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Thread: UNKewlJ use of the n word

  1. #261
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    When you're trying SOOOOO hard to convince a dozen people whom you do not know, that think very little of you, and who have witnessed you lying to them over and over and over again, that you are far more than you really are--and then to be called "the king of lying!" by the very person such a weakling looks up to as a sort of "saving idol" who is in a position of forum-power--has simply GOT to be dehumanizing, extremely humiliating, demoralizing, and frustrating to no end.

    This, in a nutshell, is the pickle kew finds himself in every waking day. And it has proven to be the basis for his merciless torment and personal hell--which he cannot and will not ever escape from.
    I am humiliated? demoralized? dehumanized? (which doesn't even make sense) Why.because Rob Singer said so? If I really was any of these things, wouldn't I have left this forum long ago?

    You fantasizing that I am defeated, carries as much weight as dawg claiming I am Asian, or homeless or any other fabrication you nitwits choose to make up. There is what people like you and now Dawg say and then there is reality and everyone knows it. But what it does prove, is that you really know the truth, something mickeycrimm said a while ago.

    Now lets look at who has tried SOOOOO hard to convince a dozen people that they are far more than they are.

    Which of us, purchased fake movie prop money and posted it pretending it was real?
    Which of us posted pictures inside an RV at a dealership, pretending it was his?
    Which of us posted a phony bill of sale for an RV, with no letterhead and signatures in the same handwriting?
    Which of us posted jackpots from the computer screen in our house?
    Which of us self-published a book full of nonsense?

    I could go on and on. For more than two decades you have tried SOOOOO hard to convince a handful of people of your baloney, that you are something you are not....of which no one was buying it. You have spent money on phony props trying to convince people.

    I haven't done anything except share some experiences, that people are free to believe or not. Spending money to do so! Noone in the history of forums has tried as hard as you least until about 5 years ago when Mdawg came along.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 01-11-2025 at 07:33 AM.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  2. #262
    Dave just popping in to say….

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  3. #263
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Guess who said this UNKewlJ?

    He's pretty much a pathological liar you can't believe anything he says. But also probably a sociopath and they have no guilt no shame no embarrassment. They simply make up lies to cover the other lies.

    Could it be perhaps that well known AP you used to think is on your side?

    But it was so well said I decided to just adopt it for myself.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  4. #264
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    the Jewish looking guy that owns this forum
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  5. #265
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Dave just popping in to say….

    Name:  IMG_2823.jpg
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  6. #266
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    What, Me Worry?

  7. #267
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    When you're trying SOOOOO hard to convince a dozen people whom you do not know, that think very little of you, and who have witnessed you lying to them over and over and over again, that you are far more than you really are--and then to be called "the king of lying!" by the very person such a weakling looks up to as a sort of "saving idol" who is in a position of forum-power--has simply GOT to be dehumanizing, extremely humiliating, demoralizing, and frustrating to no end.

    This, in a nutshell, is the pickle kew finds himself in every waking day. And it has proven to be the basis for his merciless torment and personal hell--which he cannot and will not ever escape from.
    I am humiliated? demoralized? dehumanized? (which doesn't even make sense) Why.because Rob Singer said so? If I really was any of these things, wouldn't I have left this forum long ago?

    You fantasizing that I am defeated, carries as much weight as dawg claiming I am Asian, or homeless or any other fabrication you nitwits choose to make up. There is what people like you and now Dawg say and then there is reality and everyone knows it. But what it does prove, is that you really know the truth, something mickeycrimm said a while ago.

    Now lets look at who has tried SOOOOO hard to convince a dozen people that they are far more than they are.

    Which of us, purchased fake movie prop money and posted it pretending it was real?
    Which of us posted pictures inside an RV at a dealership, pretending it was his?
    Which of us posted a phony bill of sale for an RV, with no letterhead and signatures in the same handwriting?
    Which of us posted jackpots from the computer screen in our house?
    Which of us self-published a book full of nonsense?

    I could go on and on. For more than two decades you have tried SOOOOO hard to convince a handful of people of your baloney, that you are something you are not....of which no one was buying it. You have spent money on phony props trying to convince people.

