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Thread: Best/Worst casino concert/comedy act audiences for persistent state plays

  1. #21
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    I'm not sure I took it seriously even if I responded seriously?
    When you respond seriously, most people, including me, will assume you are taking it seriously. Fuck off.

  2. #22
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    I'm not sure I took it seriously even if I responded seriously?
    When you respond seriously, most people, including me, will assume you are taking it seriously. Fuck off.
    But most people won't get so goddam twisted over someone choosing to interact with them in their thread.

  3. #23
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    I'm not sure I took it seriously even if I responded seriously?
    When you respond seriously, most people, including me, will assume you are taking it seriously. Fuck off.
    But most people won't get so goddam twisted over someone choosing to interact with them in their thread.
    That's right, they will just sit back and let someone insult them. Fuck off.

  4. #24
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    When you respond seriously, most people, including me, will assume you are taking it seriously. Fuck off.
    But most people won't get so goddam twisted over someone choosing to interact with them in their thread.
    That's right, they will just sit back and let someone insult them. Fuck off.
    Oh but just don't do it by taking it all so seriously. Crazy man, you are up there.

  5. #25
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    But most people won't get so goddam twisted over someone choosing to interact with them in their thread.
    That's right, they will just sit back and let someone insult them. Fuck off.
    Oh but just don't do it by taking it all so seriously. Crazy man, you are up there.
    You're delusional if you think I am going to sit back and let you insult me without responding in kind. Fuck off.

  6. #26
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    That's right, they will just sit back and let someone insult them. Fuck off.
    Oh but just don't do it by taking it all so seriously. Crazy man, you are up there.
    You're delusional if you think I am going to sit back and let you insult me without responding in kind. Fuck off.
    Oh I expected you to respond just to not get so aggro about it. Take another shot at me sure but going on and on about irrelevant things while all flailing about doesn't really look like "responding in kind".

  7. #27
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Oh but just don't do it by taking it all so seriously. Crazy man, you are up there.
    You're delusional if you think I am going to sit back and let you insult me without responding in kind. Fuck off.
    Oh I expected you to respond just to not get so aggro about it. Take another shot at me sure but going on and on about irrelevant things while all flailing about doesn't really look like "responding in kind".
    I will be responding to your attempted insults regardless of if you think it is unreasonable or crazy to do so. All of this back and forth is probably getting in the way of you showing your dates around your mom's basement and/or your pop-up camper as you sit at your phone and/or computer screen replying to my posts instead of attending to their needs, but that's just the way it's going to be.

  8. #28
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    You're delusional if you think I am going to sit back and let you insult me without responding in kind. Fuck off.
    Oh I expected you to respond just to not get so aggro about it. Take another shot at me sure but going on and on about irrelevant things while all flailing about doesn't really look like "responding in kind".
    I will be responding to your attempted insults regardless of if you think it is unreasonable or crazy to do so. All of this back and forth is probably getting in the way of you showing your dates around your mom's basement and/or your pop-up camper as you sit at your phone and/or computer screen replying to my posts instead of attending to their needs, but that's just the way it's going to be.
    Lol jealousy. The only reason I said that was in response to Rob implying I didn't have a wife because of some defect. Not really true. My last 3 gfs have become quite saddened when they realize it isn't working out with us. It really doesn't mean much except as a lolz response to Rob. It is actually unfortunate and not something I'm actually proud of. I wish it'd just work out....

    You have to glom onto something, I understand.

  9. #29
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Oh I expected you to respond just to not get so aggro about it. Take another shot at me sure but going on and on about irrelevant things while all flailing about doesn't really look like "responding in kind".
    I will be responding to your attempted insults regardless of if you think it is unreasonable or crazy to do so. All of this back and forth is probably getting in the way of you showing your dates around your mom's basement and/or your pop-up camper as you sit at your phone and/or computer screen replying to my posts instead of attending to their needs, but that's just the way it's going to be.
    Lol jealousy. The only reason I said that was in response to Rob implying I didn't have a wife because of some defect. Not really true. My last 3 gfs have become quite saddened when they realize it isn't working out with us. It really doesn't mean much except as a lolz response to Rob. It is actually unfortunate and not something I'm actually proud of. I wish it'd just work out....

    You have to glom onto something, I understand.
    No jealousy whatsoever. I think you're pathetic.

  10. #30
    @ tableplay & accountinquestion.

