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  1. #1
    When we're staying in these resorts, everything but tips is comp'ed. Full RFB always. Every now and then a restaurant forgets to put a dish into our take out order, or the food that I either pick up or have delivered to the room by room service is not up to snuff, and I make a call and ask that the charge be reversed. I know it doesn't make a bit of difference as it's all comp'ed anyway, but it goes against my grain to let the resorts get away with any mistakes and as well if I hold them accountable over time I assume that service will improve.

    The only times I've seen any benefit to me dollar wise are when the the issue happens towards the very end of the stay, and the credit to my hotel room folio lands after the host has already picked up the entire bill and we have checked out. In those cases I've actually sometimes ended with a negative balance on my credit card bill, if the credit is enough to wipe out tips. Other than room service where the tip is fixed and has to be applied to the room, I pretty much always tip in cash, so on a trip where we're not bothering with much room service the end credit card bill could end up literally 0 in these situations were the hotel or restaurant authorizes a refund for something. And then if such a credit for a misfire lands after we leave, I can actually end up getting paid for the stay.

    The only way a larcenous hotel clerk could benefit from such credits though, would be on those rare occasions when the credit landed after checkout, and it would be hard for anyone to anticipate when that might happen well enough to intercept those scraps.

    What this guy was doing must have been in situations where the guest had already departed, and I assume he simply put down some reason for why the guest was due a full or partial refund, and then typed in his own credit card number for the refund. He was concentrating on regular guests I assume, ones who paid for all or most of their stay, not fully comp'ed guests like me. I assume the guy had more than one credit card, or changed the number every now and then. If he didn't, and used the same credit card number every time or most of the time, that represents a glaring gap in the hotel's billing system that it didn't catch that the credits were all going to the same credit card number.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  2. #2
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    When we're staying in these resorts, everything but tips is comp'ed. Full RFB always. Every now and then a restaurant forgets to put a dish into our take out order, or the food that I either pick up or have delivered to the room by room service is not up to snuff, and I make a call and ask that the charge be reversed. I know it doesn't make a bit of difference as it's all comp'ed anyway, but it goes against my grain to let the resorts get away with any mistakes and as well if I hold them accountable over time I assume that service will improve.

    The only times I've seen any benefit to me dollar wise are when the the issue happens towards the very end of the stay, and the credit to my hotel room folio lands after the host has already picked up the entire bill and we have checked out. In those cases I've actually sometimes ended with a negative balance on my credit card bill, if the credit is enough to wipe out tips. Other than room service where the tip is fixed and has to be applied to the room, I pretty much always tip in cash, so on a trip where we're not bothering with much room service the end credit card bill could end up literally 0 in these situations were the hotel or restaurant authorizes a refund for something. And then if such a credit for a misfire lands after we leave, I can actually end up getting paid for the stay.

    The only way a larcenous hotel clerk could benefit from such credits though, would be on those rare occasions when the credit landed after checkout, and it would be hard for anyone to anticipate when that might happen well enough to intercept those scraps.

    What this guy was doing must have been in situations where the guest had already departed, and I assume he simply put down some reason for why the guest was due a full or partial refund, and then typed in his own credit card number for the refund. He was concentrating on regular guests I assume, ones who paid for all or most of their stay, not fully comp'ed guests like me. I assume the guy had more than one credit card, or changed the number every now and then. If he didn't, and used the same credit card number every time or most of the time, that represents a glaring gap in the hotel's billing system that it didn't catch that the credits were all going to the same credit card number.

    Interesting story about how you were getting credits back to your card on comped stays, due to restaurant credits and everything else already having been comped off by the host.

    I once had a similar story, except it didn't involve a host. I had a food credit offer, and had left some tips in cash, and some charged to the room. Anyway, when I checked out, I was surprised to see a balance on the folio, because I was careful not to spend more in the restaurants than I had in credit.

    I started to complain, but stopped myself and asked them to print the full folio for me, including what was comped off.

