying opinions and yadda yadda. All I can do is proffer myself as a strawman for Redietz to come back and swing at.

    However I wanted to add about why EV could be useful in sports betting. When I screwed with it, we used a version of Kelly (to make sure we were underrolled and destined to fail w/o lightning in a bottle) to choose betting sizes. I don't recall Kelly formula ATM but I'm pretty sure something akin EV is needed.
    FYI, I heard somewhere that Kelly never intended his formula to be applied to gambling(I had no clue). I believe it had something to do with space travel or something like that. I don't even think he had any clue his name and formula would become famous, he probably died before that.

    Sad, sad indeed.
    Some talk about half kelly and quarter kelly. I like one thousandth kelly.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  9. #349
    Quarter Kelly Easy. Or find can’t lose opportunities easy

  10. #350
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    The topic of this thread is sportsbetting
    Mickey given the final blow you delivered to Redietz it took some creative trolling to resurrect him from that long cold forum nap. He knows that his 10-12% bullshit is EV and based on underlying opinions and yadda yadda. All I can do is proffer myself as a strawman for Redietz to come back and swing at.

    However I wanted to add about why EV could be useful in sports betting. When I screwed with it, we used a version of Kelly (to make sure we were underrolled and destined to fail w/o lightning in a bottle) to choose betting sizes. I don't recall Kelly formula ATM but I'm pretty sure something akin EV is needed.

    You might try actually quoting the actual page being discussed. It states "our modus operandi" is a 10-12% return on investment over a four month period. It DOES NOT state that is the "prediction."

    It CERTAINLY DOES NOT state that is the "EV."

    In fact, for those unfamiliar with the phrase, "modus operandi" means "manner of working." As such, it is the antithesis of an exact calculation or prediction. And, for those unfamiliar with the word, "antithesis" means the opposite of.

    I expect something akin to eighth grade reading skills from mickey and account. "Akin," for mickey and account's erudition, means "of similar character."

    And, finally, for mickey and account's benefit, "erudition" means "showing knowledge; scholarship."

  11. #351
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    The topic of this thread is sportsbetting
    Mickey given the final blow you delivered to Redietz it took some creative trolling to resurrect him from that long cold forum nap. He knows that his 10-12% bullshit is EV and based on underlying opinions and yadda yadda. All I can do is proffer myself as a strawman for Redietz to come back and swing at.

    However I wanted to add about why EV could be useful in sports betting. When I screwed with it, we used a version of Kelly (to make sure we were underrolled and destined to fail w/o lightning in a bottle) to choose betting sizes. I don't recall Kelly formula ATM but I'm pretty sure something akin EV is needed.

    You might try actually quoting the actual page being discussed. It states "our modus operandi" is a 10-12% return on investment over a four month period. It DOES NOT state that is the "prediction."

    It CERTAINLY DOES NOT state that is the "EV."

    In fact, for those unfamiliar with the phrase, "modus operandi" means "manner of working." As such, it is the antithesis of an exact calculation or prediction. And, for those unfamiliar with the word, "antithesis" means the opposite of.

    I expect something akin to eighth grade reading skills from mickey and account. "Akin," for mickey and account's erudition, means "of similar character."

    And, finally, for mickey and account's benefit, "erudition" means "showing knowledge; scholarship."
    Listen Fraud you can make up anything you want talk down to people, and say how smart you are to make yourself feel good but.. the bottom line is you needed other peoples money to bet with. Fucking loser fraud fuck. No respect for fucking frauds utilizing pyramid schemes to fleece people of their hard earned money. Your a Total fucking loser bro, fuck you and your make believe mobbed up friends. You have zero money

  12. #352
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Mickey given the final blow you delivered to Redietz it took some creative trolling to resurrect him from that long cold forum nap. He knows that his 10-12% bullshit is EV and based on underlying opinions and yadda yadda. All I can do is proffer myself as a strawman for Redietz to come back and swing at.

    However I wanted to add about why EV could be useful in sports betting. When I screwed with it, we used a version of Kelly (to make sure we were underrolled and destined to fail w/o lightning in a bottle) to choose betting sizes. I don't recall Kelly formula ATM but I'm pretty sure something akin EV is needed.

    You might try actually quoting the actual page being discussed. It states "our modus operandi" is a 10-12% return on investment over a four month period. It DOES NOT state that is the "prediction."

    It CERTAINLY DOES NOT state that is the "EV."

    In fact, for those unfamiliar with the phrase, "modus operandi" means "manner of working." As such, it is the antithesis of an exact calculation or prediction. And, for those unfamiliar with the word, "antithesis" means the opposite of.

    I expect something akin to eighth grade reading skills from mickey and account. "Akin," for mickey and account's erudition, means "of similar character."

    And, finally, for mickey and account's benefit, "erudition" means "showing knowledge; scholarship."
    Listen Fraud you can make up anything you want talk down to people, and say how smart you are to make yourself feel good but.. the bottom line is you needed other peoples money to bet with. Fucking loser fraud fuck. No respect for fucking frauds utilizing pyramid schemes to fleece people of their hard earned money. Your a Total fucking loser bro, fuck you and your make believe mobbed up friends. You have zero money
    Got a problem with me come say high I’m Just north of you at Ballys. Todd can confirm IP loser fraud fuck

  13. #353
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    You might try actually quoting the actual page being discussed. It states "our modus operandi" is a 10-12% return on investment over a four month period. It DOES NOT state that is the "prediction."

    It CERTAINLY DOES NOT state that is the "EV."

    In fact, for those unfamiliar with the phrase, "modus operandi" means "manner of working." As such, it is the antithesis of an exact calculation or prediction. And, for those unfamiliar with the word, "antithesis" means the opposite of.

    I expect something akin to eighth grade reading skills from mickey and account. "Akin," for mickey and account's erudition, means "of similar character."

    And, finally, for mickey and account's benefit, "erudition" means "showing knowledge; scholarship."
    Listen Fraud you can make up anything you want talk down to people, and say how smart you are to make yourself feel good but.. the bottom line is you needed other peoples money to bet with. Fucking loser fraud fuck. No respect for fucking frauds utilizing pyramid schemes to fleece people of their hard earned money. Your a Total fucking loser bro, fuck you and your make believe mobbed up friends. You have zero money
    Got a problem with me come say high I’m Just north of you at Ballys. Todd can confirm IP loser fraud fuck
    Never mind you’re 6 hours the opposite direction from me. I’m
    Sure Sandusky got you in the showers at Penn state multiple times. That’s probably why you developed into a fraud.

    When they open Danville I will be closer. Possibly dressed as a middle aged black man

  14. #354
    Who has made money on this board not scamming people besides Mick, and rob ?

  15. #355
    It’s always someone scamming other people for money. Or selling information. Very few actually make money it seems
    Gambling. Sell courses in blackjack sell picks sell your ass

  16. #356
    Brag about everything online tell everybody everything about all things so they go away in one week lol iodine idiots

  17. #357
    At least Kew I can suck cocks for cash and has a skill

  18. #358
    Does Dan win at poker ? Seriously can’t make much in those rat infested cali limit games. Jesus

  19. #359
    Thank me for making all you sports betting morons hold up your ID next to a photo to confirm Identity. Pro tip get that done when you set up the account. Pre record a video of the same

  20. #360

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