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Thread: Doyle Brunson passes

  1. #41
    Originally Posted by OppsIdidItAgain View Post
    Too bad you didn't try a bit harder with the math-side of things.
    LMFAO. I found the population of tickets, K-max (20 tickets), in the bowl, that would lead to the highest probability of observing the same ticket 5 times if you were to draw 100 times from that bowl. The binomial PDF, by definition, gives you the probability of observing m successes (5 in this example) in n trials (100 in this example), with replacement, for a given probability of success on a single draw (1/K in this example). Plugging in a series of different Ks along the X-axis until you find the maximum probability along the y-axis is the method. To refute this, is to refute the massively prevalent and well-established binomial PDF which is a bastion of probability theory. So again I say, Bill, go fuck yourself, you clueless, evil, dimwit.

  2. #42
    Doesn't Bill have a thing where he believes all gamblers lose over the long run? I don't pay much attention to him but if that is anywhere close to the case it shows he is mentally ill to a point where he should not be engaged on anything substantial.

  3. #43

  4. #44
    AIQ, you remind me of that guy who answered, on the end, of the postdoc thread. About sore fingers, by using his calculator, after looking for a rule for the roots of a 5th degree polynomial, but only to find out later on that there's no thus (direct) rule. Incidentally, I gave the guy's answer an upvote, out of a good laugh.

    Your results would reflect the manner of your simulation, but, it might be a useful first exercise to vary, say, the size of the drum, versus the range of the tickets, to see that there's a perceivable difference between small drum with large range, and, big drum with small range.

    Anyway, why would I leave here, or there? It's a blast watching especially V fuck himself daily in that "Golden Ear" of his. Another guy who "thinks" that he's the big boyo. But, nobody could be smart enough, or, in V's case, rich enough. Chicken-shit V on pot without a hope of understanding even old Pooey's simplistic math. How do lawyers become so stupid?
    Last edited by OppsIdidItAgain; 05-19-2023 at 08:29 PM.
    Magic of music is to make any instrument sound great. What a forum of thus satisfaction, despite the clowns and other losers. I found the numeral, 78230, in nature, given that the time of my final-1 post was 7:08, and, its spot #304=(2^2+300)-->23. And, by the sizes of the little, images: 7.8KB, and, 4.8KB=(2^4X0.3)-->23; p<[1/(5X050X5)^2]. (300/4)=75; (16-0.3)=15.7-->1/57-->75. (296/53.333...)=5.55. (1200/16.3)-->[10X7+2+1].[6][196√91][9][183]; (1200X16.3)-->[1961-7+2]. (78^2 - 23^2)=5555. Ha!

  5. #45
    Originally Posted by OppsIdidItAgain View Post
    AIQ, you remind me of that guy who answered, on the end, of the postdoc thread. About sore fingers, by using his calculator, after looking for a rule for the roots of a 5th degree polynomial, but only to find out later on that there's no thus (direct) rule. Incidentally, I gave the guy's answer an upvote, out of a good laugh.

    Your results would reflect the manner of your simulation, but, it might be a useful first exercise to vary, say, the size of the drum, versus the range of the tickets, to see that there's a perceivable difference between small drum with large range, and, big drum with small range.

    Anyway, why would I leave here, or there? It's a blast watching especially V fuck himself daily in that "Golden Ear" of his. Another guy who "thinks" that he's the big boyo. But, nobody could be smart enough, or, in V's case, rich enough. Chicken-shit V on pot without a hope of understanding even old Pooey's simplistic math. How do lawyers become so stupid?
    I lost almost all higher math many years ago.

    So Bill, to clarify something.

    There is no "range". That is why tableplay uses the word inscriptions. There is no sequence or anything that would give useful info. It is only the size of the drum that matters. So in my sim, I would sim many results of various drum sizes. I could automate that aspect or just do it with random drum sizes then narrow it down until I was content. Or I could apply tableplay's stuff. Applying math like that isn't so easy. I'm only a math guy to the point where it is intuitive math.