    I realized they accidentally comped off the tips, and this used of some of my food comp, leaving an overage. But was this a bad thing? No, it was a good thing! Because I could use my points at the property to pay that overage, whereas I wouldn't have been able to use them for tips! It was basically a roundabout way of directly getting 1:1 cash for my points, which was excellent.

    I didn't even know tips could be comped off like that. BTW, for those wondering, the waitstaff still gets the tips in such a situation -- it's just paid by the casino instead of me.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  3. #3
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    When we're staying in these resorts, everything but tips is comp'ed. Full RFB always. Every now and then a restaurant forgets to put a dish into our take out order, or the food that I either pick up or have delivered to the room by room service is not up to snuff, and I make a call and ask that the charge be reversed. I know it doesn't make a bit of difference as it's all comp'ed anyway, but it goes against my grain to let the resorts get away with any mistakes and as well if I hold them accountable over time I assume that service will improve.

    The only times I've seen any benefit to me dollar wise are when the the issue happens towards the very end of the stay, and the credit to my hotel room folio lands after the host has already picked up the entire bill and we have checked out. In those cases I've actually sometimes ended with a negative balance on my credit card bill, if the credit is enough to wipe out tips. Other than room service where the tip is fixed and has to be applied to the room, I pretty much always tip in cash, so on a trip where we're not bothering with much room service the end credit card bill could end up literally 0 in these situations were the hotel or restaurant authorizes a refund for something. And then if such a credit for a misfire lands after we leave, I can actually end up getting paid for the stay.

    The only way a larcenous hotel clerk could benefit from such credits though, would be on those rare occasions when the credit landed after checkout, and it would be hard for anyone to anticipate when that might happen well enough to intercept those scraps.

    What this guy was doing must have been in situations where the guest had already departed, and I assume he simply put down some reason for why the guest was due a full or partial refund, and then typed in his own credit card number for the refund. He was concentrating on regular guests I assume, ones who paid for all or most of their stay, not fully comp'ed guests like me. I assume the guy had more than one credit card, or changed the number every now and then. If he didn't, and used the same credit card number every time or most of the time, that represents a glaring gap in the hotel's billing system that it didn't catch that the credits were all going to the same credit card number.

    Interesting story about how you were getting credits back to your card on comped stays, due to restaurant credits and everything else already having been comped off by the host.

    I once had a similar story, except it didn't involve a host. I had a food credit offer, and had left some tips in cash, and some charged to the room. Anyway, when I checked out, I was surprised to see a balance on the folio, because I was careful not to spend more in the restaurants than I had in credit.

    I started to complain, but stopped myself and asked them to print the full folio for me, including what was comped off.

    I realized they accidentally comped off the tips, and this used of some of my food comp, leaving an overage. But was this a bad thing? No, it was a good thing! Because I could use my points at the property to pay that overage, whereas I wouldn't have been able to use them for tips! It was basically a roundabout way of directly getting 1:1 cash for my points, which was excellent.

    I didn't even know tips could be comped off like that. BTW, for those wondering, the waitstaff still gets the tips in such a situation -- it's just paid by the casino instead of me.
    Back in the day quite a few places your comps covered tips even when not charging off to the room.
    That's always nice because when using lavish food comps you oftentimes end up tipping more than it would cost you just to eat a normal meal.

  4. #4
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Back in the day quite a few places your comps covered tips even when not charging off to the room.
    That's always nice because when using lavish food comps you oftentimes end up tipping more than it would cost you just to eat a normal meal.
    Along with that this guy has never gotten a check for a table game win, has no idea how CTRs work and never had a credit line, add to the list that he has no idea how comp’ing works. Tips have never been covered by comps except in rare situations. Not back in the day, not ever. AWolf is how old? in his late forties? and he wrote recently that he was "not even old enough to gamble in part of the 90's." So, his idea of “back in the day” would be, what? 1999?