    Most of the time I know how or why a feud got started I haven't any clue why/what happen between you guys. Neither of you two seem like you would be at odds with one another. Yeah, I know.." cus he's a twat"

    Just curious.

  11. #31
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    @ tableplay & accountinquestion.

    Most of the time I know how or why a feud got started I haven't any clue why/what happen between you guys. Neither of you two seem like you would be at odds with one another. Yeah, I know.." cus he's a twat"

    Just curious.
    Very strange indeed. I knew account and Mickey were at odds, after having a friendly meet up 2 years ago. I knew you and Monet don't see eye to eye and of course the funniest by far and would be worth a fortune would be an UKKOOL vs Singer meet up. Singer would own him in real life being 34 years his senior. !! Can you imagine all the laughs that would take place observing this milestone event ��

  12. #32
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    @ tableplay & accountinquestion.

    Most of the time I know how or why a feud got started I haven't any clue why/what happen between you guys. Neither of you two seem like you would be at odds with one another. Yeah, I know.." cus he's a twat"

    Just curious.
    I'm not sure why the clown started trying to get after me. I suspect it was because he doesn't like alternatives to his woke view on the cause of climate change presented for discussion. The king expects an echo chamber when he presents his views. The king also expects people to not reply back to his insults which of course is delusional. Now, as you can see, what was originally presented as an attempt at plain humor in the first post of this thread, including stating verbatim that the whole deal was a fabrication in that post, has now turned into dark humor as he tries to get after me for this innocuous post.

    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Not really true. My last 3 gfs have become quite saddened when they realize it isn't working out with us. It really doesn't mean much except as a lolz response to Rob. It is actually unfortunate and not something I'm actually proud of. I wish it'd just work out....
    Anyway, I do hope that he doesn't have to spend a lot of time spackling the holes in the wall of his mom's basement or re-upholstering the interior of his pop-up camper - because I strongly suspect that he is not having gentle words to the less attractive members of his harem when he lets them go in favor of more attractive new members as he slowly he improves the attractiveness of the group as a whole.

  13. #33
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    @ tableplay & accountinquestion.

    Most of the time I know how or why a feud got started I haven't any clue why/what happen between you guys. Neither of you two seem like you would be at odds with one another. Yeah, I know.." cus he's a twat"

    Just curious.
    I'm not sure why the clown started trying to get after me. I suspect it was because he doesn't like alternatives to his woke view on the cause of climate change presented for discussion. The king expects an echo chamber when he presents his views. The king also expects people to not reply back to his insults which of course is delusional. Now, as you can see, what was originally presented as an attempt at plain humor in the first post of this thread, including stating verbatim that the whole deal was a fabrication in that post, has now turned into dark humor as he tries to get after me for this innocuous post.

    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Not really true. My last 3 gfs have become quite saddened when they realize it isn't working out with us. It really doesn't mean much except as a lolz response to Rob. It is actually unfortunate and not something I'm actually proud of. I wish it'd just work out....
    Anyway, I do hope that he doesn't have to spend a lot of time spackling the holes in the wall of his mom's basement or re-upholstering the interior of his pop-up camper - because I strongly suspect that he is not having gentle words to the less attractive members of his harem when he lets them go in favor of more attractive new members as he slowly he improves the attractiveness of the group as a whole.
    I never got after Tableplay outside of him sucking off Monet because he needs mental backup for his stupid youtube based beliefs. He calls global warming "woke" - I call it decades of science. Global warming was around way before he'd even considered the word "woke" in its current meaning and likely before he was conceived. This is just more example of him being a fucking muppet. Applying "woke" to everything. That is why I stick with empirical observations in that thread. I want plenty of responses and challenges. I have no respect for regurgitated youtube videos put out by pandering grifters aimed at simps who are in no way trying to find the actual truth. That is where my issue with Monet and Tableplay come in. Also Tableplay sucks Monet off for posting these youtube videos. Hate it'. We got a little bit of latent homophobia in all of us.

    BTW TP, I dont' think I ever said you shouldn't respond to me but just not with so much multi-post conviction. I'm not going the pedantic route but you yell strawman WHENEVER you can mentally contort something into the semblance of one. Yet you do that shit all the time. You have a complete lack of self-awareness or your arguments are simply not sincere.

