Ron, I don't care one bit about anybody''s assets. Even you if even one of your gazillion stories were true and you had any real money.
If Mdawg is anywhere near as rich as he claims, you know what it reminds me of based on his voodoo gambling claims and knowledge? It reminds me of that old joke what is the easiest way to make a million dollars in the casino? Answer start with 2 million.
That is all the man is doing, gambling his money away with -EV play. And that is is his money. It is even fine if he believes the over-inflated comps are worth whatever he loses to get them. All I ask is that he reside in the real world and not try to sell us that he is winning on top of it.
I know that residing in the real world and not some alternative delusion world is surely lost on you as well. But I just don't think that is too much to ask.