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Thread: kewlJ

  1. #1
    Look I am a professional player who lives and plays in Las Vegas. Yes, I lied about the lawsuit portion of my back-room incident earlier this year to try to protect myself from personal information I didn't want getting out. If people want to hold that against me fine.

    Despite the enormous amount of trolling, lies, and attempts to discredit me and the hate usually about something not even related to gambling that is directed at me on a daily basis, I think I have proven beyond what should be any doubt that I know what I am talking about with my play and experiences. And this is knowledge from experience, not books as the haters try to say.

    This is a freaking gambling forum or supposed to be. I have every right to post here and share my gambling experiences...whatever I choose to share from them.

    If you people are just going to bully and troll me until the end of time, trying to force me off the forum, say so now. No poll. Just say so in a post. If you think you have the right to try to drive someone from the forum because you have decided you don't like them, say so.

    And if that is the consensus, I will leave. I promise. The forum can drop from 12 members to 11 on its way down to 3 like Gamblers's Glen's final days.

    So speak up now or stop acting like bullying assholes.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  2. #2
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Look I am a professional player who lives and plays in Las Vegas. Yes, I lied about the lawsuit portion of my back-room incident earlier this year to try to protect myself from personal information I didn't want getting out. If people want to hold that against me fine.

    Despite the enormous amount of trolling, lies, and attempts to discredit me and the hate usually about something not even related to gambling that is directed at me on a daily basis, I think I have proven beyond what should be any doubt that I know what I am talking about with my play and experiences. And this is knowledge from experience, not books as the haters try to say.

    This is a freaking gambling forum or supposed to be. I have every right to post here and share my gambling experiences...whatever I choose to share from them.

    If you people are just going to bully and troll me until the end of time, trying to force me off the forum, say so now. No poll. Just say so in a post. If you think you have the right to try to drive someone from the forum because you have decided you don't like them, say so.

    And if that is the consensus, I will leave. I promise. The forum can drop from 12 members to 11 on its way down to 3 like Gamblers's Glen's final days.

    So speak up now or stop acting like bullying assholes.
    Just stop your lying. The problem here is you want to only admit to the one lie where it became beyond obvious. I was very doubtful from the very very start but all I had was "broken arm and not lawsuit? not even considered? HUH?".

    When you lie to everyone and continue lying and they call you out on it that is not bullying.

    Stop the victim crap. You're the one who chose to lie.

    The odds of you hitting 100k off $50 in freeplay is about the same as Mdawg winning all the time like he claims. You couldn't even name the machine.

    Just endless. Grow up guy.

  3. #3
    Actually, I vote him off the island until he admits that he lied about all eight of the below:

    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    So let's make it SEVEN:

    The seven most major ones I can think of concern (1) his lie about Moses showing up at a condo he claimed he lived at, (2) a condo it turned out that he has no ownership in, (3) his faking his own death, (4) the nonsense about MGM execs showing up at his apartment on Halloween to give him player records on someone who isn't even MDawg, (5) the backrooming lawsuit, (6) the lie about being doxxed, (7) the rigged shuffler.

    That rigged shuffler story, besides not making any sense, reaffirmed in my mind that this guy really doesn't play much table games, because I'd expect such nonsense from a recreational player, not a card counter.
    Yes, and the $50. freeplay for $100K win nonsense.

    In exchange for his coming clean about all eight, I will stop posting anything more about the below:

    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    I’m also the only one who figured out what Jason does for a living. Blackjack was always a cover story, you guys just didn’t believe it lol.

    To be fair Kewj didn’t get into the escort business until after his partner passed away. It’s my understanding that him, and his late partner did do some low rolling AP things around town just enough to get by.

    Once I confirmed all this I kind of felt sorry for the dude. I let him be, because it wasn’t worth my time to do a full Mdawg report. The guy is literally just a pathetic lonely gay escort. Maybe he makes up all these lies for entertainment. Is clear that he spends most of his days reading, and posting on every gambling forum on the internet. Sad man real sad lol neighbor guy fucked his brain up real good
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    He's 100% percent UNKOOL and I'm gonna say 69% chance male prostitute.
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    He is 100% UNKOOL and there is a 69% chance he is a male prostitute.
    Tough to dispute those facts.
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    I'm going to have to now even jump on the belief that he really is a low level card counter that had a sugar daddy like most of the AP community believes.
    We all know he lied about all eight but...if he could even bring himself to admit 5/8 that would suffice.
    Last edited by MDawg; 08-16-2023 at 01:49 PM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  4. #4
    I hate to rub it in (well, maybe not so much ), but...

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I really don't care what people think about me.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  5. #5
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    and most recently that I am a Pacific Islander.
    Oh yeah shit, I forgot that one. Well, I guess we can't expect him to admit that one. But he does look like one!
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  6. #6
    Only one thing on Mdawgs list did I lie about, faking my death online which also was done to try to protect myself. And I already admitted that....13 tears ago.

