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Thread: Let's just play make-believe / pretend

  1. #1
    Good morning forum people. For Today's exercise, let's just play make-believe and head down the rabbit hole that is Rob Singer's Newell RV fantasy. There is absolutely no evidence that Rob purchased a Newell RV back in 2011, nor sold it to an mysterious Israeli in 2021. Well no evidence other than pictures Rob took in an RV that wasn't his on the showroom floor. But let's just take Rob at his word for it (what could go wrong), for this exercise.

    So Rob claims he purchased this Newell RV in 2011 for 1.6 million dollars. He claims he sold it in 2021 for $495k. Right off the top that is depreciation of $1,100,000 or $110, 000 a year. So let's start with sales tax. All but 5 states require sales tax on such a purchase. And guess what, South Dakota, Arizona, where Rob lives, nor Oregon where he claims to have purchased this rig are on that list. So, @ a very liberal 6%, lets add $66,000.

    Storage: Rob claims he stored this Rv away from his home in Glendale. Googling cost of storage for an RV, I come up with $75-$200 per month. Again, I will be generous to Rob and say $100 a month. 120 months over 10 years is another $12,000 added to expenses.

    Maintenance. I have no idea. Surely if you drive these things, all that weight will eat through the tires at a quick rate. And brakes to stop all that tonnage. And general maintenance and repairs. $1000 a year? is that fair? Probably way on the lite side but ring up another $10,000 over 10 years.

    Fuel: Oh boy!!! What do these things get....6, 8 miles per gallon? I guess we are now into how much you actually drive it, but lets just say $100 a day for 50 days a year. Is that fair? Another $5000 a year in fuel or $50,000 to the total.

    Cost to stay in RV park. Again google to the rescue, says average of $50 a night x 50 nights a year, is $2500 a year or $25,000 over 10 years.

    What am I forgetting? sheets and towels and all the little extras. We will be generous and let that go for now.

    So let me add this up for the 10 years Rob owned this RV in his fantasyland tale.

    depreciation: $1,100,000
    storage: $12,000
    maintenance: $10,000
    Fuel: $50,000
    RV park cost $25,000
    Grand Total $1,197,000 that it cost Rob to own this RV in his fantasy story or roughly $120,000 a year.

    Now using the same 50 days of travel a year, Suppose a person paid an average of $150 a night for a decent hotel? That would be $7500 a year or $75,000 over 10 years.

    So you have $1,197,000 cost over 10 years vs $75,000 over 10 years for the same 500 days of travel. Shrewd investment Rob.

    Of course none of it is/was real. But if it was, Rob would have proven yet again, what an idiot and fool he would be.

    And now I am off to bed for a few hours.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 03-12-2023 at 09:25 AM.

  2. #2
    Oh for the love of humanity...
    Everybody knows he's full of shit.
    Everybody knows he's doing this for giggles....
    His whole shpeel is posting to get you to spaz out.

    Why do you let yourself be manipulated by marionetts?
    Laces Out!__DAN!

  3. #3
    Name:  Screenshot 2023-03-12 2.40.53 PM.jpg
Views: 468
Size:  60.1 KB

    Big Casino wins...Pg. 7.
    Last edited by jpfromla; 03-12-2023 at 02:49 PM.
    Keep your friends close, keep your drinks closer...

  4. #4
    Name:  Screenshot 2023-03-12 2.41.26 PM.jpg
Views: 453
Size:  45.7 KB

    From ten years ago...
    With the lovely Mrs. Singer
    Rob has been talking about his RV long before the DU claims.
    Keep your friends close, keep your drinks closer...

  5. #5
    Funny but fitting. After all of arci's lies such as this, karma came after him for it, in the form of his wife dying of renal failure while his only child (adult son) succumbed to an overdose of opioids. Arci remains, but only as a sad former shell of himself to this day. And all this happened to someone who was a retired IBM software engineer.

    Kew OTOH is a lifelong failure of a lying nobody, with absolutely no productivity associated with his homo-infected existence. Even if his pathetic degenerate mommy and useless baby bro were to croak in similar aftermath to kew's envious lies about me, it wouldn't come anywhere near close to the tragedy that struck the arci family.

    And I'm all smiles either way!

