Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
Robert, I am not swayed ... yet ... so don't look to me to ratify your seeming hatred of KJ.

Sure, I see problems with his backroom story ... but I said I'll give him a couple months to see what if anything happens to prove or disprove it.

But if nothing new in the way of proof is adduced I will likely walk away with "serious questions" about his claim and credibility.
Very diplomatic V. Maybe you're doing what he's doing by trying to allow time to sweep it all out-of-sight & out-of-mind....and maybe you're not.

Either way, when someone who proclaims to be an "AP" in such an unabashedly ongoing fashion, scores basically 50% in a poll of his peers about his honesty about a tale where no proof, evidence or pictures whatsoever has been offered up to counter his many, many missteps, walk-backs, and outright lies of procedure and the case filing, there's not a lot more he can concoct that'll heal his never-ending wounds over it.

As a side note....I'm glad it was you who posted words about hitting handpays at SM & CW casinos, without pictures. Would you have believed it if it were kew?

Think about it.