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Thread: kewlJ

  1. #1781
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Hit the 20 year mark this past weekend of supporting myself solely from advantage play, mostly good old card counting, 15 of those years in Vegas. And all your trolling and hate can't change that.
    Sorry to tell you, those years are dead and gone, but, here you are trying to make something more of them. And, as sad an existence as that was, it shouldn't be hard to make something more of yourself with your remaining time. More like not really existing, at all. Ha.

    Garnabby Garnabby is online now
    Garnabby's AvatarJoin Date
    Aug 2020
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + TheGrimReaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Survived by MHF.

    Blog at

  2. #1782
    Originally Posted by MDawg
    thieving lying low down no good varmint.
    is incapable of staying away from these forums, no matter how many times he vows to stay away.

    Originally Posted by Punkcity

    Guess you have no idea about credibility.
    How can anyone take you seriously?

    For the record I don’t hate you kewlj, I love watching your life evolve into a tragedy, your car wreck life is hilarious and reminds me of the trough monster that used to go to the rave parties here in skipptophia back in the day. He used to complain about haters , he used to accuse people of being homophobic yet every Friday and Saturday night he’d be laying in the urinal (piss trough) begging to give head and be pissed on. Yes a slow moving car wreck just like you.

    Just admit you love the attention, you just a bukkake boy from company B.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  3. #1783
    Has anyone seen The Bad Seed (1956, directed by Mervyn LeRoy)? It is the story of a compulsive lying and murdering eight year old child, who inherits her ways from her serial killing grandmother.

    Similarly, UNKewlJ (well, besides the bad environment of having been kicked out of his familial home at a young age and winding up homeless), must have inherited some bad gene from his real mother or father (wasn't UnKewlJ adopted?), which would explain (but not justify) his sociopathic way of lying to everyone's face without a trace a remorse.

    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Guess who said this UNKewlJ?

    He's pretty much a pathological liar you can't believe anything he says. But also probably a sociopath and they have no guilt no shame no embarrassment. They simply make up lies to cover the other lies.

    Could it be perhaps that well known AP you used to think is on your side?
    Last edited by MDawg; 06-02-2024 at 09:51 AM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  4. #1784
    UNKewlJ was an inveterate liar who seemed to lie more for himself than for any visible audience. He had a clean-cut, Asiatic face, but there was something curiously diseased about him. He was subject to sudden fluctuations in weight, like a diabetic or a sufferer from liver trouble. These changes in weight were often accompanied by uncontrollable fits of restlessness, such that he would disappear for some days.

    The effect was uncanny. You would see him one time a fresh-faced Pac Islander. A week or so later he would turn up so thin, sallow and old-looking, you would have to look twice to recognize him. His face was lined with suffering in which his eyes did not participate. It was a suffering of his cells alone. He himself -- the conscious insecure ego that looked out of the glazed, alert-calm hoodlum eyes -- would have nothing to do with this suffering of his rejected other self, a suffering of the nervous system, of flesh and viscera and cells.

    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  5. #1785
    And he talks with a lithp!....(when a dick or the bottle's not in-mouth)

  6. #1786
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    And he talks with a lithp!

    That's exactly what I was trying to say here,

    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post

    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    hand cocked onto his side, the bent elbow and the high pitched whiny voice complaining, "Now wayyyyt a minute, Misterrrrr."
    "I did that play, and I did it firrst" (toothless grin, head turned sideways).
    with his toothless grin, and lithpy way of saying things (in his high pitched whiny voice).
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  7. #1787
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post

    with his toothless grin, and lithpy way of saying things (in his high pitched whiny voice).
    Well I don't talk with a lisp and do have all my teeth. BUT you ARE a middle eastern sand nigger, rat or slimeball (pick the word you like) and Singer has African blood running through his veins. These are facts. All the things you make up are just made up.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  8. #1788
    UNKewlJ lost his teeth "inna thervith" - the thervith of male prostitution!

    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    A lot has been said about you. I find it telling that you only focus on a few things. Especially the male prostitute thing. I am inclined to believe the things you focus in on refuting are the one's that hit closest to home.
    He also vehemently denies being Asiatic, notwithstanding that you could ID him out of a police lineup.

    Originally Posted by MaxPen
    There's no doubt I have the right guy. Like I said, "I can pick you out of a police line up"
    Last edited by MDawg; 06-14-2024 at 10:26 AM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  9. #1789
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post

    UNKewlJ has been panicking on two fronts. One is that he’s been outed as a small time red green chipper who plays a lil blackjack only as a cover for sugar daddy hustling.

