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Thread: Doyle Brunson passes

  1. #61
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Any idiot can claim wealth and try to back it up with photos of money, chips, fake Rolexes and the like
    If you remember MrV, this was Rob's exact initial response to Mdawg when he began posting several years ago....almost word for word. Following that initial response, Rob called Mdawg out when Mdawg claims to be a big tipper in Asia, as Mdawg apparently didn't know the tipping customs in Asia.

    It is just now convenient for Rob to support Mdawg as the have a common adversary. (The enemy of my enemy is my friend).

    You will note that no real AP or winning player, myself included, but also including the likes of mickeycrimm, Axelwolf, JBJB, MaxPen, and many more on this forum or other forums have ever posted a picture of cash, or watches/jewelry, casino chips, or pictures of our homes, paid for with winnings, or cars, (or RVs). There have been exactly two people that I have seen on forums do that kind of non-sense. Rob Singer, and Mdawg. There are some scammers on youtube that do that and in truth, Singer and Mdawg are closer to those kind of scammers than anything else.

    This is not what makes anyone credible or not. What makes someone credible is that their claims are 1) supported by math (or don't defy math) and 2) don't defy the way casinos or the industry works, you claiming they brought in a machine especially for you and didn't release information on a big winner, , and 3) a general knowledge of the subject matter, advantage play that they are talking about and not things like betting into a hot streak (mdawg), or speacial plays and hot and cold cycles and machine telepathing information (Rob Singer).

    And I would suggest that the 4th thing would be the ability to rationally and reasonably discuss any questions or challenges just to be sure the is no misunderstanding, something I have done many, many times. If instead, your immediate knee-jerk reaction is to attack anyone that questions or challenges you, you have all but verified what the truth really is.

  2. #62
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Robbie the Robed Twat is a legend in his own mind.

    Such shameless, ridiculous claims.

    Back in the day the towns folk would have chased him out of town with pitch forks and firebrands.

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    What, Me Worry?

  3. #63
    Seems like I got under you skin a bit too much V!

    Always happy to do it of course. And if you need some instructions on how NOT to handle this going forward, kew's your boy.

  4. #64
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    And if you need some instructions on how NOT to handle this going forward, kew's your boy.
    Ron, you are getting your ass kicked daily both here and at GF. And it has been that way since last summer when you pulled that phooney-balanoy Jackpot nonsense and reneged with meeting both MaxPen and Dan Druff. If you were a great troll, pulling this nonsense for 20 years, well you are a shell of that now. You look like an old fool, who hung on way too long.

    There are some that think you are just playing. I don't. I think you are completely delusional and detached from reality to the point that you don't even recognize what a fool you are making of yourself. I guess your delusions and complete detachment from reality is harmless enough, but who knows? I would recommend your daughter really keep an eye on you.

    Imagine a 73 year old man, who greatest achievement right now is he thinks he annoys or gets under someone's skin. THAT is what he hangs his hat on each day. Beyond pathetic. Beyond sad.

  5. #65
    I guess my above post hit home with the man that posts as Rob Singer, especially being reminded of last summer's events with MaxPen and Dan Druff, when Singer high-tailed it from this forum in disgrace, because he has once again run over to GF to respond, saying he will not respond here.

    This guy is just looney now. He has always been looney, but now whatever it was that people admired about his trolling is gone. He is now just a sad sack has-been....even a has been of a troll.

  6. #66
    I'll let you sniff my underwear if you get my age right next time.
    It's 74

  7. #67
    Okay, well, I couldn't let it go without the Reaper's standard one-over follow-up, to round things out.

    Interestingly, the average of the sum of the six marks below is 98.166666666666 ... ---> 98.166. And, 98 = (1 + 96 + 1) ---> 1961, and, 98 = (2 X 7^2) ---> 2/7 as 2 July.

    Back in the early 80's, it took an average of six grade-13 credits to apply to a university.

    OppsIdidItAgain OppsIdidItAgain is online now
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    67 ----------------------------------> 67 = ( 1 + 66) ---> 1/66 ---> 166 as above, or 6^0/66 ---> 666.

    I always sort of wondered what the 0.166 part meant, and, now I know. Moreover, this post, too, is in spot #67.

    How's that for the numerals, MrV? Guess that I didn't quite hit normal at 98.6, but, again, all of it worked out for the best. Ha.