  6. #6
    I straightened the pics up. Now let's hear KJ make up and pretend that RV wasn't Robs.
    Attached Images Attached Images   
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 03-12-2023 at 05:19 PM.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Good morning forum people. For Today's exercise, let's just play make-believe and head down the rabbit hole that is Rob Singer's Newell RV fantasy. There is absolutely no evidence that Rob purchased a Newell RV back in 2011, nor sold it to an mysterious Israeli in 2021. Well no evidence other than pictures Rob took in an RV that wasn't his on the showroom floor. But let's just take Rob at his word for it (what could go wrong), for this exercise.

    So Rob claims he purchased this Newell RV in 2011 for 1.6 million dollars. He claims he sold it in 2021 for $495k. Right off the top that is depreciation of $1,100,000 or $110, 000 a year. So let's start with sales tax. All but 5 states require sales tax on such a purchase. And guess what, South Dakota, Arizona, where Rob lives, nor Oregon where he claims to have purchased this rig are on that list. So, @ a very liberal 6%, lets add $66,000.

    Storage: Rob claims he stored this Rv away from his home in Glendale. Googling cost of storage for an RV, I come up with $75-$200 per month. Again, I will be generous to Rob and say $100 a month. 120 months over 10 years is another $12,000 added to expenses.

    Maintenance. I have no idea. Surely if you drive these things, all that weight will eat through the tires at a quick rate. And brakes to stop all that tonnage. And general maintenance and repairs. $1000 a year? is that fair? Probably way on the lite side but ring up another $10,000 over 10 years.

    Fuel: Oh boy!!! What do these things get....6, 8 miles per gallon? I guess we are now into how much you actually drive it, but lets just say $100 a day for 50 days a year. Is that fair? Another $5000 a year in fuel or $50,000 to the total.

    Cost to stay in RV park. Again google to the rescue, says average of $50 a night x 50 nights a year, is $2500 a year or $25,000 over 10 years.

    What am I forgetting? sheets and towels and all the little extras. We will be generous and let that go for now.

    So let me add this up for the 10 years Rob owned this RV in his fantasyland tale.

    depreciation: $1,100,000
    storage: $12,000
    maintenance: $10,000
    Fuel: $50,000
    RV park cost $25,000
    Grand Total $1,197,000 that it cost Rob to own this RV in his fantasy story or roughly $120,000 a year.

    Now using the same 50 days of travel a year, Suppose a person paid an average of $150 a night for a decent hotel? That would be $7500 a year or $75,000 over 10 years.

    So you have $1,197,000 cost over 10 years vs $75,000 over 10 years for the same 500 days of travel. Shrewd investment Rob.

    Of course none of it is/was real. But if it was, Rob would have proven yet again, what an idiot and fool he would be.

    And now I am off to bed for a few hours.
    So let’s play REAL life and approximate how many casino employee cocks KewJQueer has sucked over the years.

    Will give him 15 years of playing make believe card counter. Let’s assume Gunplay put in 4 days a week three hours a day at the tables over those 15 years. Knowing QueenJ only cruises casinos to troll for cock we can safely assume JQ spends roughly 1.5 hours per trip in and around the bathrooms stalls. Now I do think Kewj tries to be discreet in his actions as he previously stated he wants to play the long game. With that in mind we can assume he only trolls two bathrooms per casino per day. Spending 45 min in each during his trips. Conservatively since Kew likes to frequent casinos during the busy hours his success rate is probably really high considering the types of freaks who go to Vegas. With that in mind I still swill use a conservative success rate of one cock sucked or fucked every 30 min or so. Divide that by two bathrooms he cruises and we get 1.5 cocks sucked per trip. I will round that up to take into account gunplays younger more youthful days were he probably ran above EV in his trolling. So now we have 2 cocks sucked or fucked per trip. The math works out below.

    15 years = 780 weeks a year in casinos trolling for cock

    4 trips per peek at 1.5 hours per trip split evenly into 45 min per bathroom. = 6 hours per week spent in and around casino bathroom stalls.

    6 hours per week x 780 weeks in 15 years = 4,680 hours over 15 years spent cruising for cock in and around casino bathrooms.

    Taking into account QueenQueerJs younger days and higher success rate adjustments at 2 cocks sucked and fucked per trip that’s 3120 trips to the casino. That works out to roughly 6240 cocks sucked or fucked over a 15 year span !!!!

    Very impressive Kewj !!!

    Someone please check my math as I did this quickly. Thanks

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    I straightened the pics up. Now let's hear KJ make and pretend that RV wasn't Robs.
    BS or no BS. I have come to like Rob.