    The other is that he’s been ID’ed as a Pac Islander looking fella.

    As MaxPen would say...RIP.

    The things he denies the most...are the ones that hit home the closest in truth.

    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    I'm going to have to now even jump on the belief that he really is a low level card counter that had a sugar daddy like most of the AP community believes.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  10. #1790
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I'm not concerned about gay-related insults
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  11. #1791
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I'm not concerned about gay-related insults
    Oh good. Because a faggot is a faggot!

  12. #1792
    Originally Posted by Ozzy
    He's very UNKOOL and will remain so, till the end of time. Nothing can ever make him cool whatsoever !
    Speaking of which, how did you ever end up so uncool, unhip, uptight and such a stick in the mud.

    I thought "you people" were supposed to be more liberal and free wheeling.

    And where did the compulsive lying come from? Was it genetics or environment. In other words, did you come from a family of misfits or were they more likable and normal than you, but their booting you out of the house at a young age affected you negatively for life, such that you had to concoct all your fantasies in order to appear like a somebody to random people on the internet, to make up for having been rejected by your own family?

    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    I'm rather certain he has money from something he feels shame over.
    Most likely a prostitute
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    KJ is different because (1) I initially believed him, more or less, and (2) he is imo a complete fraud. I don't mean a liar, I mean a complete fraud, like catfish style. And that is not something you see every day and is really kind of fascinating.
    Originally Posted by MDawg
    Is there anyone on these forums more universally despised than the UNKewl one? Doubtful.
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I think kewlJ doesn't understand why so many people here dislike him.

    It's not just that he lies. We've had lots of liars on this forum.

    It's the seriousness with which kewlJ tells these lies, and then lashes out at those who doubt them. There's a certain arrogance to those posts, in the tone, "Of course this is fucking true, and you're a complete idiot for even doubting this."
    Last edited by MDawg; 06-15-2024 at 10:02 AM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  13. #1793
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Ok, an update to the Mdawg situation. I had a little Halloween gathering of some friends over the weekend. One friend came with a gift in the form of some documentation from Cosmo about a certain M-pooch. Seems it wasn't necessary to wait for the sale to go through. All that was necessary was a phone call between friends of each other in the industry.

    As many of us thought, it seems Mpooch hasn't been honest about posting his results over the last 7 months. He has had some winning days that match or are very close to some wins reported. He also has had many losing days, some of pretty significant amounts that seem to have been left out of his reporting. All told, he is down $118k at that property, not about even as he stated last week. It seems like he has received some pretty good comps for the amount he is down.

    Now this was ONLY at the one property mentioned. Included in Mpooch's adventure is play at a second property in Las Vegas. It was suggested that that information could be had with a couple phone calls as well. I said "please don't. This is more than enough for me".

    Now I know coach belly and maybe a few others will be calling for me to post said documents. I am not going to do so. I have no interest in placing anyone in jeopardy. Anyone finding my comments above less credible because of be it. I am fine with that. I am just reporting what I now know.
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    The moment that I knew this gal was capable of anything as far as simply making things up was when she claimed that the casino executives visited her on a Sunday Halloween to hand over "my" player records to her. It wasn't just that the story was completely implausible, it was also that I, being the person about whom she was talking, knew that she was lying.

    At that point I realized that she (and yes, UnKewlJ deserves to be called a she at least for being such a drama queen) was willing to make up anything to back up whatever it was s/he was claiming. The made up lawsuit, the stacks of unnamed, unknown, never to be revealed APs and others who "know" that UNKewlJ is telling to truth, all of these and more are part and parcel of the same method - the M.O. of a compulsive liar.
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    As for Mdawg, no one ever provided me with personal information about him. Not a name, not an address. certainly not bank statements of financial information. And I never suggested that. What my friend looked for, found and provided me was the gambling information, the gambling records that the casino had for a player that matched Mdawgs gambling claims amounts, and at the time, many comped suites. And that record showed a player that was in the red, at a time Mdawg claimed he was ahead a million or more for the 7 months.