    I haven't done anything except share some experiences, that people are free to believe or not. Spending money to do so! Noone in the history of forums has tried as hard as you least until about 5 years ago when Mdawg came along.
    Kew, no one believes your claim that "people are free to believe or not believe" your nonsense about yourself. Why? BECAUSE YOU GO OUT OF YOUR MIND WHENEVER ANYONE CALLS YOU OUT FOR LYING ABOUT YOURSELF.

    Never has there ever been anyone who posts on gaming forums that has a weaker constitution than you. You wilt like a dead dandelion and completely freak out whenever someone doubts or disbelieve your sad ass. Then you go into your repetitious rants like the one above, that are nothing but lies about those who've done the most damage to your phony online life.

    I'd say be a man when you get caught in your own traps and lies. But then your crossed wires take over again, and you wimp out in your typical sorrowful showing. People only act & react as dumb as you do, when they get caught making just about everything up.

  8. #268
    Kewl it is time you hire someone to scrape your posts off this forum and train a LLM. Then you can respond to singer and mdawg without the emotional investment. You repeat yourself too much as it is. Given the bar mdawg has set, you have no chance of keeping up if you don't develop your own AI system to counter Mdawg's.

  9. #269
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Kewl it is time you hire someone to scrape your posts off this forum and train a LLM. Then you can respond to singer and mdawg without the emotional investment. You repeat yourself too much as it is. Given the bar mdawg has set, you have no chance of keeping up if you don't develop your own AI system to counter Mdawg's.
    What a f’n idiot this clown is

  10. #270
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Kewl it is time you hire someone to scrape your posts off this forum and train a LLM. Then you can respond to singer and mdawg without the emotional investment. You repeat yourself too much as it is. Given the bar mdawg has set, you have no chance of keeping up if you don't develop your own AI system to counter Mdawg's.
    What a f’n idiot this clown is
    AcctinQ really is a fucking idiot. he started out somewhat normal, but turned into just another troll.

    I am not here to try to win some sort of troll contest. I will let you trolls fight that out.

    What a fucking loser you are acctinQ. Seriously. This is what you have left in life? Who can win a troll contest on an internet forum? Good Grief.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  11. #271
    When I got here this forum was about equal parts AP's sharing some real play and trolls, trolling. As time has gone on, it has become nothing but trolling. The AP's that shared real play have slowly disappeared or post less and rarely about actual casino play. Even some AP's that have joined the nothing but troll types, of Singer, Dawg, coach belly, accountinQuestion.

    Now that I have stopped sharing my gambling experiences, all we have left still trying to maintain some sense of gambling forum is mickeycrimm. Kudos to mickey but it is a futile effort. This is 100% a troll forum now. A forum of grown men calling each other names like it is the 3rd grade and seeing who can make up the biggest lies about someone else.

    Those that think you are winning or have won something.....what the fuck have you won?

    Singer was right a few months back, when he said it really should be shut down. Serves no purpose.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  12. #272
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Kewl it is time you hire someone to scrape your posts off this forum and train a LLM. Then you can respond to singer and mdawg without the emotional investment. You repeat yourself too much as it is. Given the bar mdawg has set, you have no chance of keeping up if you don't develop your own AI system to counter Mdawg's.
    What a f’n idiot this clown is
    You are far too dimwitted to have ever posted 1 interesting thought so a LLM would be wasted effort.

    Kewl on the other hand is perfect for an LLM. I'm pretty sure he's said everything 10 times now. Lots of training data. It would work well.

  13. #273
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Kewl it is time you hire someone to scrape your posts off this forum and train a LLM. Then you can respond to singer and mdawg without the emotional investment. You repeat yourself too much as it is. Given the bar mdawg has set, you have no chance of keeping up if you don't develop your own AI system to counter Mdawg's.
    What a f’n idiot this clown is
    AcctinQ really is a fucking idiot. he started out somewhat normal, but turned into just another troll.

    I am not here to try to win some sort of troll contest. I will let you trolls fight that out.

    What a fucking loser you are acctinQ. Seriously. This is what you have left in life? Who can win a troll contest on an internet forum? Good Grief.
    What are you going on about. What I said is logically true and sensible. You just don't want to see yourself as the comical character you are. Good luck.

  14. #274
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    When I got here this forum was about equal parts AP's sharing some real play and trolls, trolling. As time has gone on, it has become nothing but trolling. The AP's that shared real play have slowly disappeared or post less and rarely about actual casino play. Even some AP's that have joined the nothing but troll types, of Singer, Dawg, coach belly, accountinQuestion.