    Love him or hate him he is quite the character and certainly adds lots of spice to things. He seems to go all in on whatever he is selling, yet, it's oftentimes half-assed, and some of his stories have more holes than a colander strainer. There is never concrete or overwhelming proof that goes his way. Whether or not he's bullshiting or telling the truth, he needs to up his game in the proof department.

    From all the evidence Rob presented about the RV, I must call BS, and those pics above are not helping. If he did own a Newell....IT WASN'T THE ONE HE PRESENTED TO US.\

    P.S., Rob, you never called me so I could tell you about your buddy Rick Radner. It's quite the story. I knew the guy well going back to the early 90s. He was a crazy fuck. I'm directly responsible for him staying in Vegas.
    Last edited by AxelWolf; 03-12-2023 at 05:27 PM.

  9. #9
    The dude will die of old age soon enough and I doubt his last words will be "I lied". It is possible he has never said these words before.

  10. #10
    Sorry, I didn't check back in on this thread through the day. After catching a nap this morning, it was just too beautiful of a perfect spring day not to spend it outdoors. And what do you know, it stayed light into the evening. lol.

    So I think some of you may have missed the purpose of my thread. It wasn't to re-open debate on Rob's Newell claim, or the DU bug claim or the more recent 1.5 million dollar VP win claim, or any of his claims. We all know they aren't real. Some like to pretend they don't know for the sake of entertainment, but we all know.

    The purpose was to point out what a weird claim Singer made up about with this Newell claim (which by the way every time he posted a picture throughout the last 10 years, the RV in the pic had a different exterior). I mean when all is said and done his claim is that he lost over a million dollars on this RV over 10 years or $120k a year for a decade.

    I mean it didn't happen but if it did, he would have been the stupidest fuck on the face of the earth. And THAT from the guy telling everyone else to "wise up". It would have been as if someone posted their winning system and showed a loss of a million dollars over 10 years. THAT is the funny part to me. The man made up a claim of losing a million dollars.

  11. #11
    The most important part of this thread is my apology for not yet calling axel in order to chat about Rick R. Just too much always going on, but I will do so this week.

    The RV thing is so silly. Since when does anyone prove anything on a forum. Outside of the carrots I laid out for anyone interested and the level I've toyed with the idiots here on other things, the proof of the Newell would have been if max and kew weren't so cowardly when I gave them the address over here where I and it would be. Nothing else would have sufficed. That's why they backed out of the visit....the proof would have been devastating. Not that I really care. It gave me the continuing opportunity to hack away at them.

    BTW, the RV facts are wrong. The picture above is an earlier RV and not the Newell. The Newell is the one I sold in the ad, and it was not to an Israeli. Learn to read V. And the interior pics I put up that the clowns went nutty over we're not of ours. It was from a similar Newell that I put up to drive you people crazy.

    As I've said before, I'll outlive most of you people because I've taken excellent care of myself throughout my years, thanks to the proper training early on. Unlike kew, I have no diseases, viruses or infections, and my wires aren't crossed upstairs. And unlike probably everyone else, I still take no prescription pills and have yet to be stricken with anything. That will change someday of course, but not for a long time.

    Good luck with your nerves everybody.

  12. #12
    And seedvalue, your math IS wrong! You didn't take into account that I can suck multiple cocks, when conditions are right.

    Seriously dude, all you have is homophobic shit to attempt to attack me with. That says more about you than it does me. It also says that in reality, you know exactly who I am and what I do. I suspect, like some others you have checked it out and confirmed it. But you can't bring yourself to do anything but make little homophobic rants. Do you seriously think I haven't heard anything you can think of to say, before? Idiot! And not a very creative one at that.

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    The most important part of this thread is my apology for not yet calling axel in order to chat about Rick R. Just too much always going on, but I will do so this week.

    The RV thing is so silly. Since when does anyone prove anything on a forum. Outside of the carrots I laid out for anyone interested and the level I've toyed with the idiots here on other things, the proof of the Newell would have been if max and kew weren't so cowardly when I gave them the address over here where I and it would be. Nothing else would have sufficed. That's why they backed out of the visit....the proof would have been devastating. Not that I really care. It gave me the continuing opportunity to hack away at them.

    BTW, the RV facts are wrong. The picture above is an earlier RV and not the Newell. The Newell is the one I sold in the ad, and it was not to an Israeli. Learn to read V. And the interior pics I put up that the clowns went nutty over we're not of ours. It was from a similar Newell that I put up to drive you people crazy.