    MDawg these other things on your list are your opinion, just like it is AinQ opinion on the shuffle machine. Your opinion dies NOT constitute proof. You are a lawyer or so you should know that.

    Show me one time where someone in court says the defendant is lying. And the judges says can you prove that and the guy answers no, but it is my opinion....i just feel he is lying and that means anything?

    Apparently only in the kangaroo court you guys are setting up here at VCT.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  7. #7
    This is the most kewlJ thread ever.

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    This is the most kewlJ thread ever.
    But, he says that...
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I really don't care what people think about me.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  9. #9
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Only one thing on Mdawgs list did I lie about, faking my death online which also was done to try to protect myself. And I already admitted that....13 tears ago.

    MDawg these other things on your list are your opinion, just like it is AinQ opinion on the shuffle machine. Your opinion dies NOT constitute proof. You are a lawyer or so you should know that.

    Show me one time where someone in court says the defendant is lying. And the judges says can you prove that and the guy answers no, but it is my opinion....i just feel he is lying and that means anything?

    Apparently only in the kangaroo court you guys are setting up here at VCT.
    It is amusing how apparently you ONLY lie about stuff which can be disproven. You can't fake your death and keep posting. You can't reference a lawsuit that can be conclusively proven to not exist. Anything else? NOT a lie. lol

    All you can do is insist people prove things that can't be proven. If these claims were provable as lies then it'd happen and that would be lie #3. They're not disprovable so you just have your little tantrum trying to demand people prove the unprovable. Prove the negative. whatever. I'm being bullied. You people are the worst.

    Let me ask you this - What would the proof involve for your other numerous unbelievable claims?
    Last edited by accountinquestion; 08-16-2023 at 02:21 PM.

  10. #10
    Looks like the reality of your lack of any credibility now and forever is finally starting to sink in. There's nothing in the world than can save your reputation. It's OVER,,,,, RIP

    Send up the black smoke KewlJ killed himself and KFraud has risen.

    Name:  st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg
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  11. #11
    He managed to come back from the dead and figured that after pulling that stunt off the crowd would buy anything. He was wrong!
    Last edited by MDawg; 08-16-2023 at 02:21 PM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  12. #12
    Tom Brady lied about "Inflategate" 10 years ago and was suspended for it. Does that mean Tom Brady didn't play quarteback for 20 years and win 6 Superbowls? (and I don't even care much for Tom Brady)

    That I lied about the lawsuit to protect myself changes nothing about anything else. If you people can't seperate that out, you are pretty lame. You are basically saying Tom Brady never played QB because he lied about infatuate.

    Now if we are going to get into lying:

    Mdawg tell us more about the "mid 7 figure mansion"?

    tell us more about winning 50 blackjack hands in a row? (you topped Alan's claim)

    tell us more about a $100-$5000 spread at double deck blackjack for 10 straight hours.

    Tell us more about how you posted daily for 7 straight months claiming winning amounts that totaled $500k only to one day say you were about even?

    tell us more about how a player can win millions (plural) over 4 years and get comped over 1200 nights, and the casino doesn't care, just pats him on the back.

    tell us more about winning 100 out of 104 sessions?

    I am sure there are more but lets start with that? Again, you claim to be a lawyer so I assume you are willing to be cross-examined?
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  13. #13
    KewlJ you're losing track of the topic of the thread. (See thread title.)

  14. #14
    But I am seeing a consensus here. Maxpen, AinQ and Mdawg have spoken.

    Goodbye. Have fun here at Gamblers Glen 2.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  15. #15
    Careful guys we don't want to push him too far.

    Someone just posted this at WOV.

    If the suicide rate for problem gamblers is high, what's the rate for those who value street creds above all else, and then realize that it's lost, irretrievably.

    But come to think of it, was that it? You owed some Philly loan sharks on a gambling debt so you pretended to off yourself to throw them off your track? Or was the entire move to Vegas faked, and you've been in the slums of northeast Philly all this time?

    Originally Posted by Gottlob1 View Post
    My guess would be some nut-job living from one day to the next, now on the internet.
    Last edited by MDawg; 08-16-2023 at 02:35 PM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  16. #16

  17. #17
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    But I am seeing a consensus here. Maxpen, AinQ and Mdawg have spoken.

    Goodbye. Have fun here at Gamblers Glen 2.
    Let's start the watch, and see how long he lasts gone. I'd say that a timer that can hold a matter of hours would suffice. Maybe less.

    Name:  clock.gif
Views: 1750
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    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  18. #18
    He'll be back as Spiderman. Oh wait, he already used that. Let's keep an eye out for LizardBoy or something.

  19. #19
    The one thing I do believe is that he's a bone smuggler.
    They're all drama queens...
    Laces Out!__DAN!

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by Ray Finkle View Post
    The one thing I do believe is he's a bone smuggler.
    They're all drama queens...
    That was definitely true....RIP

    And he knows exactly why the Sugar Daddy reference was drawn too.

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