    And I have to hand it to Tableplay given our history and all. We dogged each other pretty hard but in the end he replied to this thread as a normal helpful kinda guy. I don't really troll people here who aren't actively trolling either.

    lol I used Bill's version of TPs name. corrected.
    Last edited by accountinquestion; 05-19-2023 at 10:15 PM.

  6. #46
    BTW the idea of Bill hanging out on math forums cracks me up.

  7. #47
    Originally Posted by OppsIdidItAgain View Post
    Chicken-shit V on pot without a hope of understanding even old Pooey's simplistic math. How do lawyers become so stupid?
    You know nothing about math cunt. Therefore you cannot judge its complexity. It's true that Alpax could do this stuff blindfolded, but not you retard.

  8. #48
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by OppsIdidItAgain View Post
    Chicken-shit V on pot without a hope of understanding even old Pooey's simplistic math. How do lawyers become so stupid?
    You know nothing about math cunt. Therefore you cannot judge its complexity. It's true that Alpax could do this stuff blindfolded, but not you retard.
    Most of the Lawyers are at the bottom of the food chain and literally do nothing but try to get their clients to settle.
    Basic Middlemen playing both sides of the fence.
    The entire system is corrupted and most of us don't even realize it as we are constantly fooled and propagandized.
    In this documentary, you get taste of how Corporations, Politicians, Media, Lawyers and the Justice Systeam all work hand in hand to destroy the peasants.
    And if you aint for them, you are against them and since they control everything, you'll be crushed like the cockroach you are.
    Same goes for me as they can crush me anytime they see fit.
    Notice how the judge was obviously bought off to change the 2.7 Million Dollar Award down multiple times to roughly 480k.
    And the case was later settled out of court for an undisclosed amount with a non-disclosure agreement.

    I personally hate lawsuits and suing as I have refused to sue anyone in my lifetime but the more I learn how corporate government works, the more my stance changes.
    lol at Democracy and Your Vote Matters lol lol lol... NOT!
    Like the saying goes, only two tribes in this world: The Haves and the Have Nots.
    Everyone on this forum is so lucky to be born with such an easy and strong starting position.
    And what did we all do with it?
    Hustle Casinos and Gambling lol lol lol... We're all idiots.
    And KJ got to be the dumbest of the bunch with his broken arm bullshit.

    HOT COFFEE (2011)

    Last edited by monet; 05-19-2023 at 11:16 PM.

  9. #49
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    BTW the idea of Bill hanging out on math forums cracks me up.
    Finishing in the top ten on a certain written math contest in high school, to earn a full scholarship to a top university of my choice, "cracked" me up too. Might have won it had I the paid tutors and the time that the others put into it. Never occurred to me, back then on the farm. Since, I've learned that math isn't everything, and, so, things worked out for the best.
    Magic of music is to make any instrument sound great. What a forum of thus satisfaction, despite the clowns and other losers. I found the numeral, 78230, in nature, given that the time of my final-1 post was 7:08, and, its spot #304=(2^2+300)-->23. And, by the sizes of the little, images: 7.8KB, and, 4.8KB=(2^4X0.3)-->23; p<[1/(5X050X5)^2]. (300/4)=75; (16-0.3)=15.7-->1/57-->75. (296/53.333...)=5.55. (1200/16.3)-->[10X7+2+1].[6][196√91][9][183]; (1200X16.3)-->[1961-7+2]. (78^2 - 23^2)=5555. Ha!