    He is another "man" with an ego so weak he'll never admit he is wrong. Thats how this escalated. I misread a UX screen in a RS thread. (Well I never really hustled UX and didn't read the screen that closely). I believe I got the multipliers reversed but as soon as I realized it was like oops. Embarassing. I was wrong and admitted it and end of that thread of disccusion. He (lol) later was on some mission to prove it without a doubt that I have no clue what I was talking about and wanted me to go through my math for him. I offered if he put up a $500 for me to figure out the math I used. (it required looking up hand frequencies on a poker table) He wouldnt do that as he wasn't confident in his own bullshit but oh man he was thinking he was proving something to someone. So later I did the same idiotic shit back to him but I understand context enough to realize I was being a goof. He calls me delusional for something I never requested (he not respond to me) but he sure was expecting me to go over math for him that I'd already said was wrong. lol who is delusional

    I'm so deep in his head that even saying "bad read" to him sends him off into the moon like singer does to Kewl.

    If you read above he says "he tried to get after me" - because I said "bad read". I could have tried to make up something else on the list ? Oh ICP !!! I could have said ICP and been funny but this whole thread wasn't ever funny. (at least to me). I'm a dead fan so I defended the dead and now he thinks I've crucified him. I even explained legitimately and politely that I was mainly defending the dead and deadheads.

    He really isn't very creative though. He's literally taking the Singer insults and regurgitating them directly at me. Good stuff. Yes! Got me! I'm broke and live in a pop-up camper. At least get the story straight. It is the basement. A basement in the part of the country without basements.

    Mickey and I get along to the extent that is needed. I'm pretty much over complaining about Trump once Trump ceased being President and that was where most of our bad energy came from.

    The problem with this forum is that it is free speech. Which I love but it also attracts people who have been pushed away from other places. Then I argue with them. Only people on here I have issues with are those who have had some pro-Trump or anti-science view at which point the directive is - 'Engage'. (that sound kinda Trekkie for ya, tp?) TP, I bought the NG boxed DVD set and was hopin' you'd have some time off this week to spend time with me watching them in the pop-up.

    anyway, thats the gist of the shit. Too long.
    Last edited by accountinquestion; 03-13-2023 at 08:41 AM.

  14. #34
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    I'm not sure why the clown started trying to get after me. I suspect it was because he doesn't like alternatives to his woke view on the cause of climate change presented for discussion. The king expects an echo chamber when he presents his views. The king also expects people to not reply back to his insults which of course is delusional. Now, as you can see, what was originally presented as an attempt at plain humor in the first post of this thread, including stating verbatim that the whole deal was a fabrication in that post, has now turned into dark humor as he tries to get after me for this innocuous post.

    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Not really true. My last 3 gfs have become quite saddened when they realize it isn't working out with us. It really doesn't mean much except as a lolz response to Rob. It is actually unfortunate and not something I'm actually proud of. I wish it'd just work out....
    Anyway, I do hope that he doesn't have to spend a lot of time spackling the holes in the wall of his mom's basement or re-upholstering the interior of his pop-up camper - because I strongly suspect that he is not having gentle words to the less attractive members of his harem when he lets them go in favor of more attractive new members as he slowly he improves the attractiveness of the group as a whole.
    I never got after Tableplay outside of him sucking off Monet because he needs mental backup for his stupid youtube based beliefs. He calls global warming "woke" - I call it decades of science. Global warming was around way before he'd even considered the word "woke" in its current meaning and likely before he was conceived. This is just more example of him being a fucking muppet. Applying "woke" to everything. That is why I stick with empirical observations in that thread. I want plenty of responses and challenges. I have no respect for regurgitated youtube videos put out by pandering grifters aimed at simps who are in no way trying to find the actual truth. That is where my issue with Monet and Tableplay come in. Also Tableplay sucks Monet off for posting these youtube videos. Hate it'. We got a little bit of latent homophobia in all of us.

    BTW TP, I dont' think I ever said you shouldn't respond to me but just not with so much multi-post conviction. I'm not going the pedantic route but you yell strawman WHENEVER you can mentally contort something into the semblance of one. Yet you do that shit all the time. You have a complete lack of self-awareness or your arguments are simply not sincere.