    Name:  report card.jpg
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    Magic of music is to make any instrument sound great. What a forum of thus satisfaction, despite the clowns and other losers. I found the numeral, 78230, in nature, given that the time of my final-1 post was 7:08, and, its spot #304=(2^2+300)-->23. And, by the sizes of the little, images: 7.8KB, and, 4.8KB=(2^4X0.3)-->23; p<[1/(5X050X5)^2]. (300/4)=75; (16-0.3)=15.7-->1/57-->75. (296/53.333...)=5.55. (1200/16.3)-->[10X7+2+1].[6][196√91][9][183]; (1200X16.3)-->[1961-7+2]. (78^2 - 23^2)=5555. Ha!

  8. #68
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Very impressive grades there Garnabby, EXCEPT you must have fucked up on Biology, English and Music: you physically snipped out / removed those grades, LOL.
    What, Me Worry?

  9. #69
    That report card reminds me of why I became a miscreant.

    I think it was one of those IOWA Tests of Basic Skills, circa seventh grade, where the highest you could get was 99 (as in percentile). So I bring the IOWA Test results home, and my mother meets me at the front door and asks to see them. Still standing in the doorway, I hand her the pamphlet with my scores. The scores are broken into Local and National scoring. I had a 99 in every single category except National Geography, in which I scored a 98, which wasn't bad, I thought, coming from a broke-ass small town and never having been west of State College or south of Washington, D.C.

    So the first thing my mom says, after perusing the pamphlet, was -- of course -- "Why did you get the 98?"

    A light bulb went on and I thought, "You know, I don't think everyone may have my best interests at heart."

    It was a LOL epiphany moment.

  10. #70
    I know first hand how meaningless or deceiving grades are. I was straight A honors, but am actually very un-learned. I am very smart and can take tests, but i know very little of subjects that don’t interest me.
    In high school, i rarely went to class. Instead, i had a full time job with an accounting firm until the state came to my house and asked my parents why i had no attendance.
    In college, all my time was spent in bars or playing hoops.
    Law school was going to the cub game almost every day. Otherwise golf or, if in season, the race track.

    So despite great grades, i am ignorant on many subjects.

  11. #71
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    Freshman year in college;first semester, the day before my US History mid-term exam.

    I'd gone to class and read most of the material but had planned to cram during an "all-nighter" but ...

    I had a bad toothache; went to the dentist who extracted all four wisdom teeth on the eve of the exam; he gave me strong pain pills which I took as I needed them.

    Back in the dorm, my room mate asks if I want to try some home made moonshine (mixed with grape juice).

    I tried it, liked it, drank a bunch, passed out, never studied.

    I'v no recollection of taking the history exam, but I did, and a week later the professor called me into his office: he said I'd gotten the lowest grade in the class on the multiple choice, but the highest on the essay.

    At that point I realized a career in the law awaited me.
    What, Me Worry?

  12. #72
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Very impressive grades there Garnabby, EXCEPT you must have fucked up on Biology, English and Music: you physically snipped out / removed those grades, LOL.
    "Oh, you want to play that game?" muttered the crazy concussed Canuck, from the attic. But, it was Amarillo Slim, who politely noted that guessers are losers.

    So - just for you - I peeled back a bit of the other grades to reveal another two 9's. Ha.

    You know, V, this is working out even better, each time around. Last time, there was (99 + 99 + 99 + 98 + 97 + 97) = 589 = (-11 + 600) ---> 911, by half a turn. And, the jpg of size 776.6 KB, with 7766 ---> 76 ---> 67, as in my previous post, which was post #67 in spot #67. Looks like the time of 3:38, too, sort of fits, by 338 = (2 X 169), or, (3 X 38) = (6 X 19); 338 ---> 38 = (76 / 2) ---> 67. But, this time, my post #68 = [-1 + 9 + (6 X 10)] ---> 1961 in spot #72 as 7/2 for July 2.

    Gee, no wonder that you, and Regnis, are still such downers despite all of your uppers. Not hard to be a lawyer, I guess. Now I recall a word from my university days. Must have been a Canadian thing: sled, as in someone that you have to drag around.

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    OppsIdidItAgain OppsIdidItAgain is online
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    Magic of music is to make any instrument sound great. What a forum of thus satisfaction, despite the clowns and other losers. I found the numeral, 78230, in nature, given that the time of my final-1 post was 7:08, and, its spot #304=(2^2+300)-->23. And, by the sizes of the little, images: 7.8KB, and, 4.8KB=(2^4X0.3)-->23; p<[1/(5X050X5)^2]. (300/4)=75; (16-0.3)=15.7-->1/57-->75. (296/53.333...)=5.55. (1200/16.3)-->[10X7+2+1].[6][196√91][9][183]; (1200X16.3)-->[1961-7+2]. (78^2 - 23^2)=5555. Ha!

