Originally Posted by
When you're trying SOOOOO hard to convince a dozen people whom you do not know, that think very little of you, and who have witnessed you lying to them over and over and over again, that you are far more than you really are--and then to be called "the king of lying!" by the very person such a weakling looks up to as a sort of "saving idol" who is in a position of forum-power--has simply GOT to be dehumanizing, extremely humiliating, demoralizing, and frustrating to no end.
This, in a nutshell, is the pickle kew finds himself in every waking day. And it has proven to be the basis for his merciless torment and personal hell--which he cannot and will not ever escape from.
I am humiliated? demoralized? dehumanized? (which doesn't even make sense) Why.because Rob Singer said so?

If I really was any of these things, wouldn't I have left this forum long ago?
You fantasizing that I am defeated, carries as much weight as dawg claiming I am Asian, or homeless or any other fabrication you nitwits choose to make up. There is what people like you and now Dawg say and then there is reality and everyone knows it. But what it does
prove, is that you really know the truth, something mickeycrimm said a while ago.
Now lets look at who has tried SOOOOO hard to convince a dozen people that they are far more than they are.
Which of us, purchased fake movie prop money and posted it pretending it was real?
Which of us posted pictures inside an RV at a dealership, pretending it was his?
Which of us posted a phony bill of sale for an RV, with no letterhead and signatures in the same handwriting?
Which of us posted jackpots from the computer screen in our house?
Which of us self-published a book full of nonsense?
I could go on and on. For more than two decades you have tried SOOOOO hard to convince a handful of people of your baloney, that you are something you are not....of which no one was buying it. You have spent money on phony props trying to convince people.
I haven't done anything except share some experiences, that people are free to believe or not. Spending money to do so! Noone in the history of forums has tried as hard as you have...at least until about 5 years ago when Mdawg came along.