    There just aren't than many players playing at that level, that basically lived at the casinos for 7 months, so there is virtually no possibility the info was of the wrong guys. And just for good measure, Mdawg all but admitted that, a short time later when in one sentence he changed his 7 month trip total from winning 1 million to "about even". And even that was BS. I mean I guess if 100k in the red is "about even" then maybe he was about even.
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    One thing that needs to be addressed is how and why in October 2021, I posted something about how I was “about even.” I have discussed this with Wizard and he agrees that the truth about this needs to be posted given that Mission146 has taken the time to go through all of these session reports.

    I posted that “about even” statement to get my thread unhidden. Wizard and I met that day socially, for about an hour in a casino VIP lounge, as he showed me some magic tricks and discussed “what it would take” to get the thread unhidden. We did not go over any session results. The “about even” post was made as an accommodation to get my thread unhidden, that’s it.
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    There is a clear trend that has developed now. All of KewlJ's implied associates are turning out to be other invented characters in his years of lies. ...RIP
    Originally Posted by maxpen
    Compulsive liar is a fair assessment of what he is. If people go back and look at your last few stories they will see a trend in you always changing the story after you get caught lying.
    I never spent seven months at the casino at which UNKewlJ claims he had connections (Cosmopolitan). I actually never stayed for seven months in any one casino, as my play in Vegas has always been divided among multiple casinos, but certainly not at that one. In the year in question (2021), my play wasn’t all that heavy at Cosmopolitan compared to some of the other casinos. And prior to all this UNKewlJ was implying that the “match” was based on that he knew who MDawg was.

    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    KJ, so basically you are all but confirming to people in the know that MDawg is in fact the person people believe him to be or closely related to that person somehow. I mean what are the odds there's a person with that name playing in the LV casinos at the locations he has claimed.
    Now he's come up with a new version of the story, where the "match" was based vaguely on some character who played heavy and stayed a long time at Cosmo?

    Obviously UNKewlJ still thinks he knows who MDawg is, or else he wouldn’t be continuing with the racial epithets. So that right there, besides everything else, contradicts his most recent claim that his compadre made some “match” based on play, not name.

    As well, UNKewlJ has known for some time that the “about even” statement was meaningless, and yet he still points to it as if it means something, which is just more flailing about caught up in contradictory lies.

    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    This is like watching a drowning person reaching for a life preserver that's 10 arm lengths away.
    This fable doesn't even get past the absurdity of any casino exec showing up at UNKewlJ's nonexistent ratty apartment - let alone to bring along player records, and now it has been twisted and turned, oblivious to reality, as usual!
    Last edited by MDawg; 06-16-2024 at 07:10 AM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  14. #1794
    Still some meat on those KJ-bones. Ha.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + TheGrimReaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Survived by MHF.

    Blog at

  15. #1795
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Now he's come up with a new version of the story, where the "match" was based vaguely on some character who played heavy and stayed a long time at Cosmo?
    We’ve gone from “it was MDawg”

    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    KJ, so basically you are all but confirming to people in the know that MDawg is in fact the person people believe him to be or closely related to that person somehow. I mean what are the odds there's a person with that name playing in the LV casinos at the locations he has claimed.
    to “it’s gotta be MDawg!”

    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    This is like watching a drowning person reaching for a life preserver that's 10 arm lengths away.
    Originally Posted by MaxPen
    Compulsive liar is a fair assessment of what he is. If people go back and look at your last few stories they will see a trend in you always changing the story after you get caught lying.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  16. #1796
    What's of more interest, is WHY, UNKewlJ felt the need to come clean finally, after all this time? Was he feeling the heat from R.Singer's probing, or what? Why even address this fable, now?

    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    FraudJ faced so much flack for the lies that he was caught in and admitted

    Originally Posted by coachbelly
    You're an admitted and proven liar
    that he is afraid to admit the rest.

    He also can't give us details about what machine hit the $100K for $50 freeplay amount of "studying up" can get him out from under these lies.
    Last edited by MDawg; 06-16-2024 at 08:52 AM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  17. #1797
    Another fucktard that wants to relitigate and change the past, over and over. I haven't even got to the last 2 posts but in post #1793 above, (the long one), Mdawg wants to now say he didn't stay at Cosmo much during the infamous 2021, 7 month Vegas trip. (the one were he changed his claimed of winning a million+ to "about even" at the end). I am not going to waste time going back and finding quotes referencing, his playing, meals and suites at Cosmo, but there are many. And he knows it. Yes, there are several references to playing and spending some nights at Wynn, Venetian as well. But according to his reports, the majority of his play and stay took place at Cosmo (unless he has gotten Wizard to allow him to change it)

    One of the reasons I know this is because I mentioned multiple times how Cosmo is notoriously sweaty. If they are not the sweatiest casino on the strip they are in the top 2 or 3. They would never have allowed a player to stay there for the time he claimed winning AND comping him. Wouldn't even have allowed that kind of winning without all the comping. Just wouldn't have. And at no time when I made those multiple statements did Mdawg counter that only a small portion of his play and stay was at Cosmo. Never one word. So now he is trying to change the story again!