    As I've said before, I'll outlive most of you people because I've taken excellent care of myself throughout my years, thanks to the proper training early on. Unlike kew, I have no diseases, viruses or infections, and my wires aren't crossed upstairs. And unlike probably everyone else, I still take no prescription pills and have yet to be stricken with anything. That will change someday of course, but not for a long time.

    Good luck with your nerves everybody.
    What about the fake hundos in the safe? Are you maintaining they were all real bills?

  14. #14
    Singer, I guess you once were a top troll, for those that celebrate that sort of thing, but those days are long gone. You aren't even a good bullshitter anymore.

    I never agreed to meet you, not in Pheonix to see a Newell that didn't exist, not in Vegas to see proof of a jackpot that didn't exist. I wouldn't waste 5 minutes of time going to meet you, because I KNOW your game. The very game you pulled with MaxPen @ South Point and two weeks later with Dan Druff @ GVR. You think I am going to travel 5 hours for that? Like I said....Not even 5 minutes. MaxPen might have attempted to make arrangements to meet you in Pheonix, but my recollection is you pulled some typical Singer shit of wanting to see his license first. You do that shit every time. Change the terms to something you know can't or won't be accepted. Your whole game is like watching a bad rerun.

    One thing you are correct about, is that I never asked for proof of anything. But what is funny is the whole pictures from inside a Newell at the dealership came about because Shackleford trapped you in that goofy interview. When he asked for proof, like tax documentation and you gave your silly, "I threw them away", you knew that came off very bad and like two days later, you posted the pictures from an RV at the dealership. Mike says he knew you would take the bait and hang yourself. I have my doubts that he actually thought that all the way through, but it worked out and I give Shackleford credit for that. Boy that is something you don't hear me say too often.

    Seriously Rob, you are a has been. You probably don't even realize it, but if you go back and read your schtick from 8, 10 years ago, you will see the same exact BS, the same exact insults directed at Arci and others. Your act is now a re-run. It is like going to a see a comedian and having him tell the same "little boy blue....he needed the money" jokes from 30 years ago.

  15. #15
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    What about the fake hundos in the safe? Are you maintaining they were all real bills?
    Rob plays a double, play both sides type thing. One minute he will claim, "it was all a game to fuck with you all". And the next minute or day, he doubles down on his 'stories'. It was just yesterday that Rob tried to use Boz as some kind of prop, saying "Boz had plans to meet Rob to see the Newell". Boz can weigh in for himself on whether that happened or not, but it is Rob playing games, in an attempt for credibility. And when something blows up in his face, he will claim "see I fucked with you all for years".

    If for some reason, someone's BS detector is not working, there is a very simple way to know who is full of shit and that is look back a couple years and see how the story and timelines have changed. If you haven't done so, DO IT. Go back and read Singers claims from 8, 10, 12 years ago.

    BTW, there is another dude, who's story is now changing regularly. He has only been at it a couple years, so his story hasn't changed as dramatically as Singer's, but you are beginning to see him change things said just a few months or year ago.

    Compare these guys to real players, not just me, but any real player that has shared something about what they do. Our claims don't change. Same now as 2 years, 5 years ago. And for one simple is the truth. To be honest, I don't know how these people keep track of what they have said. But eventually they don't.

  16. #16
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    And seedvalue, your math IS wrong! You didn't take into account that I can suck multiple cocks, when conditions are right.
    Do tell, do tell.

  17. #17
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    And seedvalue, your math IS wrong! You didn't take into account that I can suck multiple cocks, when conditions are right.
    Do tell, do tell.
    It was a joke. A play on 'tracking multiple tables'....when conditions are right.

  18. #18
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    And seedvalue, your math IS wrong! You didn't take into account that I can suck multiple cocks, when conditions are right.
    Do tell, do tell.
    It was a joke. A play on 'tracking multiple tables'....when conditions are right.
    What a Cock tease.

  19. #19
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post

    Do tell, do tell.
    It was a joke. A play on 'tracking multiple tables'....when conditions are right.
    What a Cock tease.

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    And seedvalue, your math IS wrong! You didn't take into account that I can suck multiple cocks, when conditions are right.
    Do tell, do tell.
    It was a joke. A play on 'tracking multiple tables'....when conditions are right.
    I have been afraid to mention how you never explicitly denied being a cis-male gay prostitute.

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