  10. #50
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Notice how the judge was obviously bought off to change the 2.7 Million Dollar Award down multiple times to roughly 480k.
    Exactly - judges make a lot of money on top of their official salary and they don't care who gets destroyed. You'll recall this particularly evil example of this:
    Name:  9zbFeRh.png
Views: 668
Size:  13.2 KB

  11. #51
    You guys are what the gematria crowd calls, sheeple. You've never fought back, and, so, never learned how.
    Magic of music is to make any instrument sound great. What a forum of thus satisfaction, despite the clowns and other losers. I found the numeral, 78230, in nature, given that the time of my final-1 post was 7:08, and, its spot #304=(2^2+300)-->23. And, by the sizes of the little, images: 7.8KB, and, 4.8KB=(2^4X0.3)-->23; p<[1/(5X050X5)^2]. (300/4)=75; (16-0.3)=15.7-->1/57-->75. (296/53.333...)=5.55. (1200/16.3)-->[10X7+2+1].[6][196√91][9][183]; (1200X16.3)-->[1961-7+2]. (78^2 - 23^2)=5555. Ha!

  12. #52
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Most of the Lawyers are at the bottom of the food chain and literally do nothing but try to get their clients to settle.
    Basic Middlemen playing both sides of the fence.
    That may apply to ambulance chasers like You Know Who, but not to all lawyers in all areas of the law.

    I did a lot of family law and that type of work often did not involve settlement: it ended in court.

    Divorce, child support modification, custody change: many such cases involve at least one contested hearing.

    OK, having briefly cleared the air you can now go about blowing out your opinions from your ass.
    What, Me Worry?

  13. #53
    Originally Posted by OppsIdidItAgain View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    BTW the idea of Bill hanging out on math forums cracks me up.
    Finishing in the top ten on a certain written math contest in high school, to earn a full scholarship to a top university of my choice, "cracked" me up too. Might have won it had I the paid tutors and the time that the others put into it. Never occurred to me, back then on the farm. Since, I've learned that math isn't everything, and, so, things worked out for the best.
    Top 10 in the country? Top 10 regionally? What was the test? Inquiring minds want to know.

    One of my compadres here had a perfect math SAT score. He's written some programs for us that aid and abet the betting process in terms of getting wagers in ASAP when the time is right. That's partly why I think it's funny when the new-to-sports-betting crowd oohs and ahhhs at auto-arbitrage programs for sports betting. Those arbitrage programs have been around 40 years.

  14. #54
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Most of the Lawyers are at the bottom of the food chain and literally do nothing but try to get their clients to settle.
    Basic Middlemen playing both sides of the fence.
    That may apply to ambulance chasers like You Know Who, but not to all lawyers in all areas of the law.

    I did a lot of family law and that type of work often did not involve settlement: it ended in court.

    Divorce, child support modification, custody change: many such cases involve at least one contested hearing.

    OK, having briefly cleared the air you can now go about blowing out your opinions from your ass.
    V, like most of the people who choose to live in an area infested with stoners, lost hippies and broken down losers, you have proven how much you loathe this country. Therefore, continually absent of any proof whatsoever about what you say you are or were, or what your claimed status is or was, why would you want to think that simply writing words down explains anything your sorrowful existence?

    Yes, life has passed you by. That's why you think you need to constantly interject your jizz into everyone else's discussions.

    Your wife's dialysis machine needs oiling.

  15. #55
    I'll ruin your libtard pothead day even further.

    True "lawyers" never refer to any colleague in their field as "Ambulance Chasers". That's reserved for those of us who watch from the outside.

    It's also apparent that you continually denigrate MDawg because you know and have seen how wealthy he is....who's in effect, living your "dream" around the higher end LV properties. It's obvious an envious dummy and attorney wannabee like yourself would also never understand how accident and injury law is to LA what plastic surgery for surgeons is--a goldmine.

    Keep eating your heart out V. And keep trying to convince everybody you're sliding by.....

  16. #56
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by OppsIdidItAgain View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    BTW the idea of Bill hanging out on math forums cracks me up.
    Finishing in the top ten on a certain written math contest in high school, to earn a full scholarship to a top university of my choice, "cracked" me up too. Might have won it had I the paid tutors and the time that the others put into it. Never occurred to me, back then on the farm. Since, I've learned that math isn't everything, and, so, things worked out for the best.
    Top 10 in the country? Top 10 regionally? What was the test? Inquiring minds want to know.