    The policy in casinos has always been that tips are not covered by comps. In all of my literally a thousand or more RFB trips (each trip lasting anywhere from many days to many months) in casinos, only one time (maybe partially, twice) were tips covered and that tip where they were fully covered was in a Nevada casino but not in Las Vegas. The reason tips were covered that trip is I lost a lot of money which was unusual for me, so they felt sorry for me and comp’ed all my tips along with everything else to give me a zero balance. That particular trip I played at multiple casinos and won at the others, giving me a net win for the trip, but left the big loss intact at the one casino.

    Dan Druff was correct to comment on that it was unusual for tips to have been covered that trip for him.

    The main reason tips are never covered is to avoid collusion between the player and the recipient of the tip – here, let me tip you $1000. you hand me back $500. of it in cash, etc.
    Last edited by MDawg; 09-09-2023 at 06:50 AM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  5. #5
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Back in the day quite a few places your comps covered tips even when not charging off to the room.
    That's always nice because when using lavish food comps you oftentimes end up tipping more than it would cost you just to eat a normal meal.
    Along with that this guy has never gotten a check for a table game win, has no idea how CTRs work and never had a credit line, add to the list that he has no idea how comp’ing works. Tips have never been covered by comps except in rare situations. Not back in the day, not ever. AWolf is how old? in his late forties? and he wrote recently that he was "not even old enough to gamble in part of the 90's." So, his idea of “back in the day” would be, what? 1999?

    The policy in casinos has always been that tips are not covered by comps. In all of my literally a thousand or more RFB trips (each trip lasting anywhere from many days to many months) in casinos, only one time (maybe partially, twice) were tips covered and that tip where they were fully covered was in a Nevada casino but not in Las Vegas. The reason tips were covered that trip is I lost a lot of money which was unusual for me, so they felt sorry for me and comp’ed all my tips along with everything else to give me a zero balance. That particular trip I played at multiple casinos and won at the others, giving me a net win for the trip, but left the big loss intact at the one casino.

    Dan Druff was correct to comment on that it was unusual for tips to have been covered that trip for him.

    The main reason tips are never covered is to avoid collusion between the player and the recipient of the tip – here, let me tip you $1000. you hand me back $500. of it in cash, etc.
    While it wasn't commonplace there were places that certainly did, I never thought to note the locations. People can choose to believe it or not. I know I used comps for tipping at The Steak House in the late 90's. I don't know how to prove something like that other than witnesses who experienced the same. I doubt they care.

  6. #6
    Comps aren't typically allowed to be used for tips for various reasons:

    1) Prevention of collusion between server and patron. Imagine you have a $1000 food comp, you get a $10 meal, tip your buddy who works there $990, and he gives you back $900.

    2) Prevention of "comp dumping" at the end of stays, where a patron tips the remainder of their food credit to their server, because why let the casino keep it?

    3) Tips are real cash given from the casino to the server. Food comps cost the casino much less, because you're eating in their restaurants at their own marked up prices, so basically whatever their real cost is what they're paying, not your actual comp value.

    With that said, I believe some place in the '90s allowed Axel to do it.
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  7. #7
    "With that said, I believe some place in the '90s allowed Axel to do it."

    I agree with this. In '95 thru '99 when I was in-country I played a lot in Laughlin. Back then the Ramada Express (famous for Flush Attack vp and paying triple for four 7's on 8/5 Bonus Poker) fully comped me there consistently (I overall lost, but it was the days when comps flowed freely for playing up to dollar vp). For a time, they were comping up to 15% of the tips I left--but only at the Steakhouse (not at Caboose Diner, Passagio's, etc.). Anything over 15% got charged to my room. I don't think it was allowed for more than a year or so.

    Now that CET took over it's a dump with poor payables, the Steakhouse is closed, and Passagio's is a lousy take-out joint.

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    "With that said, I believe some place in the '90s allowed Axel to do it."

    I agree with this. In '95 thru '99 when I was in-country I played a lot in Laughlin. Back then the Ramada Express (famous for Flush Attack vp and paying triple for four 7's on 8/5 Bonus Poker) fully comped me there consistently (I overall lost, but it was the days when comps flowed freely for playing up to dollar vp). For a time, they were comping up to 15% of the tips I left--but only at the Steakhouse (not at Caboose Diner, Passagio's, etc.). Anything over 15% got charged to my room. I don't think it was allowed for more than a year or so.