  13. #73
    Was happy to see an Amarillo Slim reference. His was the first poker book I read, when I was 16 or thereabouts.

    Opps, my college weak spot was taking four terms of German. Brutal. German 4 had three students (branch campus), and I was clearly the dumbest. Hard to evade being aware you're the dumbest with three people in the class. I was told, at one point, that I was a disgrace to my name. The professor's name was Haag. My name, unfortunately, is Dietz.

    Not sure what my college GPA would have been without those German classes. Probably about 3.8.

  14. #74
    I read Brunson's "Super System", around the same age as you read the book by Slim. I recall that Brunson mentioned him a few times, as if they were buddies who made wild gambling bets with anyone on the spot. And other personal anecdotes. Apparently, people couldn't wait to lose their money to them to be able to brag that they did. But, the book was very light on the game-theory approach - Brunson didn't subscribe to that approach. There was more in the university library - by students who did thus simulations - and in the game-theory books after the 30's by way of a few examples applied to poker in general, from which it's possible to solve the more complex cases. Was maybe a decade, or two, after, that poker professionals Sklansky, and Greenstein, and a couple of others, started writing extensively about the game-theory approach.

    I studied French for a few years in high school, and, later on, on my own, studied some German. I, too, have a German name, but, one which my mother had anglicized shortly after my birth. I took mostly only science courses (with mechanical engineering minor) in university. Many more of the high-nineties in math. The co-op or work, five-year, program, by alternating university terms with thus work placements was a bit different in that the more-academic students preferred the straight-up program of four years, with summers off. But, I had become more interested in applying what I was learning, at the time, to try to figure out where it was leading me. The thing that I realized much later on is that the best way to learn something is to forget it a few times, to have to further develop it. I worked, for a research consulting company, on satellite infrared detection of tanks buried under snow in the Arctic, under the guise of "search and rescue", and, later, for the university, when I shared an office with a civil engineering professor, for about a year. Back then, a lot of that sort of software was yet to be written. Oh, and in between, for a national meteorological center, in Toronto. So, I met lots of interesting and very accomplished characters, even before graduating. Used up the scholarship. The only thing I had to pay for was the textbooks.

    My philosophy is that every one must try to figure out life/death for themselves, but, only one version is right. And, if you don't, well, it's not yours. Another thing that I always kept in the back of my head, to always add on to whatever I thus discovered.

    Anyway, it was fun to make the various strictly numerological connections here, the last few years. Even your own forum numerals seemed to match mine, on the end.

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    8,033 -----------> 3:38

    And, the mention of a 3.8 grade point average.

    I realized, later today, that the second file's size of 587.5 KB ---> 5875 = (5^3 X 47) sort of relates to the Reaper's 555, down the middle, and, this post's spot #74. You had to have been at the gematria forum to see the repeated appearance of the 555. And, my post #69 goes with spot #74 = (1 + 72 + 1), which is the combination of years that goes with 1961 with 7, and 2, reversed to go with 9, and 6, reversed. 72 alone is July 2, but, 69 alone is June 30, in terms of a square root of 900, as the alternate middle day of the year. It was fun to put stuff out there, and, then, look for the thus connections, and, ultimately, work to a little fun theory of my very own thus numerals. My contribution to the otherwise useless mindlessness of such forums. Last night's post time of 7:27 was another fluke, but still a surprise. Now I wonder what this one's will be. Ha. Oh, not that great, I don't know. Then, again, I'll have to think about it.

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    Last edited by OppsIdidItAgain; 05-26-2023 at 08:38 PM.
    Magic of music is to make any instrument sound great. What a forum of thus satisfaction, despite the clowns and other losers. I found the numeral, 78230, in nature, given that the time of my final-1 post was 7:08, and, its spot #304=(2^2+300)-->23. And, by the sizes of the little, images: 7.8KB, and, 4.8KB=(2^4X0.3)-->23; p<[1/(5X050X5)^2]. (300/4)=75; (16-0.3)=15.7-->1/57-->75. (296/53.333...)=5.55. (1200/16.3)-->[10X7+2+1].[6][196√91][9][183]; (1200X16.3)-->[1961-7+2]. (78^2 - 23^2)=5555. Ha!

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