    One of my compadres here had a perfect math SAT score. He's written some programs for us that aid and abet the betting process in terms of getting wagers in ASAP when the time is right. That's partly why I think it's funny when the new-to-sports-betting crowd oohs and ahhhs at auto-arbitrage programs for sports betting. Those arbitrage programs have been around 40 years.

    I see online that the average score (out of a 100) this year was 51. I recall that my score was 87, and, that the guy who beat me had 94. In 2010, there were two 98's. The online results go back only to 1998. It's a university entrance sort of test, held in the springtime, near the end of the traditional school year.

    The only thing I much recalled the name of was the name of the scholarship. Back in the early 80's, at Waterloo University, it was called a Descartes scholarship. My grade-13 marks, either, didn't hurt. I retained my university transcripts, as well, but, nothing about the contest(s), or scholarship. The Euclid papers as graded weren't returned to the participants. I have no idea how that works now, online or not. Interestingly, the contests were put on lightly colored paper, a different color each year. Mine was pink.

    Probably the best way to prepare isn't to obtain such questions at a university level, but, to dig up the old textbooks from the 40's, 50's, and 60's, from before calculators/computers, and intellectual laziness in general. As much as philosophy was declared dead by Hawking, has vanished from scientific papers, after the early era of Einstein, I envision the same fate for mathematics over the next couple of centuries, in the sense that we've lost the spirit of its pioneers. It's gotten to the point now that you're institutionally expected to pick up on some overly minute problem, and, then, hopefully, add a step.

    The postdoc thread is from a professional math forum for university student math problems, with some latitude, but, lately, even when the higher-ups post something a little different, in a bit new direction, the fun stuff, the questions are "closed", and soon "deleted" if not improved upon. I put a question up, a few years ago, that one of the higher-ups wanted to help develop. One of his deceased colleagues had already put out a paper on the subject. My question, out of nowhere from my own work, involved a generalization of the paper. So, the retired university mathematician from Australia rounded up four or five or his friends on the forum to vote to reopen the question. Something that I've never seen happen before, on either of the StackExchange forums. The (top) moderator was somewhat, nay, totally, pissed. Ever since, I'm not allowed to put up anything fun even in the standard New Year's question thread about who can find the most complex way to express the numeral that is the new year. Anyway, there's the analogous math forum for research questions. I can understand not messing around on that one.
    Last edited by OppsIdidItAgain; 05-20-2023 at 09:59 AM.
    Magic of music is to make any instrument sound great. What a forum of thus satisfaction, despite the clowns and other losers. I found the numeral, 78230, in nature, given that the time of my final-1 post was 7:08, and, its spot #304=(2^2+300)-->23. And, by the sizes of the little, images: 7.8KB, and, 4.8KB=(2^4X0.3)-->23; p<[1/(5X050X5)^2]. (300/4)=75; (16-0.3)=15.7-->1/57-->75. (296/53.333...)=5.55. (1200/16.3)-->[10X7+2+1].[6][196√91][9][183]; (1200X16.3)-->[1961-7+2]. (78^2 - 23^2)=5555. Ha!

  17. #57
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    Robert, as always you provide great comedic material.

    To claim that I would possibly be jealous of ... You Know Who ... is hysterical.

    I don't believe the bullshit he posts.

    Any idiot can claim wealth and try to back it up with photos of money, chips, fake Rolexes and the like; in fact a dickwad on this forum actually tried to pull it off, using a fake screenshot of a $1.5 VP hit as well as pics of phony wads of bills.

    Wow, the steps some desperate souls will stoop to in their endless search for relevance, validation, and supremacy.

    But unlike those asshats I don't lie.
    What, Me Worry?

  18. #58
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    True "lawyers" never refer to any colleague in their field as "Ambulance Chasers". That's reserved for those of us who watch from the outside.