    Look Mission recently added up Mdawgs daily claims from that trip and it was over a million dollars. And then at the end "about even" statement. So you don't have to take my word on this. Mission did the work. But anyone not believing Mission can look it up themselves. And Mission did that project at Wizard's request. So Even Wizard knows he allowed all those months of bullshit claims. It isn't in question. I am not going to re-litigate this shit Mdawg. You got caught.

    Like I just told Singer, either come up with some new bullshit claims or proceed without me. I am not going to re-hash this already settled shit the rest of my life.

    One final thing I want to address. My doxxing of Mdawg. Someone, I have never said who, provided me a name for Mdawg. I looked into it and a lot of things seemed to match. A few didn't. I still believe that person is Mdawg, but it is possible it is not. But here is the thing. When I released that name, Mdawg denied it was him. But at the same time he screamed bloody murder to both Dan Druff and Shackleford that I had doxxed him. One of the two is a lie. Either his public denial or his screaming to forum owners. You decide what makes sense to you. I already have.

    And one final thing about me doxxing Madwg. I have stated my position. Mdawg claims are or were harming people. We had several members at WoV that publicly tried to emulate him. In that case, it is fair game to dox these bullshit scammers, just as Dan Druff does with YouTube scammers (Christopher Mitchell). It is different than doxing an active advantage player that you know is an active advantage player.

    IF I wasn't who I am, doing what I claim, and someone could actually prove that, and prove that I am Joe Smoe working in a pizza joint, or working as a janitor, or in an office it would be fair game to dox me because at that point my claims would have the potential to harm people. BUT no one has been able to come close to proving that and never will because what I claim is true, and like mickeycrimm recently said....THEY KNOW IT. All they are doing is trolling and making up the most preposterous bullshit they can think of in an attempt to smear my name and reputation.

    So have a good summer in Tahoe Mdawg, if that is really where you are. But if you want me to do anything but ignore you re-hashing already decided and proven thing, you are going to have to come up with some new bullshit. Maybe "the Tahoe adventure of Mdawg" where Mdawg cleans out Tahoe casinos. Maybe you can tell us how you are a world class water skier, like you told us you are an expert skier. Something.....come up with SOMETHING NEW, or talk to yourself
    Last edited by kewlJ; 06-16-2024 at 09:36 AM.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  18. #1798
    From years ago:
    Originally Posted by KewlJ
    I will no longer respond to anything you say MDawg
    And the same post, over at too

    Originally Posted by KewlJ
    I will not be responding, not on this forum, because I am done here.
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I am done with you
    etc. etc.

    Originally Posted by RobSinger
    And there you have it....again and again and again! Kew repeatedly proves he just CANNOT stop reading forums he "vows" to be finished with, simply because he just HAS to see if anyone is saying anything that doesn't 100% jive with his completely made-up internet forum life.

    You can just feel the squirmy uneasiness in his real life every time he's forced to do that, which for a weakling like him, is impossible to stop. Which as I've said many times, forever and readily explains how there is no way in hell that such a helpless little twit would ever have the required character and discipline to be the gunslinging bj player he purports to be. And he never does get how he exposes that in his myriad of postings
    And the real fact of the matter is:
    Originally Posted by MDawg
    The longer the UNKewl post, the more full of lies!
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    This is not meant as a joke at KJ's expense. There has been quite the change in KJ over the last few years. We all know of his heart problems and his bout with covid. He is bound to have suffered from a lack of oxygen to the brain multiple times, especially with the covid. And that has obviously caused some major mental deterioration as we all have witnessed in his postings. He no longer can remember simple facts and gets confused. I have nothing against KJ but it is hard to ignore the deterioration of his mental faculties.
    Last edited by MDawg; 06-16-2024 at 09:55 AM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  19. #1799
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Another fucktard that wants to relitigate and change the past, over and over. I haven't even got to the last 2 posts but in post #1793 above, (the long one), Mdawg wants to now say he didn't stay at Cosmo much during the infamous 2021, 7 month Vegas trip. (the one were he changed his claimed of winning a million+ to "about even" at the end). I am not going to waste time going back and finding quotes referencing, his playing, meals and suites at Cosmo, but there are many. And he knows it. Yes, there are several references to playing and spending some nights at Wynn, Venetian as well. But according to his reports, the majority of his play and stay took place at Cosmo (unless he has gotten Wizard to allow him to change it)

