Now in keeping with the theme of Tasha's thread, "uneventful" doesn't begin to describe my 7 hours of blackjack play on the strip last night into early this morning. 8 sessions at 7 casinos, and at the end, I won.....$00.00. Broke even to the penny.

I spent $5 on a bus pass to ride the deuce several times and $11 on a snack of a couple slices of pizza, so technically I lost money.
Can't win 'em all, although I read that others do.
Oh, and because I have been requested to share some individual hands, here are 3 memorable ones:
I was dealt an 18 vs dealer 10. She turned over an 8 for a push.
I was dealt a 9 vs dealer 5. Doubled down drawing a 10, dealer turned over a jack and a five for a loss.
I was dealt a 20, vs dealer 10. Dealer turned over a 7 for a win.
Exciting stuff, that game of blackjack.