    It's also apparent that you continually denigrate MDawg because you know and have seen how wealthy he is....who's in effect, living your "dream" around the higher end LV properties.
    So wait. Rob is now the spokesman for "true lawyers"? (whoever they may be) Please Rob give us some names of these "true lawyers" that you are now speaking for that would never refer to another lawyer as an ambulance chaser.

    While we wait for that, I will suggest that there are plenty of "true lawyers", or I will substitute top lawyers, that look down on all the shyster type lawyers that give their profession a bad name and reputation. And as a group, Personal injury lawyers surely make up a large portion of this group.

    Nobody, and I mean nobody that I have read is questioning Mdawg because he is wealthy. Nobody questions that he is wealthy, and no one questions his claims because he is wealthy. People question and challenge his claims because they defy both the math and the way Las Vegas and the gambling industry works. The very same reasons I might add as to why YOU initially challenged his claims, before you decided you wanted this particular California flake (your description of him) as an ally, primarily because you both were attacking me.

    Quite frankly to those of us that are AP's or even just recreational gamblers, players like Mdawg, losing players, whales or mini-whales, whatever his loses qualifies him as in the casinos eyes, are what makes this town go and for us APs what makes it possible for what we do.

    Mdawgs story continues to be a great story to read. That of a high-rolling player who wins some, losses some, losing more than he wins and is comped accordingly. Maybe even better than accordingly, as I believe he plays the comp game well. Of course he has never acknowledged that, instead tells us about the winning while leaving out the losing. Everyone has figured it out now and that is why he rarely even gets a response to his new posts.

    He actually revealed something this week that further revealed his true history with gambling, further exposing himself, but I see no need to repeat it right now. Everyone knows what he is, a higher end (hi-roller if you will) that wins some, loses some, losing more that he wins and getting very nice comps. What now makes Mdawgs story interesting is the higher level of play that many of us don't experience. It isn't that silliness of all the winning. That is as silly as your 1.6 million dollar Newell. Maybe THAT is why you two hit it off so well.

  19. #59
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Top 10 in the country? Top 10 regionally? What was the test? Inquiring minds want to know.

    One of my compadres here had a perfect math SAT score. He's written some programs for us that aid and abet the betting process in terms of getting wagers in ASAP when the time is right. That's partly why I think it's funny when the new-to-sports-betting crowd oohs and ahhhs at auto-arbitrage programs for sports betting. Those arbitrage programs have been around 40 years.
    20000 entries. Last man standing. The results are all readily tracked in MathWizards & Scammers. You can find old copies at the Library of Congress. I know I have a few copies. Don't think you'll find it on You-Tube. All you people believe Youtube is the answer to everything. And I chuckle. All you naivetes think that clicking on buttons to find answers is actual real research. You're not willing to do any REAL research. You're not willing to track down the surviving 1/2 a copy of some obscure pamplet from 30 years ago to prove me (your internet buddy) wrong. If only you weren't so lazy.

    No comment on the utility of "auto-arbitrage" programs when solely playing tournaments.

  20. #60
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    But unlike those asshats I don't lie.
    Ah, but there's a big difference between being honest, and, knowing the truth.

    Lots of honest people who are, still, very much full of shit.

    Today, 09:48 AM #60
    OppsIdidItAgain is online now

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    66 <----------------------------------

    A very successful outing, indeed.
    Last edited by OppsIdidItAgain; 05-20-2023 at 11:14 AM.
    Magic of music is to make any instrument sound great. What a forum of thus satisfaction, despite the clowns and other losers. I found the numeral, 78230, in nature, given that the time of my final-1 post was 7:08, and, its spot #304=(2^2+300)-->23. And, by the sizes of the little, images: 7.8KB, and, 4.8KB=(2^4X0.3)-->23; p<[1/(5X050X5)^2]. (300/4)=75; (16-0.3)=15.7-->1/57-->75. (296/53.333...)=5.55. (1200/16.3)-->[10X7+2+1].[6][196√91][9][183]; (1200X16.3)-->[1961-7+2]. (78^2 - 23^2)=5555. Ha!

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