    Now that CET took over it's a dump with poor payables, the Steakhouse is closed, and Passagio's is a lousy take-out joint.
    I went to Ramada Express with my then-girlfriend around 2002. It had a misleading name which made me think it was probably a dump (I thought it would be a lesser version of the Ramada Inn), but in reality it was decent.

    It turned out the "Express" was related to the property's train theme. But who would have guessed that?

    I agree with you that the property has gone to shit since then (and is no longer called Ramada Express).

    I remember counting cards a ton there and there was basically no heat. Or at least none bothering me. It probably helped that my girlfriend was sitting next to me, so I just looked like some young gambler with his girlfriend, rather than a counter.

    I tried counting at some other Laughlin properties and they quickly shuffled up on me. LOL!

    Some really hot girl in her 20s joined the blackjack table while I was sitting there with my girlfriend. She was extremely friendly to me, though I knew she wouldn't outwardly flirt because my girlfriend was sitting right next to me, but I was detecting that she had some sort of interest in talking to me, beyond just making blackjack table small talk. After a long time playing there, she revealed why she took such an interest in me:

    "You remind me so much of my older brother", she said. "I haven't seen him in awhile. He lives on the east coast. But you're so much like him, it makes me feel like I've been playing with him all this time."

    Good thing I had a girlfriend and wasn't looking to hook up with this girl, because hearing this would have been incredibly disappointing had I been single and by myself.

    I was 30 at the time, and not the old man I am now, so it wasn't out of the realm of belief that a hot 20s chick in the casino could be showing interest for reasons other than prostitution. Today when any young, pretty (or even not-so-pretty) girl in a casino talks to me out of nowhere, I know 100% it's a hooker thing.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  9. #9
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    "With that said, I believe some place in the '90s allowed Axel to do it."

    I agree with this. In '95 thru '99 when I was in-country I played a lot in Laughlin. Back then the Ramada Express (famous for Flush Attack vp and paying triple for four 7's on 8/5 Bonus Poker) fully comped me there consistently (I overall lost, but it was the days when comps flowed freely for playing up to dollar vp). For a time, they were comping up to 15% of the tips I left--but only at the Steakhouse (not at Caboose Diner, Passagio's, etc.). Anything over 15% got charged to my room. I don't think it was allowed for more than a year or so.

    Now that CET took over it's a dump with poor payables, the Steakhouse is closed, and Passagio's is a lousy take-out joint.
    I went to Ramada Express with my then-girlfriend around 2002. It had a misleading name which made me think it was probably a dump (I thought it would be a lesser version of the Ramada Inn), but in reality it was decent.

    It turned out the "Express" was related to the property's train theme. But who would have guessed that?

    I agree with you that the property has gone to shit since then (and is no longer called Ramada Express).

    I remember counting cards a ton there and there was basically no heat. Or at least none bothering me. It probably helped that my girlfriend was sitting next to me, so I just looked like some young gambler with his girlfriend, rather than a counter.

    I tried counting at some other Laughlin properties and they quickly shuffled up on me. LOL!

    Some really hot girl in her 20s joined the blackjack table while I was sitting there with my girlfriend. She was extremely friendly to me, though I knew she wouldn't outwardly flirt because my girlfriend was sitting right next to me, but I was detecting that she had some sort of interest in talking to me, beyond just making blackjack table small talk. After a long time playing there, she revealed why she took such an interest in me:

    "You remind me so much of my older brother", she said. "I haven't seen him in awhile. He lives on the east coast. But you're so much like him, it makes me feel like I've been playing with him all this time."

    Good thing I had a girlfriend and wasn't looking to hook up with this girl, because hearing this would have been incredibly disappointing had I been single and by myself.