    Now that I have stopped sharing my gambling experiences, all we have left still trying to maintain some sense of gambling forum is mickeycrimm. Kudos to mickey but it is a futile effort. This is 100% a troll forum now. A forum of grown men calling each other names like it is the 3rd grade and seeing who can make up the biggest lies about someone else.

    Those that think you are winning or have won something.....what the fuck have you won?

    Singer was right a few months back, when he said it really should be shut down. Serves no purpose.
    Actually serves a lot of purpose. What do you think some people who post on here would do with all that negative karma if they didn’t have this as an outlet for it?

    This forum has probably saved lives.

    Disagree that there is no gambling information here. Tasha provides plenty of gambling incites as well as some very entertaining and enlightening trip reports.

  15. #275
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    MDawg has his challenge available for any session that is in dispute. Really for forums it doesn't get anymore stand up than that.

    I'd say the only thing that happened today is it rained bad news for you. Make sure everything is elevated on milk crates in your tunnel abode so it doesn't wash away.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  16. #276
    Why isn't this retard making up more fake baccarat sessions?

  17. #277
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    When I got here this forum was about equal parts AP's sharing some real play and trolls, trolling. As time has gone on, it has become nothing but trolling. The AP's that shared real play have slowly disappeared or post less and rarely about actual casino play. Even some AP's that have joined the nothing but troll types, of Singer, Dawg, coach belly, accountinQuestion.

    Now that I have stopped sharing my gambling experiences, all we have left still trying to maintain some sense of gambling forum is mickeycrimm. Kudos to mickey but it is a futile effort. This is 100% a troll forum now. A forum of grown men calling each other names like it is the 3rd grade and seeing who can make up the biggest lies about someone else.

    Those that think you are winning or have won something.....what the fuck have you won?

    Singer was right a few months back, when he said it really should be shut down. Serves no purpose.
    Totally disagree….this forum was NEVER even close to equal parts AP vs trolling.
    It was created by a master troll, degenerate gambler, and stubborn bastard that loved the shit that went on here. Alan was anything but an AP, he was the definition of a ploppy and never argued otherwise. He created socks and played the games with the best of them.

    The forum was mostly Rob debating with a few over his VP special plays and other opinions of his that even he wouldn’t argue were AP. There was some useful info about Caesars Total Rewards at the time but again mostly useful for non AP’s though some could be used to them. Druff did post his experiences with Caesars and how to maximize them but they were never really AP for the average person, more of benefits to a poker player looking to get frequent free rooms for the lowest cost.

    You can argue with validity the trolling has hit new levels of personal attacks and lies but what Mickey adds here (granted occasionally recently) is far more valuable than what you found on the site 10 years ago. It was never an AP hangout and unlike WoV there wasn’t much going on behind the scenes either. Click on some of the links that show up beneath posts and you’ll read a lot of useless nonsense and the trolling you see now.

    As Ben said above, this place serves a unique purpose, has “value” to some and definitely has something that keeps all of us coming back, obviously including you.
    Last edited by The Boz; 01-12-2025 at 01:58 AM.

  18. #278
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    When I got here this forum was about equal parts AP's sharing some real play and trolls, trolling. As time has gone on, it has become nothing but trolling. The AP's that shared real play have slowly disappeared or post less and rarely about actual casino play. Even some AP's that have joined the nothing but troll types, of Singer, Dawg, coach belly, accountinQuestion.

    Now that I have stopped sharing my gambling experiences, all we have left still trying to maintain some sense of gambling forum is mickeycrimm. Kudos to mickey but it is a futile effort. This is 100% a troll forum now. A forum of grown men calling each other names like it is the 3rd grade and seeing who can make up the biggest lies about someone else.

    Those that think you are winning or have won something.....what the fuck have you won?

    Singer was right a few months back, when he said it really should be shut down. Serves no purpose.
    A classic example of someone who's own numerous lies have long been denigrating the life he simultaneously wants & for some odd reason, needs, others to believe he leads.

    A true study in self-confidence-lacking, incompetency, weakness....and ENTERTAINMENT!

    You should join Newsome's staff.

  19. #279

  20. #280
    Originally Posted by pinchingyourballs View Post
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Dave just popping in to say….

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    Amazing that they used to say the N word on SNL

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