    One of the reasons I know this is because I mentioned multiple times how Cosmo is notoriously sweaty. If they are not the sweatiest casino on the strip they are in the top 2 or 3. They would never have allowed a player to stay there for the time he claimed winning AND comping him. Wouldn't even have allowed that kind of winning without all the comping. Just wouldn't have. And at no time when I made those multiple statements did Mdawg counter that only a small portion of his play and stay was at Cosmo. Never one word. So now he is trying to change the story again!

    Look Mission recently added up Mdawgs daily claims from that trip and it was over a million dollars. And then at the end "about even" statement. So you don't have to take my word on this. Mission did the work. But anyone not believing Mission can look it up themselves. And Mission did that project at Wizard's request. So Even Wizard knows he allowed all those months of bullshit claims. It isn't in question. I am not going to re-litigate this shit Mdawg. You got caught.

    Like I just told Singer, either come up with some new bullshit claims or proceed without me. I am not going to re-hash this already settled shit the rest of my life.

    One final thing I want to address. My doxxing of Mdawg. Someone, I have never said who, provided me a name for Mdawg. I looked into it and a lot of things seemed to match. A few didn't. I still believe that person is Mdawg, but it is possible it is not. But here is the thing. When I released that name, Mdawg denied it was him. But at the same time he screamed bloody murder to both Dan Druff and Shackleford that I had doxxed him. One of the two is a lie. Either his public denial or his screaming to forum owners. You decide what makes sense to you. I already have.

    And one final thing about me doxxing Madwg. I have stated my position. Mdawg claims are or were harming people. We had several members at WoV that publicly tried to emulate him. In that case, it is fair game to dox these bullshit scammers, just as Dan Druff does with YouTube scammers (Christopher Mitchell). It is different than doxing an active advantage player that you know is an active advantage player.

    IF I wasn't who I am, doing what I claim, and someone could actually prove that, and prove that I am Joe Smoe working in a pizza joint, or working as a janitor, or in an office it would be fair game to dox me because at that point my claims would have the potential to harm people. BUT no one has been able to come close to proving that and never will because what I claim is true, and like mickeycrimm recently said....THEY KNOW IT. All they are doing is trolling and making up the most preposterous bullshit they can think of in an attempt to smear my name and reputation.

    So have a good summer in Tahoe Mdawg, if that is really where you are. But if you want me to do anything but ignore you re-hashing already decided and proven thing, you are going to have to come up with some new bullshit. Maybe "the Tahoe adventure of Mdawg" where Mdawg cleans out Tahoe casinos. Maybe you can tell us how you are a world class water skier, like you told us you are an expert skier. Something.....come up with SOMETHING NEW, or talk to yourself
    You are clearly rattled whenever you're forced into reading the multiple versions of your lies.

    You obviously believed anyone and everyone was willing to believe your lies, fake stories, and online life-concoction. I would now not be at all surprised if you believed you could fly from the next balcony you stepped out on.

    Spread those wings!

  20. #1800
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    So have a good summer in Tahoe Mdawg, if that is really where you are. But if you want me to do anything but ignore you re-hashing already decided and proven thing, you are going to have to come up with some new bullshit. Maybe "the Tahoe adventure of Mdawg" where Mdawg cleans out Tahoe casinos. Maybe you can tell us how you are a world class water skier, like you told us you are an expert skier. Something.....come up with SOMETHING NEW, or talk to yourself
    Next thing you know the Hound will brag about having used "pin money" to buy up all the land necessary to reconstitute the Ponderosa.

    Name:  71mCVJCFoeL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg
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    Personally, I think he should just go jump in the lake, not buy the land around it, but it's his fantasy on display on these forums, not mine.
    What, Me Worry?

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    By mickeycrimm in forum Las Vegas
    Replies: 344
    Last Post: 01-10-2018, 03:00 PM

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