What race is Pacific Islander?
What race is Pacific Islander?
I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.
MDawg Adventures carry on at: https://www.truepassage.com/forums/f.../46-IPlayVegas
Yes, I'm Jewish. The ownership of this forum went from one Jew to another, separated by about exactly 20 years in age.
I do differ from many Jews in that...
- I'm politically conservative
- I have an average sized nose
- My last name does not look/sound Jewish
- I am tall
However, I am cheap, so I do match the stereotype there.
Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at http://pokerfraudalert.com
Regarding the n-word and other gratuitous racism here, that has not been allowed since I took over here.
And I especially can't allow it now. As you guys know, I am not politically correct, nor does it bother me when people use "offensive" language. However, the bottom line is that I run these forums as a free service and lose money on them. I already take enough shit from people in poker because of the lax moderation on both my PFA site and this one.
I'm a big believer in free speech and don't like policing other adults regarding the language they use, or the views they express. I have always told the detractors that I don't necessarily agree with the language or views expressed on these forums, but I just allow people to express themselves how they please in an open forum manner.
Unfortunately, in today's world it's very hard to run a completely free speech site without taking a ton of shit. I'm not anonymous and my real name is very well known. So at the end of the day, these two forums are mine, and I have to answer for the content on them.
With that in mind, I am trying to take a middle ground approach, still allowing free speech, but removing gratuitous language posted simply for the sake of being offensive.
Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at http://pokerfraudalert.com
Thank you for not allowing the N-word. The N-word is the most offensive word in Black History ever, although igga is widely accepted by Black Culture, but igger is generally NEVER accepted, even by Black Culture. There is a huge difference between igga and igger. Igga=Good, funny, buddy, cool, accepted, tolerated in Black Culture. White Culture and other Cultures shouldn't say Iggas however. Igger=Bad, downright offensive, insulting, unfunny, racist, the worst word in Black Culture. Black Culture doesn't even like this word, let alone other Cultures. Even innocently pronouncing the African Country Niger(You are supposed to pronounce Niger as Nyejir, not the other way around
the wrong way could get people scared for your safety. A little white kid in an elementary school innocently pronounced the Country Niger the wrong way and the Teacher made him sit next to her to prevent him from possibly getting hit by the vkack students. There is a similar word called Negro which is much more accepted than Igger in both Black Culture and other Cultures. Negro means Black in Spanish and there is even a College Fund named The Negro Fund. Dave Chappelle even had a well loved niche about,"Negro please!" LMAO!It wouldn't have been well loved if it was Igger please. Although I remember a WOV Poster having a screen name Kneegrows and he was banned because he was making misogynistic posts saying stuff like,"Men should slap their Hos!" :O He was quickly banned because of the misogynistic posts. Posters were saying stuff like,"His offensive screen name should have been an automatic ban right off the bat!" Negro REALLY isn't an offensive word. Had he had a screen name like,"Kneeger," that would have been an offensive screen name.
In Beauty Shop, Alicia, a White Woman who is cool with her Black Co-workers,Black Clients, Black Boss, and Blacks in general said something like,"What's up my Iggas?" Her Black Boss was like,"I know you mean well, but that could get your ass kicked in the Black Culture. Black people can say Iggas, white people like you shouldn't say Iggas."
Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.
Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.
Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.
Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.
I am glad to get my full posting rights back!Thank you Dan!
Fuck off. I'm so tired of bullshit like this. I hear "nigger" out of black mouths more than anywhere. In movies, videos, and pretty much everywhere. Then all you nogs want to bitch about how you can say and do stuff others shouldn't. All you're doing is segregating yourselves again. Which is definitely fine by me. I'm sick and tired of tolerating the bullshit.....RIP
Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.
Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.
Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.
Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.
I am glad to get my full posting rights back!Thank you Dan!
Tasha, how does the word wigger relate in offensiveness compared to the N words?
Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder + Bill Yung + 1HitWonder ---> GOTTLOB1 = Praise to God!
Blog at https://garnabby.blogspot.com/2023/08/blog-post.html
Fox just showed pics of these 2 teenage thugs who ran the guy over for "thrills". Driver is a gang-affiliated spic, and his passenger who filmed the murder is a useless spook. Max called it earlier. Both are being tried as adults. Ho-hum....just more freaking punk minorities keeping the prison scales forever tilted.
I wonder what sort of high they were to cross over into such a grand level of stupidity. Even if sadistic and evil they should have known they were going to get life for a cheap sick thrill.
Also the latino one has a big neck tat, maybe it was even on his face. Hint for the readers - don't ever trust a guy with a neck tat. You might not give some artsy person a chance but not worth it. Just say no to neck tatted ppl.
Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.
Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.
Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.
Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.
I am glad to get my full posting rights back!Thank you Dan!
A lot of Teenagers are impulsive psychopaths like these idiotic Teens who killed an innocent guy just riding his bike. Reminds me of a bunch of Teens who killed an Australian Tourist because they were bored! Such impulsive Teenage Psychopaths!On the news two years ago, a teenaged couple brutally murdered the girl's dad because he tried to keep them apart and then they made a video laughing after they murdered her Dad! Teenage Psychopaths are TRULY a frightening thing!
Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.
Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.
Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.
Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.
I am glad to get my full posting rights back!Thank you Dan!
Teen expected “slap on the wrist” because he was a juvenile
A good thing about current and recent times are that the legal system is REALLY throwing the book HARD at Minors who do heinous crimes such as Minors killing an innocent man because he assumed he wouldn't get punished hard. A Minor named Aidan recently murdered Tristan and was sentenced to Life in prison. Hopefully the legal system throwing the book HARD at Minors who do heinous crimes will serve as an example to other youth who thinks the legal system will not punish them hard due to them being Minors. There is a saying that goes something like,"If you're a Minor but still Adult enough to do the heinous crime, you're Adult enough to be punished like an Adult."
Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.
Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.
Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.
Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.
I am glad to get my full posting rights back!Thank you Dan!
Body cam footage of arrest released. Teen laughs and jokes and tries to hustle cop to buy him some food.
I love how these two are LAUGHING when they do the crime, yet have,"We fucked up badly!" Looks in their mugshots, like so many Criminals do. I can't believe the Teen had the audacious audacity to beg the Cop to buy him food. Like WTF? As if the Officer were his Dad. Like, the sheer audacious audacity. Even the Cop is shocked the Teen begged him to buy him food.![]()
Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.
Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.
Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.
Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.
I am glad to get my full posting rights back!Thank you Dan!
Dumb mother fuckers need to be ass raped daily for 30 year's and then die.
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