    He is another "man" with an ego so weak he'll never admit he is wrong. Thats how this escalated. I misread a UX screen in a RS thread. (Well I never really hustled UX and didn't read the screen that closely). I believe I got the multipliers reversed but as soon as I realized it was like oops. Embarassing. I was wrong and admitted it and end of that thread of disccusion. He (lol) later was on some mission to prove it without a doubt that I have no clue what I was talking about and wanted me to go through my math for him. I offered if he put up a $500 for me to figure out the math I used. (it required looking up hand frequencies on a poker table) He wouldnt do that as he wasn't confident in his own bullshit but oh man he was thinking he was proving something to someone. So later I did the same idiotic shit back to him but I understand context enough to realize I was being a goof. He calls me delusional for something I never requested (he not respond to me) but he sure was expecting me to go over math for him that I'd already said was wrong. lol who is delusional

    I'm so deep in his head that even saying "bad read" to him sends him off into the moon like singer does to Kewl.

    If you read above he says "he tried to get after me" - because I said "bad read". I could have tried to make up something else on the list ? Oh ICP !!! I could have said ICP and been funny but this whole thread wasn't ever funny. (at least to me). I'm a dead fan so I defended the dead and now he thinks I've crucified him. I even explained legitimately and politely that I was mainly defending the dead and deadheads.

    He really isn't very creative though. He's literally taking the Singer insults and regurgitating them directly at me. Good stuff. Yes! Got me! I'm broke and live in a pop-up camper. At least get the story straight. It is the basement. A basement in the part of the country without basements.

    Mickey and I get along to the extent that is needed. I'm pretty much over complaining about Trump once Trump ceased being President and that was where most of our bad energy came from.

    The problem with this forum is that it is free speech. Which I love but it also attracts people who have been pushed away from other places. Then I argue with them. Only people on here I have issues with are those who have had some pro-Trump or anti-science view at which point the directive is - 'Engage'. (that sound kinda Trekkie for ya, tp?) TP, I bought the NG boxed DVD set and was hopin' you'd have some time off this week to spend time with me watching them in the pop-up.

    anyway, thats the gist of the shit. Too long.
    You're completely full of shit. You started the trolling long before I called you out on your total lack of understanding of how UX worked at the time. Now you are lying about that and saying it was just a screen misreading you fucking cunt.

  15. #35
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    You're completely full of shit. You started the trolling long before I called you out on your total lack of understanding of how UX worked at the time. Now you are lying about that and saying it was just a screen misreading you fucking cunt.
    Tableplay, you can't call someone out on something they've already admitted to and it is the same goddam thing I've been saying as it was the truth. I was smoking weed, glanced at the screen, got the multiplier flipped around (I believe). Anyway, I offered to try and recreate my mistake to show where the actual mistake was but I'd need to be paid to demonstrate that. If you weren't yourself, you would have screamed deluded at yourself.

    I didn't say I didn't troll you before that. I said that is how it escalated. Oh man, like I said.. a pedantic ocd autist screaming you lied! strawman! reading comprehension! yet you do these same things yourself just at a far higher frequency.

  16. #36
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    I'm not sure why the clown started trying to get after me. I suspect it was because he doesn't like alternatives to his woke view on the cause of climate change presented for discussion. The king expects an echo chamber when he presents his views. The king also expects people to not reply back to his insults which of course is delusional. Now, as you can see, what was originally presented as an attempt at plain humor in the first post of this thread, including stating verbatim that the whole deal was a fabrication in that post, has now turned into dark humor as he tries to get after me for this innocuous post.

    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Not really true. My last 3 gfs have become quite saddened when they realize it isn't working out with us. It really doesn't mean much except as a lolz response to Rob. It is actually unfortunate and not something I'm actually proud of. I wish it'd just work out....
    Anyway, I do hope that he doesn't have to spend a lot of time spackling the holes in the wall of his mom's basement or re-upholstering the interior of his pop-up camper - because I strongly suspect that he is not having gentle words to the less attractive members of his harem when he lets them go in favor of more attractive new members as he slowly he improves the attractiveness of the group as a whole.
    I never got after Tableplay outside of him sucking off Monet because he needs mental backup for his stupid youtube based beliefs. He calls global warming "woke" - I call it decades of science. Global warming was around way before he'd even considered the word "woke" in its current meaning and likely before he was conceived. This is just more example of him being a fucking muppet. Applying "woke" to everything. That is why I stick with empirical observations in that thread. I want plenty of responses and challenges. I have no respect for regurgitated youtube videos put out by pandering grifters aimed at simps who are in no way trying to find the actual truth. That is where my issue with Monet and Tableplay come in. Also Tableplay sucks Monet off for posting these youtube videos. Hate it'. We got a little bit of latent homophobia in all of us.