    I was 30 at the time, and not the old man I am now, so it wasn't out of the realm of belief that a hot 20s chick in the casino could be showing interest for reasons other than prostitution. Today when any young, pretty (or even not-so-pretty) girl in a casino talks to me out of nowhere, I know 100% it's a hooker thing.
    I myself thought someone was flirting with me and he wasn't. We had a nice conversation and he was smiling and I assumed he was flirting with me. Once again, he wasn't. In fact, he was an undercover Loss Prevention Agent who thought I was Shoplifting. I wasn't. I begun to feel uncomfortable when he started FOLLOWING me and I finally was like,"This guy's a creep. " I was like,"You REALLY need to stop following me. You're making me feel uncomfortable. " He then showed his Loss Prevention badge and was like,"I have been following you and I think I saw you steal something." I was shocked. I emptied out my purse to show that I hadn't stolen anything and he let me go(I was actually putting something OUT of my purse, not in it. I had bought lottery tickets and I was staying with Family who are against playing the lottery, so I was actually hiding the lottery tickets in the store and would come back to retrieve them later.) So not everyone who appears to be flirting with you actually is flirting with you.
    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.

    Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  10. #10
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    I had bought lottery tickets and I was staying with Family who are against playing the lottery, so I was actually hiding the lottery tickets in the store and would come back to retrieve them later.
    Are you fucking kidding me?


    Jesus wept.
    What, Me Worry?

  11. #11
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    This is how extraordinarily stupid you are, and what a big liar you have continuously been.

    As a Catholic, we learned this before our First Communion: There is no "smoke" that goes up from the Vatican when a pope passes on. There IS white smoke whenever a new pope us elected, and black smoke goes up only when a vote for a new pope fails.

    You are the moron I and others have always known your pathetic ass to be.
    Excuse me for not just believing a single thing that you write. Ha.
    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder + Bill Yung + 1HitWonder ---> GOTTLOB1 = Praise to God!

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  12. #12
    Excuse me for not just believing a single thing that you write. Ha.
    And excuse me for believing you never learned how to write, punctuate, act, or transfer your tortured thoughts into comprehensible words....24/7.

  13. #13
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Pshaw, Robert.

    Unlike you (a cad gallivanting through life) Garnabby is a Man With A Mission, i.e. he is working to distill to its essence the meaning of life via hypothesizing a Theory Of Everything.

    I don't see how even you with your powers of didactic bullshitting can top that.
    What, Me Worry?

  14. #14
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Pshaw, Robert.

    Unlike you (a cad gallivanting through life) Garnabby is a Man With A Mission, i.e. he is working to distill to its essence the meaning of life via hypothesizing a Theory Of Everything.

    I don't see how even you with your powers of didactic bullshitting can top that.

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    And excuse me for believing you never learned how to write, punctuate, act, or transfer your tortured thoughts into comprehensible words....24/7.
    ---> The Age of Wonder: How the Romantic Generation Discovered the Beauty and Terror of Science.

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    If Jesus were the "village idiot", then Rob is the God. Ha.
    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder + Bill Yung + 1HitWonder ---> GOTTLOB1 = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  15. #15
    V, I think you've located you're eternal soul mate....another bored to death oddball who spends all day posting nothing of value, just for the sake of looking for nothing to do.

  16. #16
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    V, I think you've located you're eternal soul mate....another bored to death oddball who spends all day posting nothing of value, just for the sake of looking for nothing to do.
    Sorry Robert, but you're not my type: I prefer women, specifically I prefer my wife.

    But I am quite flattered, thanks for hitting on me.

    You might have better luck on Tinder?
    What, Me Worry?

  17. #17
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    V, I think you've located you're eternal soul mate....another bored to death oddball who spends all day posting nothing of value, just for the sake of looking for nothing to do.
    Sorry Robert, but you're not my type: I prefer women, specifically I prefer my wife.

    But I am quite flattered, thanks for hitting on me.

    You might have better luck on Tinder?
    Um, Mickey Rob was trying to insult you, not hit on you... :/
    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.

    Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  18. #18

  19. #19
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    You're not old.
    Old enough to where any 20s chick showing interest in me in a casino is either a hooker or has some other unscrupulous motivations.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    You're not old.
    Compared to 74 year old Robbie he's not. Only 23 years to go.

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