    BTW TP, I dont' think I ever said you shouldn't respond to me but just not with so much multi-post conviction. I'm not going the pedantic route but you yell strawman WHENEVER you can mentally contort something into the semblance of one. Yet you do that shit all the time. You have a complete lack of self-awareness or your arguments are simply not sincere.

    He is another "man" with an ego so weak he'll never admit he is wrong. Thats how this escalated. I misread a UX screen in a RS thread. (Well I never really hustled UX and didn't read the screen that closely). I believe I got the multipliers reversed but as soon as I realized it was like oops. Embarassing. I was wrong and admitted it and end of that thread of disccusion. He (lol) later was on some mission to prove it without a doubt that I have no clue what I was talking about and wanted me to go through my math for him. I offered if he put up a $500 for me to figure out the math I used. (it required looking up hand frequencies on a poker table) He wouldnt do that as he wasn't confident in his own bullshit but oh man he was thinking he was proving something to someone. So later I did the same idiotic shit back to him but I understand context enough to realize I was being a goof. He calls me delusional for something I never requested (he not respond to me) but he sure was expecting me to go over math for him that I'd already said was wrong. lol who is delusional

    I'm so deep in his head that even saying "bad read" to him sends him off into the moon like singer does to Kewl.

    If you read above he says "he tried to get after me" - because I said "bad read". I could have tried to make up something else on the list ? Oh ICP !!! I could have said ICP and been funny but this whole thread wasn't ever funny. (at least to me). I'm a dead fan so I defended the dead and now he thinks I've crucified him. I even explained legitimately and politely that I was mainly defending the dead and deadheads.

    He really isn't very creative though. He's literally taking the Singer insults and regurgitating them directly at me. Good stuff. Yes! Got me! I'm broke and live in a pop-up camper. At least get the story straight. It is the basement. A basement in the part of the country without basements.

    Mickey and I get along to the extent that is needed. I'm pretty much over complaining about Trump once Trump ceased being President and that was where most of our bad energy came from.

    The problem with this forum is that it is free speech. Which I love but it also attracts people who have been pushed away from other places. Then I argue with them. Only people on here I have issues with are those who have had some pro-Trump or anti-science view at which point the directive is - 'Engage'. (that sound kinda Trekkie for ya, tp?) TP, I bought the NG boxed DVD set and was hopin' you'd have some time off this week to spend time with me watching them in the pop-up.

    anyway, thats the gist of the shit. Too long.
    TRUMP/SCOTT 2024
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  17. #37
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    TRUMP/SCOTT 2024
    His magic is played. I'm also hoping he runs. Although with diaper wearing Biden.. wtf. Who knows. Another sign of collapse? Regardless, here's to Trump getting the nomination. Still prefer democrats over republicans just because they actually make some attempt at things that I value. Can't really figure out where I'm at politically because i really detest the Democratic party.. but they just align more with my values. Yell about wokeism and I'd agree but it really isn't affecting much but climate issues will. As much as I am a doomer, I still hold out hope there is some sustainable future. State should subsidize abortion in places where welfare rate is above certain level. I can come up with all sorts of politically questionable ideas I'd support.

  18. #38
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    I'm not sure why the clown started trying to get after me. I suspect it was because he doesn't like alternatives to his woke view on the cause of climate change presented for discussion. The king expects an echo chamber when he presents his views. The king also expects people to not reply back to his insults which of course is delusional. Now, as you can see, what was originally presented as an attempt at plain humor in the first post of this thread, including stating verbatim that the whole deal was a fabrication in that post, has now turned into dark humor as he tries to get after me for this innocuous post.

    Anyway, I do hope that he doesn't have to spend a lot of time spackling the holes in the wall of his mom's basement or re-upholstering the interior of his pop-up camper - because I strongly suspect that he is not having gentle words to the less attractive members of his harem when he lets them go in favor of more attractive new members as he slowly he improves the attractiveness of the group as a whole.
    I never got after Tableplay outside of him sucking off Monet because he needs mental backup for his stupid youtube based beliefs. He calls global warming "woke" - I call it decades of science. Global warming was around way before he'd even considered the word "woke" in its current meaning and likely before he was conceived. This is just more example of him being a fucking muppet. Applying "woke" to everything. That is why I stick with empirical observations in that thread. I want plenty of responses and challenges. I have no respect for regurgitated youtube videos put out by pandering grifters aimed at simps who are in no way trying to find the actual truth. That is where my issue with Monet and Tableplay come in. Also Tableplay sucks Monet off for posting these youtube videos. Hate it'. We got a little bit of latent homophobia in all of us.

    BTW TP, I dont' think I ever said you shouldn't respond to me but just not with so much multi-post conviction. I'm not going the pedantic route but you yell strawman WHENEVER you can mentally contort something into the semblance of one. Yet you do that shit all the time. You have a complete lack of self-awareness or your arguments are simply not sincere.

    He is another "man" with an ego so weak he'll never admit he is wrong. Thats how this escalated. I misread a UX screen in a RS thread. (Well I never really hustled UX and didn't read the screen that closely). I believe I got the multipliers reversed but as soon as I realized it was like oops. Embarassing. I was wrong and admitted it and end of that thread of disccusion. He (lol) later was on some mission to prove it without a doubt that I have no clue what I was talking about and wanted me to go through my math for him. I offered if he put up a $500 for me to figure out the math I used. (it required looking up hand frequencies on a poker table) He wouldnt do that as he wasn't confident in his own bullshit but oh man he was thinking he was proving something to someone. So later I did the same idiotic shit back to him but I understand context enough to realize I was being a goof. He calls me delusional for something I never requested (he not respond to me) but he sure was expecting me to go over math for him that I'd already said was wrong. lol who is delusional

    I'm so deep in his head that even saying "bad read" to him sends him off into the moon like singer does to Kewl.

    If you read above he says "he tried to get after me" - because I said "bad read". I could have tried to make up something else on the list ? Oh ICP !!! I could have said ICP and been funny but this whole thread wasn't ever funny. (at least to me). I'm a dead fan so I defended the dead and now he thinks I've crucified him. I even explained legitimately and politely that I was mainly defending the dead and deadheads.

    He really isn't very creative though. He's literally taking the Singer insults and regurgitating them directly at me. Good stuff. Yes! Got me! I'm broke and live in a pop-up camper. At least get the story straight. It is the basement. A basement in the part of the country without basements.

    Mickey and I get along to the extent that is needed. I'm pretty much over complaining about Trump once Trump ceased being President and that was where most of our bad energy came from.

    The problem with this forum is that it is free speech. Which I love but it also attracts people who have been pushed away from other places. Then I argue with them. Only people on here I have issues with are those who have had some pro-Trump or anti-science view at which point the directive is - 'Engage'. (that sound kinda Trekkie for ya, tp?) TP, I bought the NG boxed DVD set and was hopin' you'd have some time off this week to spend time with me watching them in the pop-up.

    anyway, thats the gist of the shit. Too long.
    TRUMP/SCOTT 2024
    MAGA ! MAGA !

  19. #39
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    TRUMP/SCOTT 2024
    His magic is played. I'm also hoping he runs. Although with diaper wearing Biden.. wtf. Who knows. Another sign of collapse? Regardless, here's to Trump getting the nomination. Still prefer democrats over republicans just because they actually make some attempt at things that I value. Can't really figure out where I'm at politically because i really detest the Democratic party.. but they just align more with my values. Yell about wokeism and I'd agree but it really isn't affecting much but climate issues will. As much as I am a doomer, I still hold out hope there is some sustainable future. State should subsidize abortion in places where welfare rate is above certain level. I can come up with all sorts of politically questionable ideas I'd support.
    lol Democrats don't care about Climate Change.
    They care about making money just like the Republicans.
    It's a one party system that is controlled by the Oligarchs and Corporations.
    Wise Up!

  20. #40
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    TRUMP/SCOTT 2024
    His magic is played. I'm also hoping he runs. Although with diaper wearing Biden.. wtf. Who knows. Another sign of collapse? Regardless, here's to Trump getting the nomination. Still prefer democrats over republicans just because they actually make some attempt at things that I value. Can't really figure out where I'm at politically because i really detest the Democratic party.. but they just align more with my values. Yell about wokeism and I'd agree but it really isn't affecting much but climate issues will. As much as I am a doomer, I still hold out hope there is some sustainable future. State should subsidize abortion in places where welfare rate is above certain level. I can come up with all sorts of politically questionable ideas I'd support.

    Climate!!!!!!! Lololllool




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